2011.06.22 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Twenty-five)

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I think the point here many people are missing re the tape?

There was no Henkel tape found at the Anthony home during the time the search warrants were conducted. So whatever tape was found was of course not the same as was found at the crime scene.

This is a huge non-issue and why JA didn't challenge it at the time. I'm quite sure he will review the duct tape evidence at rebuttal.

Especially when it is noted that the Inmate was in that house BEFORE we even knew duct tape was involved.
Although I understand the worry that many of you have with juror #4 and for good reason, I do wonder if anyone considers that this lovely woman very well could have said those things, just to be saying them? For that matter, no one really truly knows any of these jurors just by the jury selection.

Juror #4 could have said these things just because she felt it would get her out of this case and knowing it was a death penalty case, it was the closest thing to the right thing to say to get her dismissed.

On Sunday, right here in my town, a 6 year old child was drowned by her Grandmother. The Grandmother drove to the pond owner's home and admitted to what she had done, then subsequently admitted the same to authorities. Between Monday and Today, Lord knows at the people who would normally say "I couldn't place judgement" have come out on facebook wishing they could get their hands on that woman and drown her themselves.

I truly believe that where children are concerned, many people can say one thing, truly believing it, then be placed in a situation that causes them to re evaluate what they have always believed in themselves.

I truly am not worried about this juror. At this point, she has been witness to Caylee's skull, the trash bags she was thrown away in and Casey Anthony in the flesh sitting 20 feet away with no care or concern on her face for her child. One can only imagine how her beliefs could change with just these few things staring at her.
When will the DT finish their case? When will I know where exactly Roy found Caylee's body?
Was this from Today?

One of the talking heads said if she does walk she will always have to watch her back because there will be people out there that will want to cause her physical harm!! He said OJ was a huge guy so no one really wanted to mess with him, but petite ICA doesn't have that advantage.

Yes from today, and no, Casey will not walk away from this.

At least not to anyplace other than her next cell. ;)
I am STILL waiting to hear the FACTS and CONNECTIONS from Baez OS.
Clearly he placed ICA WITH Caylee at TOD which concludes that ICA was the last person to be with a live Caylee.
Then there is a huge gap and no real explanation from Baez as to the chain of events that leads us to finding Caylee bagged and thrown in the woods.
No real explanation WHY noone called 911 IF Caylee drowned.
No explanation for the 31 days partying, 84 searches of chloroform, the tattoo, the imaginary nanny and Mr Kronk hijacking remains of a toddler.
When is Baez going to explain and more importantly HOW will he pull it off??

Yes and what time did the "pool accident" occur----huh Baez?
So this caller on In Session says Baez is doing great and putting great doubt in the mind of the jurors. Says she wants to see the part of the case about molestation and the pool accident to tie it together.

Are the jurors thinking like her???? I am scared. Also scared about Juror #4. Even Nancy Grace says she is a defense juror.

Sorry, but can someone give me a link for the insession online, or trutv?
for some reason I can't bring it up. I usually have it bookmarked but It wont come up for me anymore.
So, has anyone seen the details of this Supreme Court ruling regarding the death penalty in Florida?

Please dont let this affect this case.

But didnt Florida have a death penalty, then they didnt for a while, and yhrn it came back?

I heard a comedian say once that Texas doesnt believe in long DP appeals. That we were like 7-11 in that we had an express line for killers.
Just got in from a run out in the hazy-hot-humid PA summer, so I think I'll help myself to that fruit even though I'm very late to the party!
Sadly, because Caylee was so decomposed/skeletonized, Dr. G could not determine cause of death. She could form an opinion based on what was found with the remains such as the bags (so she could've suffocated), duct tape (it could've been affixation), etc.

She did the right thing. Homicide by undetermined cause. The pros will have it all tied up in a nice bow in closing. This jury will know how Caylee died and so will we.

My point being is that the she could not confirm Homicide without using the same opinions that she would have to use to conclude a cause of death.

She may have made the right determination but it is all still in her method of operation so why did she decided to use the method for deciding homicide and then stop short on the COD?
Did anyone catch what CM said at the end of trial today - to which Your Honor responded - it is what it is Mr. Mason???

I just don't get how a table of no less 5 attorneys on any given day, especially with Mason there - continue to let Mr. Baaaeeezz fumble about like he does....just don't get it.

rewound to get the wording

Judge Perry: Awwwright, i will see you in the morning, 9 oclock, if you have any matters, we will take those up at 8:30

JB: Just thank God it's Wednesday

JP: And there's Thursday, Friday, and Saturday...and Monday, Tuesday...pardon?

CM: mumbles something (sorry couldn't hear with vol. up to the max!)

JP: It is what it is, Mr. Mason
the effect of affixing the tape leads to affixation, not being able to breath because something is affixed to the mouth and nose.

Which from the testimony is what the ME thought killed Caylee.

Or should have thought killed Caylee without considering the Chloroform since she based alot of her conclusion on data collected and experience. I just wondered what prevented her from concluding that was the cause of death because she did list homicide based on those same sorts of conclusions I am kinda questioning the stopping short on the cause of death.

I am sure the jury is ,but I have the ability to reflect on what exactly she said anytime I want to the jury cannot do that yet. I wonder if by the time they do they have thought about this at all and came to a conclusion about doubting the duct tape killed Caylee, with other defence testimony.
It's asphyxiation, the term is not related to the taped being affixed. The ME couldn't determine with medical certainty that this was the cause of death without any soft tissue to look at for signs of asphyxiation.
An ethical attorney must lay out to you what the charges are, what evidence is against you. He will ask you what happened. Now you can lie to him but he will (or should) tell you the evidence is overwhelming, etc. If you have no alibi and your story doesn't add up that attorney is supposed to lay it all out for you. Explain what is going to happen - including what will happen if you lose.
It's asphyxiation, the term is not related to the taped being affixed. The ME couldn't determine with medical certainty that this was the cause of death without any soft tissue to look at for signs of asphyxiation.

LOL Thanks for the correct word.
hi....OT post but if anyone's interested in watching the Jason Young trial (accussed of murdering his pregnant wife, Raleigh, NC)...his trial is being broadcast live as well and he's been on the stand today and after lunch (2:00pm EST) I believe his cross-examination will begin. Just incase you are in withdrawal over Casey's trial in recess.

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