2011.06.22 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Twenty-five)

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Something brought up by a FB'er on HLN asking wouldn't you want your attorney to try every trick in the book? HLN's VP said something about an attorney serving the best interest of his client.
And it hit me once again!
How was it ever in her best interest to not tell authorities AT ANY TIME duruing these 3 years that it was an accident.
And JB stood in front in the media and declared early on that it was not in his client's best interest to tell authorities what she knew.

Accident my Aunt Fanny.
And, in Baez's opening statement he said, "...we all hear it, every week we hear about another child drowning in the family pool". Dr G said that there are many child drownings, but every week!! There are 52 weeks a year and Dr. G has been practicing for how long? She said in 100% of the cases of child drownings that come through her morgue, 911 was called. 100% And that is not counting the ones who are resustiated. That is powerful testimony in my opinion.

Here's what I found:

>In 2007, there were 3,443 fatal unintentional drownings (non-boating related) in the United States, averaging ten deaths per day.

>More than one in five people who die from drowning are children 14 and younger.

So apparently 2 per day are under 15. How many of those are toddlers is unclear.

Her toxicology test would have findings of that nature on them, hair and bone marrow ,fingernails, toenails. I think.

I dont know I am not an ME. I just wanted to know why one method was used for concluding homicide then not used for concluding COD. Since the factors she used in concluding are the very things that she suspects are the cause of death I dont understand it unless there is a procol allowed for speculating murder and not allowed for COD.

No the report would not. Things like hair and bone only collect longterm toxins. So a sustained history of marijuana use will show up in a hair test. 1 Joint an hour before death will not. Hair and Bone will not typically show the toxin that quickly killed someone. Signs of a short term or single use toxin would only show up in blood and organ tissues, which had decomposed completely by the time of autopsy.

If Caylee had been regularly subjected to a drug or toxin for an extended period or weeks or moths, such as the "Xannax the Nanny" theories that probably would have shown up in hair. Something like chloroform would most likely not unless it was used on a daily basis.
Maybe JB thinks that if ihis interview is in Spanish noone would notice? I put just the first reader comment into google translate because my basic spanish skills told me it wasn't positive. It said something about no wonder they had to resort to tales of sexual abuse blah blah this lawyer does not have proper skills and training (it was a while ago so I forgot exactly) but it wasn't positive.
Yes, and Baez really better have a good one for backing up/proving his OS. Of course I guess someone else did it.

O/T hi remember you from IS and JQ!

This will be my new home. JQ wasn't the right place for me.

This should help you figure it out. LOL

anybody see that interaction with the Inmate and Slabaugh?

We saw Slabaugh actually involved in 2 sidebars today - that is new.
He was standing in the sidebar one time and Mason was talking specifically to him, or to the Judge about Slabaugh.
Another time Slabaugh was standing a distance behind Baez, but still IN the sidebar conversation.

Then I saw the Inmate point at Slabaugh and mouth "you can do it" .. then point at herself and back pointing to Slabaugh and mouth "if I can do it ... you can do it" ...

I expect to see oral legal arguments from Slabaugh to the Judge in the near future, or else have Slabaugh put on the witness stand for some defense purpose ... and expect to see the Inmate also take the witness stand ....

Interesting, but to what end means, do you have an opinion on this?
Something brought up by a FB'er on HLN asking wouldn't you want your attorney to try every trick in the book? HLN's VP said something about an attorney serving the best interest of his client.
And it hit me once again!
How was it ever in her best interest to not tell authorities AT ANY TIME duruing these 3 years that it was an accident.
And JB stood in front in the media and declared early on that it was not in his client's best interest to tell authorities what she knew.

Accident my Aunt Fanny.

The problem is that Baez is serving his own greedy best interests, and this trial and all the publicity would be ZERO now if she admitted to a drowning three years ago. Baez is in it for the money and fame, and even now doesn't seem to give two bits about Casey. He is definitely NOT serving her interests at all. And she doesn't even know it, or she doesn't care, one of the two. She probably thinks it's the other way around and she's using him to get what she wants. Lord, they are so perfect for each other it's ridiculous!
Okay, I have done the math, there are only 7 days left before July 1st. If I remember correctly, Perry told the jurors they would not be there in July,

7 days for the defense to finish their CIC, kronk, Cindy, George and probably more whatever witnesses, If Casey takes the stand that is good for probably 2 days alone.

There will be rebuttal, closing arguments and the jury will need time to deliberate.
Ain't no way Judge, not gonna happen,
I can't believe they are doing this, depo-ing Vasco .

Waiting outside Cheney Mason's office as the deposition of defense witness Vasco Thompson is underway. #caseyanthony - Longo

Now this is a huge waste of tax payers money, a huge waste

I have to 100% agree with you. He didn't even have the phone number when the calls were made. JB has to be the most unethical, underhanded human being on the planet. I hope he gets his in the end on this, I hope this fact comes to light if he takes the stand:banghead:
Casey Anthony told the detectives the last time she saw her daughter was on the 9th, you would think anyone should remember the correct date their child died.
That has always stuck with me.
I am starting to think it was on purpose that their was no COD listed yet a homicide listed.

I think they wanted a door left open in case they found out what killed her.
I don't think it's all that unusual. They never determined my fathers death...but they knew that he died. I'm gonna go look and see if it just says "undetermined". I'll let you know later.
The gatorade bottle and syringe will be very interesting. Was it brought into evidence? I know Baez showed a picture.

I have 2 theories for the testosterone IF it relates to the case.

1) Testosterone enhances sexual drive (guess who laid in bed the night of the 16th. and all day on the 17th with her bf?)

2) Tony L wanted boys. Far fetched theory BUT it would not surprise me one bit if Casey was injecting Caylee with testosterone.

OR it could be unrelated to this case.
Okay, I have done the math, there are only 7 days left before July 1st. If I remember correctly, Perry told the jurors they would not be there in July,

7 days for the defense to finish their CIC, kronk, Cindy, George and probably more whatever witnesses, If Casey takes the stand that is good for probably 2 days alone.

There will be rebuttal, closing arguments and the jury will need time to deliberate.
Ain't no way Judge, not gonna happen,
Wishful thinking, IMO.
sure would love to read the sidebar transcript on this one! interesting things going on
Mason brings Slabaugh into the sidebar and Slabaugh stands between Mason and Baez and Mason talks to Slabaugh, or about Slabaugh - grabbing his arm.

Slabaugh goes to get a stack of papers and Mason shows them to the Judge

Ashton throws back his head and laughs heartily

LDBurdick walks in front of defense table and the Inmate makes an exaggerated scrunched up face

part 3

Judge - defendant present
(14:11) Mason says something - sidebar is called

(15:21) Slabaugh in sidebar - Mason talking about him

Slabaugh in sidebar Mason talking about him June 22, 2011.jpg

Slabaugh gets papers.jpg

Ashton head back laughing sidebar.jpg

(16:13) Slabaugh goes to get papers and brings back to sidebar - Mason shows Judge

(17:19) Ashton throws head back and laughs

as LDBurdick left the sidebar and walked back to her chair, the Inmate made an exagerrated scrunched up face over what she read on the sidebar real time monitor


  • face over sidebar aa.JPG
    face over sidebar aa.JPG
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The problem is that Baez is serving his own greedy best interests, and this trial and all the publicity would be ZERO now if she admitted to a drowning three years ago. Baez is in it for the money and fame, and even now doesn't seem to give two bits about Casey. He is definitely NOT serving her interests at all. And she doesn't even know it, or she doesn't care, one of the two. She probably thinks it's the other way around and she's using him to get what she wants. Lord, they are so perfect for each other it's ridiculous!

I know, It's scary how alike they are. :eek:
I don't know if anyone posted this yet,but Tracy Conroy gave Diane Diamond an interview for The Daily Beast.I can't seem to post the link though..maybe someone else can.
You know, I sat thinking the other night about this. I am so very emotionally wrapped up in this...I told my daughter I don't know what I would do if ICA is found not guilty. I don't mean I would do something drastic...but it will be a huge blow. I'm not so sure my involvement in this case is healthy at this point, but I can't stop.

Ditto! :)
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