2011.06.22 Today's Current News **NO DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE**

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2011.06.22 Today's Current News **NO DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE**

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Casey Defense To Depose Potential Witness
Vasco Thompson: I Don't Know George Anthony

Court will be cut short because Judge Perry, has to attend a budget meeting.
"Snip" POSTED: 5:47 am EDT June 22, 2011

Watch Murder Trial Live: http://www.wesh.com/casey-anthony-extended-coverage/interactive.html

ORLANDO, Fla. -- A number of forensic experts are expected to take the stand today.

The defense will spend their afternoon taking the deposition of Vasco Thompson.

George Anthony's attorney, Mark Lippman, said his client believes that the number in question belonged to his former employer, a security company, when he called it in Orange County.

Read more: http://www.wesh.com/casey-anthony-extended-coverage/28317095/detail.html
Casey Murder Trial Set For Short Day Of Testimony
Casey Anthony's murder trial continues on day 36, and jurors will only hear a half day of testimony.

Updated: 6:54 am EDT June 22, 2011

VIDEO BILL SHEAFFER: Analysis Of Day 35 http://www.wftv.com/video/28313946/index.html

Jurors heard another major development during Tuesday's testimony.

Beaz has had the computer Casey used for years, but he told the judge that he never bothered to analyze what she might have been doing on the computer the same afternoon Caylee allegedly drowned.

"The computer activity, as well as instant messages that were also sent in discovery years ago, negate that time line,” said Drane-Burdick.

But now Baez wants the state banned from using the computer evidence they provided on a disk to the defense this week. The disk is just part of an entire hard drive of computer data Baez has had for three years.

"It's not new evidence. I don't know how something can be new evidence when it was given to you,” said Judge Belvin Perry.

WFTV’s legal analyst Bill Sheaffer said Baez has botched enough of the case that the question is whether Casey will get a new trial on appeal, not whether the jury will believe the drowning theory. :maddening:

"The jury already suspects that this is not a valid defense. This will be the death knell to that defense,” said Sheaffer. “The minute they put on one piece of testimony in that regard, these computer searches and the activities will come into evidence.

Full Story ›› http://www.wftv.com/news/28317105/detail.html

UPCOMING: Live Casey Trial @ 8:30am | Live Blog http://www.wftv.com/caseyanthony/index.html

Watch Murder Trial Live at following links and on Tru T.V.

You can watch on HLN after 3PM, Prime News at 6PM will pick up coverage, JVM at 7PM EST, Nancy Grace at 8PM EST, and Dr.Drew at 9PM EST.

*Note* Some of the links may change during the trial, however these links should take you to the new links as well.

More Live feed Links below:

Live Stream Wesh: http://www.wesh.com/casey-anthony-extended-coverage/interactive.html

Watch the Casey Anthony trial (in recess until 9 a.m.)
Warning: This is an unedited live feed of a hearing from the Casey Anthony trial from In Session. Graphic language may be present.

Watch live stream of the Casey Anthony trial here

WATCH LIVE, clickorlando.com Casey Anthony Murder Trial http://www.clickorlando.com/news/28...n_break&ts=T&tmi=orlpn_break_1_07230206172011

Watch live and interact in our chat with Tony Pipitone as the defense continues
presenting its case in the Casey Anthony murder trial.

Casey Anthony: Court begins at 9 a.m. LIVE on News 13. LIVE Chat starts at 8 a.m. http://www.cfnews13.com/casey-chat

Live Stream Wesh: http://www.wesh.com/casey-anthony-extended-coverage/interactive.html

·(Washington post live coverage of the trial here.) http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs...ream-from-court/2011/05/24/AFADFYAH_blog.html

Live stream: Casey Anthony trial live stream

Live Casey Trial @ 8:30am | Live Blog http://www.wftv.com/caseyanthony/index.html

Live coverage on News 13.

Media player: http://mfile.akamai.com/12909/live/reflector:20877.asx

Watch Live, Orlando Sentinel: http://www.orlandosentinel.com/videobeta/?watchLive=orl-tivid-casey-anthony-live

WFTV.com Live Trial Coverage & Raw Videos http://www.wftv.com/caseyanthony/index.html

WFTV.com will be providing comprehensive live online coverage of the trial. Here is what you can expect each day court is in session:
Trial cam #1 follows the action (9am start) http://www.wftv.com/caseytriallive1/index.html

Trial cam #2 shows Casey in court (9am start) http://www.wftv.com/caseytriallive2/index.html

Daily audio live from inside court (9am start) http://api.viglink.com/api/click?fo...layer.streamtheworld.com/_pl...allsign=WFTVTV

Join live-blog every day of trial (8:45am start)

You can watch full raw videos of the trial in case you miss it here. http://www.wftv.com/caseyanthony/index.html

EVIDENCE ARCHIVE: Casey Anthony Case http://www.wftv.com/news/23080678/detail.html


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Defense to continue calling witnesses in abbreviated trial day
Court is expected to be held 8:30 a.m. to noon
"Snip" By Amy Pavuk, Orlando Sentinel

5:46 a.m. EDT, June 22, 2011
Casey Anthony's defense team will continue calling witnesses this morning.

Today's proceedings will be abbreviated because Chief Judge Belvin Perry has other matters, unrelated to the case, to tend to.

Full Article: http://www.orlandosentinel.com/news/os-casey-anthony-trial-day-25-20110622,0,2409887.story
Casey Anthony Defense Stolen From Fellow Inmate?
Jun 21, 2011
- 5:45 -
Prosecution: Other woman's child drowned in pool, found by grandfather

(click on blue bar)

Casey Anthony trial set for short day of testimony
"Snip" By Kelli Cook, Adam Longo and Jacqueline Fell, Team Coverage
Last Updated: Wednesday, June 22, 2011

LIVE daily chat & updates from the courtroom

Casey Anthony Murder Trial will resume a day after the defense attacked forensics evidence previously offered by the prosecution.

Judge Perry says Wednesday will only be a half-day because he must attend a judge's meeting.

Vasco Thompson, the "surprise witness", is expected be deposed.

FULL STORY http://www.cfnews13.com/article/new...-Anthony-trial-set-for-short-day-of-testimony
Was Fellow Inmate Inspiration For Casey Anthony's Drowning Story?

Today, prosecutors dropped their own bombshell when they provided her attorney with a notice of discovery that suggested Anthony may have stolen that story from a fellow inmate at the county jail.

Also listed in the state's new notice of discovery is information allegedly recovered from a hard drive on the Anthony family computer on the morning of June 16, 2008 -- the day Caylee allegedly drowned.

06/21/2011 Notice of Filing Deposition of Dr. William Rodriguez
06/21/2011 Notice of Filing
06/21/2011 Deposition William Rodriguez III PHD 6/18/2011
06/21/2011 Deposition Holly Gagne 9/30/2010
06/21/2011 Deposition Dominic Casey 3/28/2011
06/21/2011 Notice of Appearance
06/21/2011 Notice of Taking Deposition(s) Vasco Thompson

Jose Baez Grants First Interview Since Casey Anthony Trial

CORAL GABLES (LALATE) – Jose Baez will grant his first interview since the start of the Casey Anthony trial to Terra.com tomorrow, LALATE has learned. Jose Baez has yet to speak to news since the commencement of the Casey Anthony murder trial. While Baez is currently underway with the defense’s case-in-chief, he will grant his first interview since the trial started on Wednesday to Terra.com.

Casey Trial: Experts On Air Samples, Geology, Toxicology
Casey Anthony's defense team called a forensic geologist and a forensic toxicologist from the FBI as its first witnesses on Wednesday in her murder trial
Updated: 12:10 pm EDT June 22, 2011

Montgomery examined a hair found with Caylee's remains. She told jurors she found no trace in the hair sample of a number of drugs, including ones that can have a sedative or knock-out effect.

Baez then asked, "What other meaningless tests do you do at the FBI?"Montgomery responded, "I consider all my work meaningful."

During cross examination, Montgomery said hair is not the best way to test for drug exposure.

"Even if it had been positive, I wouldn't have been able to say when or how often the person was exposed," Montgomery said.

The defense then called Dr. Michael Sigman. Sigman worked with Dr. Arpad Vass at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory for a decade. Sigman was questioned by defense attorney Cheney Mason about taking air samples from Casey's car.

Full Story ›› http://www.wftv.com/news/28317105/detail.html


Part 1 http://www.wftv.com/video/28319823/index.html

Part 2 http://www.wftv.com/video/28319895/index.html

Part 3 http://www.wftv.com/video/28320322/index.html

Part 4 http://www.wftv.com/video/28320591/index.html


See Images: http://www.wftv.com/slideshow/news/28318492/detail.html

Raw Video http://www.wftv.com/video/28318495/index.html

Witnesses, Lawyers, Casey, Judge http://www.wftv.com/slideshow/news/28319221/detail.html

EVIDENCE ARCHIVE: Casey Anthony Case http://www.wftv.com/news/23080678/detail.html


On Twitter https://twitter.com/#!/CaseyAnthonyCh9

On Facebook http://www.facebook.com/CaseyAnthonyTrial
Science Again Takes Forefront In Casey Anthony Trial
"Snip" UPDATED: 12:08 pm EDT June 22, 2011

Defense Witness for June 22, 2011.

Maureen Bottrell, a geologist/forensic examiner with the FBI.

Madeline Montgomery, a forensic toxicologist with the FBI lab in Quantico, Va.

Dr. Michael Sigman a chemistry professor.

Dr. Michael Rickenbach, a forensic chemist with the FBI.

Karen Korsberg Lowe, an FBI forensic evidence examiner.

Sigman said he was asked by Orange County sheriff's officials in July 2008 to take air samples from Anthony's car. He said sheriff's officials were referred to him by Dr. Arpad Vass, who testified earlier in the trial.

Sigman detailed how he and a colleague pulled 1 liter of air into a bag and another sample into a second bag. Sigman said he later performed more tests.

"In those, the data was better than the bag ones," he said. "The pattern was gasoline, and looking more closely, we saw chloroform (and other chemicals)."

Sigman said he could not conclusively determine that human decomposition was present in the trunk of Anthony's car.

Sigman said In cross-examination, he did not fully examine the trunk on July 21 and only opened it about an inch to take the air samples. Even so, he said an odor was noticeable, although he did not testify to the type of odor he smelled.

He also said he was unaware that the trunk liner had been removed days earlier. State experts have testified that the chloroform they detected came from a stain on the liner.

Rickenbach also tested the aforementioned Gatorade bottle and said it contained a liquid, possibly a mixture containing a cleaning product. Low amounts of chloroform were detected in the substance, Rickenbach said.

Full Story: http://www.clickorlando.com/news/28...lpn_12pm&tmi=orlpn_12pm_1_10550106222011&ts=H
Day 25: Dirt, Hair, Decomposition

Defense Calls Forensic Experts On Short Day

"Snip" POSTED: 12:54 pm EDT June 22, 2011

Chemical testing of air samples from the trunk of Casey Anthony's car primarily showed the presence of gasoline, jurors heard in a shortened day of testimony Wednesday.

Michael Rickenbach testified that testing showed no chloroform was found on Caylee's car seat, in the interior of Anthony's car or the steering wheel cover in the car.

Testing on a liquid found in a syringe, discovered inside a plastic bottle near Caylee's remains, showed testosterone compounds but no significant amount of chloroform, he said.

Under questioning from Ashton, Montgomery said that sometimes drugs do not show up in hair and that a person still could have been given drugs with negative hair testing results.

Read more: http://www.wesh.com/casey-anthony-extended-coverage/28321247/detail.html
Watch Tonight 6/22/2011: "Crime & Punishment: Casey Anthony Trial @"10PM (ABC)

ABC looks at trial tonight; where would case be without network’s money?
ABC, Caylee and Casey Anthony, Nightline, Primetime, WFTV —

"Snip" posted by halboedeker on June, 22 2011

Disney-owned ABC is going to take another look at the Casey Anthony trial in a special at 10PM tonight. This “Primetime Nightline” carries the title “Crime & Punishment: Casey Anthony Trial.”Will ABC take a bow for its crucial role in keeping this case . The program should be worth a look if ABC legal analyst Dan Abrams takes part. He and Nancy Grace have enlivened the Anthony trial coverage on ABC’s “Good Morning America.”

Grace this morning memorably weighed in on the issue of whether Casey Anthony will take the stand. “Conventional wisdom is never ever ever and never put your client on the stand in a criminal case,” Grace said. “Which means Baez will probably do it.”

Abrams said, “It is a tough, tough call, but I don’t think it’s going to happen.”

Full Article: http://blogs.orlandosentinel.com/ent...rks-money.html
Terra Exclusive Interview with Casey Anthony's Lawyer, Jose Baez
"Snip" June 22, 2011

According to reports, Baez grew up in the Bronx and South Florida by his single mother. He dropped out of Homestead High School in ninth grade.

At the age of 17, Baez got married, became a father, earned a GED diploma and joined the Navy in 1986.

In 1997, he graduated from St. Thomas University's School of Law in Miami. When Baez applied to become a lawyer before the Florida Board of Bar Examiners, his admission was denied, due that he had failed to pay for child support.

It took him 8 years to establish himself as a defense lawyer. In 2005 he was admitted into the Florida Bar Association.

Read More Here: http://en.terra.com/latin-in-americ...with_casey_anthonys_lawyer_jose_baez/hof15569
Casey Anthony ratings: WFTV won Tuesday afternoon

"Snip"— posted by halboedeker on June, 22 2011

The Casey Anthony case ran nearly to 6 p.m. Tuesday, and WFTV-Channel 9 drew the most viewers in the afternoon in the Orlando TV market.

WFTV was seen in nearly 88,900 homes from 1:30 to 6. The rest of the local field: WOFL-Channel 35 with 49,700 homes, Central Florida News 13 with 45,100, WESH-Channel 2 with 40,600 and WKMG-Channel 6 with 30,100.

In the 25-to-54 age group, WFTV was the leader in the afternoon as well.

Full Article: http://blogs.orlandosentinel.com/en...ent/tv/tvguy+(TV+Guy)&utm_content=Yahoo!+Mail
"Snip" ABC, Court Cases
Primetime Nightline Debuts with Casey Anthony Hour
By Chris Ariens on June 22, 2011
The interest — and ratings wins — have extended to the broadcast nets too. Friday night, NBC had the #1 show in younger viewers with a two-hour “Dateline”, the second hour of which was devoted to the Anthony trial.

True crime author Aphrodite Jones writes about the Orlando media circus in today’s NYPost:

HLN’s Jane Velez Mitchell showed up, with women going gaga over her in the ladies’ room. Some of the people waiting on line to get into court each day have as much interest in seeing their favorite TV news stars — touching them, shaking their

hands and taking photos with them — as they do in the actual trial. It’s weird.

Witnesses are already demanding money for interviews. Everyone involved wants to cash in. Some key people have made it clear to Nancy Grace‘s producers and others that they will not talk without compensation.

CBS stopped sending a reporter to court shortly after opening arguments last month and gave back its assigned courtroom seat. Apparently, the network didn’t think it’d be needing it anymore.

Tonight’s “Primetime Nightline” is the first of 13 episodes the ABC News show will produce this summer.

Full Article:
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