2011.06.23 TRIAL Day Twenty-six (Afternoon Session)

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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You can bet your backside, the SA will have CA's work records, cell phone pings for rebuttal.
700+ guests? :seeya: Hi ya'll!!

ETA: Are you guys why some of us were locked out for 30 minutes??
Jean Cesares ! just made a great point.

She said her personal notes show that the chloroform searches were interspersed with FB and Myspace postings.
So that would mean that Casey would have to have been home at the same time as Cindy.

How would that happen? Casey was pretending to be at work at that time.
Casey's mommy might lie for her but Caylee won't and she's speaking loud and clear in this court room.
Love you Caylee!
I'm sorry to ask this again, the comments are moving at lightening speed and I can't see the answer. Where can I watch the trial so that I see ICA reactions at the same time as the witnesses are testifying.

Thanks so much,
I can only hope the jurors saw a completely different Cindy today. A mother taking on the computer searches that led to the death of her own granddaughter is way over the top. Lying in the court room should not be tolerated.
BBM. Absolutely right! CA just shot herself in the foot when it comes to anyone listening when it comes to sentencing.

I am hoping there is an office manager or administrative assistant at Gentiva who did what I would have done had I had that position - save everything related to CA for now and forever - for the sake of the case and in case CA or anyone else came back to sue Gentiva. I am an office manager and you can bet your bottom dollar her files would be in our secure location had she worked with me.
So can the SA bring up all the talk shows they were on and she never corrected this important little tidbit before today? I hope so, because if she did these searches she would have been screaming it from the rooftops!!!!!!!!!
What does Cindy's email at work have to do whether she was there or not? That makes no sense.

If she sent an email from her work account, it would have an IP address associated with it. If she sent an email at work while she is now claiming to be home looking up chloroform, her work emails from that time will reflect it.
I don't think Bombshell is going to be a big enough word for NG tonight. CA was an atom bombshell.
It's my understanding if an employee is salary there is no time card????

I'm salaried... but I still have to fill out a time sheet.

Regardless, CA makes me sick to my stomach for a myriad of reasons.
Cindy's work emails will come back, Gentiva is subject to HIPPA, which requires maintaining records for much longer than 3 years...
Having not followed the case, chlorophyll makes sense since CA testified a LOT about their passion for gardening.

AND, the jurors (a nurse and 2 IT guys) are going to KNOW it is total BS! that the company doesn't know passwords and keep records of the computers used at the hospital.

AND, KC has shown that she liked to go back to the house when she KNEW GA and CA would be gone, which is between 2 p.m. and 5 p.m. GA's presence that one "gas can" day surprised the bejezzers out of KC as she was expecting him to be gone.

Don't worry folks, this is a no-brainer - at least to me.
What does Cindy's email at work have to do whether she was there or not? That makes no sense.

Because it would show that she was at work and not at home during the time the searches were done.
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