2011.06.23 TRIAL Day Twenty-six (Afternoon Session)

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Yeah, but those fangs will NEVER come out against Cindy and George just watch.

She's always been very oddly protective of them.

Odd for her anyway - she's normally such a pit bull.
I believe it would have been in the States best interest if they had charged the Anthony's with perjury in the beginning and given them a taste of jail. Each time they prejured themself, they would have gotten more time?

By trial time, prejury would be numerous enough to warrant prison ?????

This is not a devastating blow guys. First of all we have a client who it has been proven will lie walking all the way the Sheriff's Department doing it. Now we have a mother who testified that while her daughter was 7 months pregnant that she was retaining fluid and is an RN and didn't notice that baby bump.

Then we hear that this stain of decomposition was in the car when they bought it. Imagine the incredible bad luck of this family. They must have some sort of curse on them to have this happen to them. They have a daughter that lied, a granddaughter murdered and now this revelation that Cindy fraudulated her time card.

This jury is not dumb. Cindy had selective recall last time called by the State. Now she has this terrific recall and has come very close to perjury.

Give this jury the credit that they are due. Even if they don't know everything that we do, they will see the handwriting on the wall. This is a mother who was not credible and appeared to have make believe searches just like her daughter had make believe friends.

It will come in on rebuttal. There will be some document or some action on the computer of the company that will blow Cindy out of the water. And I wouldn't doubt that a search warrant for those files is pending as we speak. Plenty of time to show Cindy Anthony up for what she is.

:blowkiss: Big deep breath. :)
Why would Cindy, a nurse, need to look up alcohol? She would already know whether or not it was harmful to a child. Puleeeze, her testimony denied belief, I wholly disagree with BS that it was a torpedo.

IF she did the searches for alcohol and acetone, my inclination is that she probably did so to find out what was in chloroform.

Not saying she DID those searches, mind you...just saying I can think of a very likely reason why she MIGHT search those things.

Just thought of something, IF GA does follow CA's footsteps, then ICA won't have to take the stand....no?
CA timecard shows she worked 10 hours on March 17, 2008! From 8:00am to 6:00pm. She worked 48.5 hours that week!!!!!!! Caught in a big lie.

Link please??
Oops. Unless of course, you were referring to what LDB said.
Just remember that some of CA's email at work would have to do with patient's medical records. They would have to keep these to cover their liability with (sp) Gentiva.
I agree with the poster upthread who talked about CA's frumpiness when she testified that first day and subsequently thereafter. Look at her today. In full "Ritz" regalia. New haircut, touched up the botox, nice tan (from not working since 2008 and laying by the pool)......
WOW just WOW. My emotion is flat right now. It's like when I finally got over my ex.
I am really upset that people can just get up on the witness stand and lie with no repercussions. I think the State is going ot have a hard time refuting Cindy's testimony. Doesn't sound like they did a very good job in her depositions if she mentioned the chloroform at that time.

She did not say it. She lied today about that as well.
Cindy claimed she was home from work on the day the chloroform searches were done, and she did them herself.

She also said the stain in the trunk was there when they bought the car.
Perjury can get you up to 15 years in prison apparently. Could CA be charged with perjury?

Perjury charges are accusations brought against a person for knowingly making false statements after taking an oath to tell the truth. As a general rule, perjury charges are filed regarding a civil or criminal case in which the false statements materially impacted the investigation or the case at hand. The act of perjury is criminal in nature and is usually considered a felony. If perjury charges are proven, the defendant may face hefty fines as a perjury penalty. The defendant may also be sentenced to serious prison time – up to 15 or more years in some cases.
In order to prove perjury charges, the prosecution usually needs to show that the defendant gave a false statement under oath. In addition, the prosecution must also demonstrate that the defendant knew the statement was false. Typically, the defendant must have lied about an issue that was material to the case. If a witness to a murder case lied about his or her birth date, for example, perjury would not have been committed because the birth date would have nothing to do with the murder. On the other hand, if the witness lied about finding the murder weapon, a perjury may have been committed.

Can the LE IT Lady as well now if this witnesses said she did the exam and report?
This is where I get disgruntled with out justice system. People lie, under oath or not.

It is just a crying shame and Caylee I am so sorry.
This is total BS... when George was being interviewed by police and FBI.... he reacted as if the stain was something new.... why woiuld he make a point of it to lean down and smell and old stain. He talked about the stain as if it was a new thing. I am so mad right now I could spit !!! SPIT !! :maddening::maddening:

Stay calm they might just be helping to dig her a deeper hole!
I can't wait to see a NBC special on exactly when the jurors decided to find her guilty. IMO - today will be a key day. I am confident that they see that CA is covering for ICA.
They would have to have been repeatedly jumping up from the computer and the other one sitting down seconds later, one after another, continuously, for almost an hour. Does your family do that?

Yes, we do! I have two daughters who actually race to the desktop everytime I have to get up for anything, even if I'm going to be coming back in 30 seconds. One daughter is an adult and the other is 11 years old. It was even worse when both of my adult sons lived with us too.
I am really upset that people can just get up on the witness stand and lie with no repercussions. I think the State is going ot have a hard time refuting Cindy's testimony. Doesn't sound like they did a very good job in her depositions if she mentioned the chloroform at that time.

Having been involved in litigation, I'll pass on what my lawyer said:
"Both sides lie. It's up to the jury to determine which side is lying the least."
If I were a juror and found out CA lied on the stand today, you better believe I would start looking at all the physical evidence CA might have covered up for her daughter.

Ummmm....could you start with the pants????
that is probably why ICA has that s*** eating grin on her face yesterday!!!!!!!!!

And she seems to have a haughty look on her face now, like "neh neh neh neh neh told ya!" She looks even more shifty to me! IMO:anguish:
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