2011.06.24 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Twenty-seven)

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Cindy will continue to lie, so be it. I just don't think she should be able to profit off of anything. No book or movie deals. Lie to prevent a murderer from getting a fair sentence. Lie to give yourself a clear conscious of not implicating your daughter, lie under oath, lie to the public. Ok fine Cindy, lie all you want but don't collect a dime for any of it.

OH, and when she was crying up on the stand, I never bought that. Go listen to the first few minutes...she sounded so condescending and phony.

I can't say things I want to about her, like her mean facial expressions, which by the way, scares the bejeebers out of me. I don't want to get a time out.

I didn't believe her either. Cindy and Casey are one in the same.
:seeya: Good morning, everyone!

I felt so exhausted after the trial thread closed yesterday that I had dinner and went to bed. This trial is unlike any I have ever watched! It has a tendency to make you run through the entire list of emotions, doesn't it? I experience them all every day with this trial. It leaves me exhausted.

I left here yesterday so angry at Cindy. I feel she outright lied on the witness stand. She doesn't want Casey to get the death penalty and I understand that, but she did commit perjury, IMO. I am afraid what else she may come up with now, and there is still George and Lee waiting in the wings.

I appreciate all of the comments and information from all of you. I watch the trial and read the threads but do not post much during the day. Reading
everyone else's reactions to the testimony helps me to put my thoughts and reactions in perspective.

Please let this be a good day at trial for Caylee and the truth. Please let this be a good day for the State.

Thanks was not enough. This is my feeling this morning as well.
Good morning.
<snipped for space?

2). CA work records show her as being at work that day. Could she have skipped out while still punched in? I think she could have. Did she? I don't know.


Morning, Mountain_Kat!

Cindy may have skipped out on work to go home and Google search. That isn't what she claims happened. She claims something even sneakier happened. Her work claimed she was there when she wasn't, by falsifying her timesheet. Why would she trade, an oops story for something borderline, if not outright, illegal?

Her time sheet says she worked overtime that day,too. Her work supposedly gave her credit for working a 10 hour day, while she sat at home?

Her testimony stinks like a Pontiac Sunfire!
CA's testimoney reminds me so much of Scott Peterson's mother, when she testified about why Scott had $15,000 dollars on him when he was arrested (the assumption by most normal people was that he was about to run to Mexico). She went into some convoluted explanation about how she accidentally deposited money into the wrong bank account, and so she ended up getting cash and giving it to Scott, or something to that effect. It was ridiculous, pathetic and sad. And look where Scott is today.

Thank you. I was wondering about this last night. I knew she lied but couldn't remember the details.

Also, can anyone tell me if they think the state will bring up how the chloroform searches got deleted?
We have a lovely breakfast.

I wanted to leave this place for all of us to visit, even if in our minds-as we may continue to struggle with some very difficult things once again today.


This is beautiful, thanks. I wish I had this in my back yard. I know a perfect spot to start it.

Good Morning Everyone. Wonder what today will bring? I am doubling up on coffee right now to get prepared. See you in court.
I hope the jury looks back to the jailhouse videos - how the whole Anthony clan wasn't trusting the police, was claiming that everything was a conspiracy against Casey, how it was Cindy who cleaned out the car after knowing damn well that it could've been important, could've been evidence in her granddaughter's disappearance. They will look back on all that and see that this was Cindy has been doing since the beginning, refusing to cooperate to solve her granddaughter's case and grasping at anything, lying about anything so that she doesn't have to face the fact that her own daughter killed her child.
I love the early morning sidebar threads. I haven't gotten mad or upset yet, I have a full pot of coffee, can look out the window into the yard where the rabbits are running and playing. I take my shower and get dressed right before the 8:30 court time and tune into the media player link. Once court starts, I usually am so engrossed I can't keep up with the court thread and have to skip many posts. I have followed many cases on WS but this is the first one that I have to say I haven't read every post even if I do seem to live on line. We have grown so big and have so many good members here, it is impossible to read and thank those who really deserve it. Gonna refill my coffee cup an get ready...:seeya:
You guys know that it's only 7:53 eastern time, and you're already on page 3, right?

I found it interesting last night that the experts on NG were saying that the prosecution (well, both sides, really) were going to let CA "skate" (in light of her testimony yesterday) because she's a grieving grandmother.
Morning Everyone

The thing striking me about CA's testimony yesterday is it sounds like another Zanny story. Well I was clocked in at work but I wasn't working that day. I was searching for chlorophyll from the leaves of bamboo trees. The company told me to do the time clock that way when I took time off. I swear I was listening to ICA discuss Zanny in her fantasyland. It was because the dogs made me do it.

I'm thinking the acorn didn't fall too far from the tree.
As I head out to work this morning, I want to thank everyone who posts here and on the trial thread. This is the only way I know what is actually happening. You can't trust the talking heads to tell you. If I listened to them, I would be believing that the defense team was still "scoring points."

Anyway, thanks in advance for keeping me posted!
Thank you. I was wondering about this last night. I knew she lied but couldn't remember the details.

Also, can anyone tell me if they think the state will bring up how the chloroform searches got deleted?

I am far from an expert - but I periodically clear history and cookies to keep the computer running better. I know it is still there somewhere tho'.
Did anyone catch Mark NJ's reaction to Ca's testimony? I was distraught over yesterday and had to turn it off for awhile.
court should be starting early today. i can't decide if mason will file one or two motions for mistrial. on second thought, i guess the dt will disobey
another court order an wait to 5 min. of 9:00
Hello everyone. I'm a new member! I've been following this case since the very beginning and have been a serious lurker on here for the same number of years! I watched Cindy's testimony yesterday and was utterly shocked and dismayed. I immediately signed up to be a member because I cannot do this alone. I would like to offer and receive prayers/support as we are in the latter stages of the trial. The miserable attempts by the defense team and the Anthony family to destroy innocent people in order to save their sociopathic daughter are simply draining. I can barely think about my life outside of this case. I've invested too much and desperately want Justice for our precious angel Caylee.

I hope that Cindy's testimony, in some Divine way, actually helps the State by allowing the jury to see just how dysfunctional and destructive this family is. They will not think twice about breaking every law there is to achieve their twisted and morally bankrupt goals. I pray and hope that the same Divine Grace that led Caylee's little remains to be found, the same Grace that led one of the best judges in the world to become part of this case, the same Grace that has provided us with some of the best prosecutors in this world will also ensure that Caylee Marie Anthony will have justice in a few weeks and that all of us, who have invested so much in this case, will finally get much-needed closure.

My prayers and support to each and every one of you.

I want to bake, clean, read and get some exercise before today's events later. Will be here for the entire day!


Super nice first post Rose! And WELCOME to WS!:Welcome1:
I am far from an expert - but I periodically clear history and cookies to keep the computer running better. I know it is still there somewhere tho'.

Yeah. But the expert claimed one one particular site "How to make chloroform" was deleted from the history.
I think they will anyway, Nancy. Whether the SA do it now or later. If they want to "save" Casey, they will continue to lie and yes, there will be even more outrageous statements and outbursts. George Anthony testified that he would lie to save his daughter. That says it all. I think the jury should be made aware of this.

I agree but I think there are ways for the PT to make the jury very aware of this, as I said before, via other more credible witnesses and evidence without giving the Anthonys themselves further opportunities to tell more lies on the stand. I keep coming back to JB's constant and unrelenting attacks on Dr Vass. The thing is, the more JB tries to refute and diminish the importance of the Dr's very compelling and convincing evidence the more he achieves the opposite effect IMO, he just emphasises and underlines how very worrying he finds the good Dr's testimony and thus gives it MORE weight rather than less weight. I just think that the PT could be at risk of doing the same thing with regards to CA's testimony yesterday if they allow themselves to be distracted by it and concentrate on rebutting that instead of putting all their efforts into reinforcing ALL the damning forensic evidence and testimony against ICA that they have put forward so far.
Yeah. But the expert claimed one one particular site "How to make chloroform" was deleted from the history.

And I believe it was in the wee hours of the morning after the 911 call and ICA had been questioned by the police. I hope this is correct and I hope the State can prove it.
You guys know that it's only 7:53 eastern time, and you're already on page 3, right?

I found it interesting last night that the experts on NG were saying that the prosecution (well, both sides, really) were going to let CA "skate" (in light of her testimony yesterday) because she's a grieving grandmother.

I think it is a double-edged sword for SA. If they let it go they risk doubt about who did the search. If they prove she was at work they show KC has learned to lie from her family and CA would be capable of lying about GA. Not an easy decision for them to make.

Anyone on the jury that is aware of body language would see CA was lying because everytime she told a lie she pursed her lips....it's a big red flag.

And so we still wait to hear the story from defense about how Caylee died and how the body got to Suburban Drive. I sure hope SA gets to show that stain. jmo
Morning Everyone

The thing striking me about CA's testimony yesterday is it sounds like another Zanny story. Well I was clocked in at work but I wasn't working that day. I was searching for chlorophyll from the leaves of bamboo trees. The company told me to do the time clock that way when I took time off. I swear I was listening to ICA discuss Zanny in her fantasyland. It was because the dogs made me do it.

I'm thinking the acorn didn't fall too far from the tree.

Scary wasn't it? Can you imagine what everyday life would be like living in that household? One upping the other on a bigger lie. :shocked2:
I will miss bits & pieces of the trial today as I have some things to do. I return to work Monday from this medical and have been getting nothing done because I have been glued to both the TV and computer.
Does anyone know who will be called to the stand today?
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