2011.06.24 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Twenty-seven)

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Well, the jurors will have to be left to think about it from Sunday to Tuesday since that Monday is a Federal Holiday. That is not a good way to go.

I just think JB is gonna drag it out........
Didn't you enjoy HHJP recalling the possible choices that will be given to the jurors? Perry even said they could overlap.

Made KC stop and think a minute. It will all be over when???? The look on her face was interesting.
all the news I have seen since court ended was “sit down Mr Ashton”
Hello everyone. I'm a new member! I've been following this case since the very beginning and have been a serious lurker on here for the same number of years! I watched Cindy's testimony yesterday and was utterly shocked and dismayed. I immediately signed up to be a member because I cannot do this alone. I would like to offer and receive prayers/support as we are in the latter stages of the trial. The miserable attempts by the defense team and the Anthony family to destroy innocent people in order to save their sociopathic daughter are simply draining. I can barely think about my life outside of this case. I've invested too much and desperately want Justice for our precious angel Caylee.

I hope that Cindy's testimony, in some Divine way, actually helps the State by allowing the jury to see just how dysfunctional and destructive this family is. They will not think twice about breaking every law there is to achieve their twisted and morally bankrupt goals. I pray and hope that the same Divine Grace that led Caylee's little remains to be found, the same Grace that led one of the best judges in the world to become part of this case, the same Grace that has provided us with some of the best prosecutors in this world will also ensure that Caylee Marie Anthony will have justice in a few weeks and that all of us, who have invested so much in this case, will finally get much-needed closure.

My prayers and support to each and every one of you.

I want to bake, clean, read and get some exercise before today's events later. Will be here for the entire day!

Great post Rose, and I agree.
So glad you've joined us! You'll love it here!
Wow - Jeff is pizzed!!

He told Baez to"Bring it on!", then slammed some papers down in front of him - LOL, this has been a long time coming. I thought Baez was going to cry for a moment.
I believe if I were Jeff Ashton, I would be tempted to knock Jose Baez' teeth right down into his stomach.

Bill S thinks jury will not get instructions until after the 4th holiday
I've sat on my big fat hiney long enough today. I have to run errands. Thanks for being such good company today!

I'll try to be here in the AM (your time, an unholy time in the AM for me haha)
I wonder if anything comes of JB’s threat against JA

Hope all is well
We're coming down to the wire. It should be all over but the shoutin' in a little over a week. It's been a long three years coming.

Blessings to all who have stayed the course. You have an absolute army of supporters, Caylee. Soon, baby, SOON!!!!

Sorry, I'm evil. I love that Casey wouldn't be caught dead in these clothes.
Huge lightning storm passed over today. just saw it on news. luckily nothing here
Amazing - trial goes to the jury on Friday - wow - this has gone by quickly!

OK - still the stain in the trunk - bring on the photos! Is it too late to bring in the photos, the photobucket activity, the cell phone pings?

the jury might be working on July 4th. I believe court admin said that was a possibility.
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