2011.06.24 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Twenty-seven)

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Maybe he overheard another fight, this one between GA and CA, with GA saying he wouldn't change his statement that he never touched ICA when the defense called him to testify (maybe CA offered to give him some of her amazing memory-enhancing meds and he refused). LA toddled off to warn JB, at which point the defense bartered away the molestation accusations in exchange for a more pliable GA, and we saw the DT take a sharp left turn starting yesterday.

Now, where's that LSD? :crazy:

I'll take your LSD, and raise you some meth!

Totally plausible speculation there.

Yeah, that will be an interesting 15 minutes. :floorlaugh:

do you really think it will be that quick teh? I know for sure that you need to go take a nap the minute they start deliberating!!!! cause we all know what happens whenever you go take a nap!!!! ((for those that don't know..everything and the kitchen sink happens the second teh goes to take a nap!)):rocker:
Anything important happen today?

-LA impeached himself or CA impeached him on testimony of baby shower
-CA testified Caylee could climb pool ladder on her own
-CA impeached herself that there were 2T shorts in the drawers at the time Caylee went missing
-CA/LA/ and ICA all cried
-DT thwarted on testimony of Eric Edwards
-DT proved there was duct tape at kidfinders tent and it was used to hold down tableclothes and hang posters
-CM open door so LDB was able to get deputy to testify that he cuffed ICA because CA wanted to press charges for credit card fraud and Sgt Hosey told him to uncuff her as they were only worried about kidnapping at that time
-almost 2 hours in sidebars
-Dr. rodriquez got in trouble with DoD and can't testify or he could be fired - JB accused JA of something nefarious because he got the call on Rodriquez (this was after the jury was out) and they almost came to blows
-new motion to dismiss was filed which HHJP will hear in the morning
- a hawk sits outside courtroom after it feeds and makes noise (pointed out after lunch break by HHJP)

I am sure I missed some others....

My mom never followed this case until I told her to watch the trial starting day one. She is now hooked but ever so confused. I am hoping the jury is not as confused as she it. Everyday she thinks something different. One day, she is not guilty, the next day the father had something to do with it, then the brother had to have helped, RK is involved somehow, blah blah. She is beyond confused, mostly by the defense team. It frustrates me to no end that she buys into some of the defenses motives, having followed this from the get go and already have read transcripts, watched all the jail house tapes etc. I have a bad feeling, but I hope I am WRONG. DEAD WRONG! Anyone experiencing this with other friends or family members who aren't as addicted as us?

It's interesting you say that. I have followed this case from the beginning. I was just sitting here thinking the defense strategy seems to be to confuse everyone with contridictary testimony and show that everyone lies so that the jury will wonder who is really telling the truth.
What is the sentence for manslaughter? tia

I am not sure,but I am thinking by other cases I have seen 7-15yrs,but also remember she has other charges she has to do time for..ICA will be in jail alooong time
do you really think it will be that quick teh? I know for sure that you need to go take a nap the minute they start deliberating!!!! cause we all know what happens whenever you go take a nap!!!! ((for those that don't know..everything and the kitchen sink happens the second teh goes to take a nap!)):rocker:

I really do think it will only take a few hours. And I'm ready to jump on the couch the minute deliberations start!!!!!!!!!!! :rocker:
-LA impeached himself or CA impeached him on testimony of baby shower
-CA testified Caylee could climb pool ladder on her own
-CA impeached herself that there were 2T shorts in the drawers at the time Caylee went missing
-CA/LA/ and ICA all cried
-DT thwarted on testimony of Eric Edwards
-DT proved there was duct tape at kidfinders tent and it was used to hold down tableclothes and hang posters
-CM open door so LDB was able to get deputy to testify that he cuffed ICA because CA wanted to press charges for credit card fraud and Sgt Hosey told him to uncuff her as they were only worried about kidnapping at that time
-almost 2 hours in sidebars
-Dr. rodriquez got in trouble with DoD and can't testify or he could be fired - JB accused JA of something nefarious because he got the call on Rodriquez (this was after the jury was out) and they almost came to blows
-new motion to dismiss was filed which HHJP will hear in the morning
- a hawk sits outside courtroom after it feeds and makes noise (pointed out after lunch break by HHJP)

I am sure I missed some others....


SA also showed a lot of bias by LE by him cooperating with DT and not SA
-LA impeached himself or CA impeached him on testimony of baby shower
-CA testified Caylee could climb pool ladder on her own
-CA impeached herself that there were 2T shorts in the drawers at the time Caylee went missing
-CA/LA/ and ICA all cried
-DT thwarted on testimony of Eric Edwards
-DT proved there was duct tape at kidfinders tent and it was used to hold down tableclothes and hang posters
-CM open door so LDB was able to get deputy to testify that he cuffed ICA because CA wanted to press charges for credit card fraud and Sgt Hosey told him to uncuff her as they were only worried about kidnapping at that time
-almost 2 hours in sidebars
-Dr. rodriquez got in trouble with DoD and can't testify or he could be fired - JB accused JA of something nefarious because he got the call on Rodriquez (this was after the jury was out) and they almost came to blows
-new motion to dismiss was filed which HHJP will hear in the morning
- a hawk sits outside courtroom after it feeds and makes noise (pointed out after lunch break by HHJP)

I am sure I missed some others....


Where's Lippman "My Clients Tell the Truth" tour this evening???
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ipPIFCE7xZc"]Baez gets served by Ashton[/ame]

This is the first (and so far, only) video of the end of today that's been put up on YouTube, and it's poor quality, but it shows Ashton delivering some papers to Baez, and the reaction that follows.
I am starting to :panic:

No,I'm not worried she'll get off and I'm not concerned about JB's accusations against JA.:bigfight:

I'm worried about losing my peeps! :silly::slapfight::popcorn::chillpill::grouphug: :croc: :websleuther::toast:
What will we all do? Closing arguments next week? This could all be over soon.

Three years of our lives spent together ,and it's just OVER :dramaqueen:

Sadly, there are always so many intense cases on websleuths. We are sure to be part of each others lives if we continue sleuthing here.

As someone who was molested by her father, I can tell you I would NEVER act like that.

As someone who's dated a true narcissist/sociopath, I can almost guarantee that that's what ICA is. Something DID happen somewhere in her childhood to stunt her emotional development, but I wouldn't necessarily pin it on sexual abuse.

God bless you.

I understand Lee was supposed to be upset because he was not "included" in the birth of Caylee but I still do not understand WHY that was so upsetting? :confused: I do not understand how the defense can claim in opening statements that George "put his penis" in Casey's mouth and that "Lee so wanted to follow in his father's footsteps..." and then have Lee crying on the stand that he was not there to see Casey in a intimate situation. How they can let him say he was "waiting for her outside the bathroom" and "noticed her midsection."

If I were on the jury I might infer the reason Cindy and Casey didn't want him there was because "Lee so wanted to follow in his father's footsteps" and had molested Casey. Remember! Casey told Cindy what Lee was doing to her and Cindy stated that must be why Casey was such a *advertiser censored*. :dunno:

Justice for Caylee!~ Watch for the hawk!


Well, that IS the inference that the defense is trying to make. I don't think it is likely to go over well though. Juries like to be shown what was promised. An inference is not evidence.

My mom never followed this case until I told her to watch the trial starting day one. She is now hooked but ever so confused. I am hoping the jury is not as confused as she it. Everyday she thinks something different. One day, she is not guilty, the next day the father had something to do with it, then the brother had to have helped, RK is involved somehow, blah blah. She is beyond confused, mostly by the defense team. It frustrates me to no end that she buys into some of the defenses motives, having followed this from the get go and already have read transcripts, watched all the jail house tapes etc. I have a bad feeling, but I hope I am WRONG. DEAD WRONG! Anyone experiencing this with other friends or family members who aren't as addicted as us?

On the other hand, this concerns me. At least with juror #4 (juror 1319). I can see her confused and going back and forth. She will be a wildcard in my mind until she proves she's not.

Something I am very concerned about is the 84 concept. That computer search took place on the 84th day of the year. I think 84 visits is a misinterpretation and I hope they don’t hang their hats to heavily on that one.

That was cleared up yesterday by some posters who showed that the most important computer search did NOT take place on the 84th day, which I believe was March 24, 2008. I hope the state shows this. In fact, I hope someone here points it out to them.
LKB says the defense is bringing a motion against the dept of defense for intimidating a witness. Probably ask for a mistrial because of that. How will the judge handle that? That does seem wrong wrong wrong.
Is there a rule-of-thumb about shorter or longer deliberations predicting one way or the other?

I only ever heard or read that in the case where a jury is unanimous on a guilty verdict and they decide that quickly, sometimes they dally a bit and stay out longer because the rapidity of thier decision would give rise to speculation that they hadn't deliberated enough or considered all the facts, etc.
Something I am very concerned about is the 84 concept. That computer search took place on the 84th day of the year. I think 84 visits is a misinterpretation and I hope they don’t hang their hats to heavily on that one.

I am also very worried about this. If you have read JWG, on the Hinky Meter, he broke this down, long ago, and I sent a PM to him this morning about it. He says he interprets it to be, the site was visited 84 times, but he would need more information to clarify. He also says, he thinks it's a tough spot for the State, but not insurmountable.......Hope he's right!
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