2011.06.24 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Twenty-seven)

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Thank you! That was extremely interesting......and disconcerting :banghead:

ITA Disconcerting. It certainly explains my mixed emotions and thoughts this evening.
Gamesmanship? Lack of ethics? "...do anything to protect" ICA & 'self'? Give just enough testimony to not support either side? Was there more LA had to say?
Tomorrow is another day.
And, we have a very long week ahead.
Hang in there!
Please, someone clue me in here! What's the big deal about LA testifying today? So what if he wasn't included or didn't know she was pregnant? What does this have to do with the murder of Caylee?

Richard Hornsby believes he was about to step off the ledge for his sister today,and backed out at the last minute.That's when the tears started.
I just bumped darcedarce's post with the video of his interview.
Eyeopening when you look at it that way.
I don't get it either. It seems like they just want the whole family to look extremely dysfunctional regarding their behavior towards KC's pregnancy. Maybe to say that besides KC learning to dissasociate herself from reality because of abuse, she also learned this from her family.
I agree. I have three sisters and 11 nephews and nieces between them. I was never invited to the hospital to see any of those kids born.SO WHAT!
I didn't whine and cry about it because it didn't matter.I really didn't wont to be involved to that degree with my sisters childbirth. If Lee thought he should have, then fine. But crying about later looks really bad.IMO.
The thing that has bothered me almost as much as the 31 days is the comment ica made to her parents " Don't worry, I didn't tell them anything".........WTH could that possibly mean??? Why wasn't it brought up in court either?

I think the Anthony's were bending the rules at the jail-- sending notes and messages through Baez etc.-- I think KC let them know she had something on them, right off the bat. jmo
I'm bumping this ....Thanks darcedarce!!!

This is Richard Hornsby's take on why Lee was crying and it's pretty amazing.
The entire interview was really good,but scary,

That's exactly what I said without watching Hornsby. Now, I'm not always agreeing with Hornsby, but I think he's spot on here. I also wonder if Lee's disowned after today...
I have followed this case since it was first in the media and I am remembering that all of KC's "bad behaviors" started occuring AFTER Caylee was born, right? Did we hear of these same type of behaviors before she got preg with Caylee? Not trying to be snarky or anything, I just don't remember anything ever being said about KC's behavior before Caylee was born. Except I do vaguely remember people saying she has been a liar for quite some time.

I know she "bought " Lee's car ,but never paid him for it and she stole some checks from him,also,I think ........seems like I read that in CA's depo,but I'm not sure .....................
On Facebook, Beth Karas just posted "I have a very busy day tomorrow: I'm on GMA at 7#0am, Today Show at 8:05-ish, ABC World News Tonight at 6:30pm, CNN special with Don Lemon airing from 10-11pm, and on HLN from noon to 5:30pm."
That's exactly what I said without watching Hornsby. Now, I'm not always agreeing with Hornsby, but I think he's spot on here. I also wonder if Lee's disowned after today...

He ate lunch alone ,according to the tweets.
This is all so sad and pointless.
OK so help me out with this one. Cindy didn't notice ICA was pregos at the wedding. But she testified today that ICA was due in Sept? Right? Then she had to move the shower to an earlier date was it before or after Caylee was born? Either way, that would make ICA look even more prego at the wedding right? I will admit I didn't look very pregnant in July and I gave birth in late Sept. Just thinking out loud and trying to sort out that part of the testimony. What month did her brother get married?
I have followed this case since it was first in the media and I am remembering that all of KC's "bad behaviors" started occuring AFTER Caylee was born, right? Did we hear of these same type of behaviors before she got preg with Caylee? Not trying to be snarky or anything, I just don't remember anything ever being said about KC's behavior before Caylee was born. Except I do vaguely remember people saying she has been a liar for quite some time.

From what I have read to, although I have not followed this case from the beginning, KC seemed like a normal kid and teenager. I only heard that she liked to appear "one up on others" from one of her friends and that was after high school I think. A number of her friends said she lied much. I think we only know of KC from after high school, unless I missed something. It would have been interesting to hear from some of her school teachers or a counselor perhaps.
It seems things are changing even the fact that CA stated to the prosecution that the ladder was taken DOWN by her. I do not see why the prosecution does not go back to those exact words.

Respectfully snipped by me. Did I miss that today? What was CA's testimony to the ladder? Did she remove it from the pool, as she previously stated she always does?
I'm bumping this ....Thanks darcedarce!!!

This is Richard Hornsby's take on why Lee was crying and it's pretty amazing.
The entire interview was really good,but scary,

I agree with those guys about Lee. I thought there was a lot contained in Lee's "no" response when Baez asked him if there was anything else (beyond just being left out of the pregnancy experience) making him so emotional. Lee's "no" seemed to me like he was just saying...let's end this, I don't want to talk about it anymore...he didn't really mean there was nothing else making him emotional. Hornsby and the other guy saying that Baez expected Lee to testify to something about abuse, but backing away at the last moment, is a very logical conclusion. There was obviously more going on with Lee today.
All these long faces up in here - ya'll are gonna force me to go "over the top" with the sponge bob..................

:sponge: :sponge: :sponge: :sponge:

Can you imagine 3 pages of that??????????????? Don't make me cause I will.....

You know..... You just don't throw out SpongeBobs willy-nilly!!! This is SERIOUS. Teh's gone 4!!!
Joy Behar just said that she would get on the stand and cover for her daughter if in the same situation.
I have followed this case since it was first in the media and I am remembering that all of KC's "bad behaviors" started occuring AFTER Caylee was born, right? Did we hear of these same type of behaviors before she got preg with Caylee? Not trying to be snarky or anything, I just don't remember anything ever being said about KC's behavior before Caylee was born. Except I do vaguely remember people saying she has been a liar for quite some time.

You know, I have asked myself this question as well. Why hasn't anybody compared her behavior BEFORE Caylee's birth to AFTER Caylee's birth and then also that to after Caylee's disappearance/kidnapping. IMHO I bet there were some stark contrasts. Nobody, not even LE or the State seemed to ever go there in their investigation. I just think it would show some insight.
ITA Disconcerting. It certainly explains my mixed emotions and thoughts this evening.
Gamesmanship? Lack of ethics? "...do anything to protect" ICA & 'self'? Give just enough testimony to not support either side? Was there more LA had to say?
Tomorrow is another day.
And, we have a very long week ahead.
Hang in there!

Hornsby himself said we can expect more outta the A's... like unexpected stuffs. So, yer right. Seat belts on, tray tables up, hang on, think positive.

AND. According to past experience, tomorrow will have 18 million bombshells.... lol
Richard Hornsby believes he was about to step off the ledge for his sister today,and backed out at the last minute.That's when the tears started.
I just bumped darcedarce's post with the video of his interview.
Eyeopening when you look at it that way.

I worry about LA's mental stability (what's left of it, anyhow) and after thoughts today IF he was supposed to follow through with the "molestation bombshell" and really didn't. Did they REALLY make him eat lunch by himself today? Or was that just a ploy too. Ugh. Who can tell anymore.
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