2011.06.24 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Twenty-seven)

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Where it stands in regard to the ladder from what I can tell is Cindy is still sticking with taking the ladder down on Sunday the 15th. When she got home from work on Monday the 16th and let the dogs out the ladder was put up to the pool and the gate was open. Question is who put the ladder up Monday?

Thanks! I'm getting a bit sleepy & thought CA changed her testimony today about the ladder...and I somehow missed it.

I think I know who moved it, but I'm not sure of anything anymore!

And to peeps commenting about CA calling GA @ work immediately about the ladder. I don't think that is odd, especially with differing work schedules. By the time my DH gets home, an entire day has passed, and we may forget to tell each other some things we thought about earlier in the day. We frequently send quick e-mails or voice mails to each other, especially with ever-changing kids schedules.

However, for CA it may have been along the lines of..."ICA was home from work again today and left the d@mn ladder up on the pool". :seeya:
My problem with LA is this. I think he was told to convince the jury that the pregnancy was a shameful thing, yet another secret to be kept, and divulge something about George and Casey, but instead came up with the lamest excuse I have ever heard. He felt shut out. He wasn't invited to the baby shower in June, no wait...not June...before...after...
Then he tried to bolster his lame excuse for the "blubbering" TY Concerned Papa by insisting he never stepped foot into the room being set up for Caylee? I figured he was the one who placed the CMA letters on the wall.
Then he refused to go to the hospital when Casey gave birth, a month early.
He came off sounding spoiled and churlish. His hurt fell flat to me.

I have to hand it to JB. He can take a nothing and twist into an almost something. No men were invited to the shower and somehow we get that Lee was supposed to "let it go and never speak of it again."
"We'll send her away, down the long valley road..."
I hear ya, GetSmart. Do I believe Caylee was named Marie after Kio Marie? HECK NO!

But, do I believe Casey would actually TELL Kio that Caylee was named after her, in order to ingratiate herself with Kio for whatever reason? Sure sounds like Casey's MO to me!

I was thinking the exact same thing.
:floorlaugh: I've been doing quite a bit of quantum leaping about the boards today, my apologies if I landed in your head a few times more than usual ;)

+ I'm with you. Where the A's are concerned.. I'm still not sure even LA will afford Caylee a voice.

BBM: Me either... Let's hope. And that's a huuuuuge stretch of hope.
Today during the trial HHJP noted that there was a hawk sitting on the ledge of the courtroom's window crying. I looked up the meaning of the hawk, it's is very interesting to read.

In representation to humanity, the hawk is called messenger, protector and visionary. Keen vision is one of its greatest gifts. Hawks see things others miss.

The hawk comes to you indicating that you are now awakening to your soul purpose, your reason for being here. It can teach you how to fly high while keeping yourself connected to the ground.

As you rise to a higher level, your psychic energies are awakening and the hawk can help you to keep those senses in balance. Its message for you is to be open to hope and new ideas, to extend the vision of your life.

The Hawk is an animal of flight. It soars through the air looking down, and sees everything. It has a larger perspective of what is going on down below. With its keen eyesight, it looks down as it soars through the air looking for its prey. It can see the smallest of creatures below.

The Hawk is known as a messenger, similar to the planet Mercury, for the hawk soars close to the Grandfather Sun, as does the planet. When you listen to the power of the Grandfather Sun or Wise Spirit that lives within, you are protected from all types of harm.

The Hawk teaches you to be observant and take a close look at your surroundings. It soars with the power to overcome difficult situations. It soars in circles over the life of the earth, asking you to circle over your life and view it from a higher perspective.

The Hawk has a distinct cry, one that most people are aware of. Its cry signifies awareness. If you hear the cry of the hawk use your intuitive ability to discern the message and SEEK THE TRUTH.

If a hawk has soared into your life, you require a higher perspective. You need to see the details of what is going on and look at the bigger picture. Take a look at your situation from above.

Before the wisdom of ancient native Americans is discounted, ask yourself this question.....

In all of the murder trials you have watched or followed in your life, has the appearance of a hawk EVER become a part of court record? Think about WHEN the hawk appeared, shortly after Lee Anthony's theatrics. As much as I've ever believed anything, I feel this hawk brought a message:

"If you hear the cry of the hawk use your intuitive ability to discern the message and SEEK THE TRUTH."

I take comfort in considering who may have sent the hawk.


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I dunno - I just really see Cindy as being the dysfunction in the house. She's the mentally ill one and she's dragged the three of them down the toilet with her. Casey and lee can't help being the way they are because they were raised by her. George distances himself and just lets her do what she is going to do.

Kind of reminds me of my own family. My mom has been a manic depressive forever, and I'd say she is a narcissist. My dad is the biggest wimp and won't say boo to her. Just goes with whatever she says. My sisters and I are the same way - it's all about "not upsetting mom". If we get angry and say something it again is all about her and how we want to hurt her. I can attest to the fact that it is difficult to have a person like that in your life. She is a good person, loves us all but is just sick. I don't even like talking about it because it's just so depressing. She's done a good number on each of us daughters - we all three have issues with different things that I honestly think she put into our heads.

Edited to add: Casey and the rest of them cannot be excused for what they have done - I'm just saying she's the messed up one who raised 2 messed up kids. It's clear to me.
Did you & your DH open a 2nd btl of Chardonnay?
I'm just thinking that's what it takes to think like the A's...and maybe some tequila?!
You might be on to something...
No just 1 bottle, lol! Anyway, without getting into specifics (that we may or may never know regarding incest, sexual abuse, etc.). There is a "secret", in my opinion an "alliance" between LA and ICA. Note his "cryptic" interactions in the jailhouse tapes, the "CMA" tribute, his refusal (until, what was it, last week(?) to be interviewed/cooperate, etc. blah, blah, with the defense, his "claim" that he lived in the same home and yet never really acknowledged ICA's pregnancy or the preparation for Caylee's imminent birth (even though he had the room next door(!)---and this is all that I've been able to pick up on. I'm sure there's tons more.

What I would really like to see are LA's phone records, pings, texts, etc. Where was he and what was he doing during the time that (we) suspect Caylee was being disposed of---that is after ICA murdered her? I'm talking specifically about the disposal of the body after ICA bagged it, etc. Does he have an alibi? Was he at work? The "something" that he is hiding is IMO directly related to what he knows about what really happened to Caylee, or perhaps what ICA got him to believe, and I think he has, by his actions and behavior, emerged as one of the principal players in this drama. I believe he knows what happened and I believe he took part in it.
This has bothered me as well. I even mentioned it to my husband a couple of days ago and he thought it sounded suspicious.

I don't remember this comment, but knowing ICA and her spiteful nastiness, I would argue that she meant this in a snide way, knowing that her mother in particular, desperately wanted ICA to tell LE SOMETHING about where Caylee was.
You know, I have asked myself this question as well. Why hasn't anybody compared her behavior BEFORE Caylee's birth to AFTER Caylee's birth and then also that to after Caylee's disappearance/kidnapping. IMHO I bet there were some stark contrasts. Nobody, not even LE or the State seemed to ever go there in their investigation. I just think it would show some insight.

And in any other situation there would be a media "investigation" into her high school records, her friends, social life, grades, teacher's reports and comments. Why is it we haven't seen that? I believe it does "paint a picture" of an individual's personality...
I don't remember this comment, but knowing ICA and her spiteful nastiness, I would argue that she meant this in a snide way, knowing that her mother in particular, desperately wanted ICA to tell LE SOMETHING about where Caylee was.

I do remember, and IIRC, she was saying it in a reassuring tone..like..don't worry, guys..I didn't tell them anything!! Has always struck me as odd, there's more to it than we could ever know.

OT but I once had a dream that Mallory was only with Lee after all of this to "stick it through" and write a tell-all book that will sell millions about every thing she heard/witnessed. Wouldn't that be awesome?
What's killing me is that I want to believe that the A's are a normal grieving family, and want to excuse their behavior, but every time one of them takes the stand what stands out to me is that they are willing to lie and misdirect but never enough to really take the blame or look bad. They seem to want control and to help KC, but not enough to look bad! CA seems to keep driving home how careful she was and guarded and a perfect grandma like she's more concerned about how she's percieved than anything else. I'm not saying she should lie, but I think she has lied about plenty of things, but she could just as easily lie and make it look like she was neglectful, but she won't. She still wants to be seen as perfect.
My problem with LA is this. I think he was told to convince the jury that the pregnancy was a shameful thing, yet another secret to be kept, and divulge something about George and Casey, but instead came up with the lamest excuse I have ever heard. He felt shut out. He wasn't invited to the baby shower in June, no wait...not June...before...after...
Then he tried to bolster his lame excuse for the "blubbering" TY Concerned Papa by insisting he never stepped foot into the room being set up for Caylee? I figured he was the one who placed the CMA letters on the wall.
Then he refused to go to the hospital when Casey gave birth, a month early.
He came off sounding spoiled and churlish. His hurt fell flat to me.

I have to hand it to JB. He can take a nothing and twist into an almost something. No men were invited to the shower and somehow we get that Lee was supposed to "let it go and never speak of it again."
"We'll send her away, down the long valley road..."

Yeh, yeh, yeh. He prolly WAS the one who put the famous "CMA" on the wall, hence the ooo, secret squirrel trickery. His spoiled brat at HIS age, with grayed hair... yeah... it fell flat with EVERYONE. (moo)

JB has the oddball sense of reality to THINK of such things (I honestly believe you have to be that way if you are a defense atty, and my cousin is a defense atty so I have some sortakinda knowledge), but you need to make it believable and less scatterbrained to be a good atty. JB just throws spaghetti at the light, the sign, the window, the TV, the dog, the wall, the dishwasher, a moving person, ghosts, butterflies, fleas, whatev!!! He's gotta reel it back a bit to be effective... he's too... uh OUT THERE. And that's coming from ME. I'm SOOOOO out there that I have reference. lol
Perfect, Concerned Papa .......... Oh, and we can't forget, she continues 'to promote her own self perceived "hot stuff" image,' by knotting and winding/wrapping her clothes for Court in such a way all will *see* her "hot body!" Ugh!

And don't forget the constant pseudo tuck-ins, no matter if what she is wearing is tucked in or not! If there is a male in visual range, she will pretend to tuck in, and stick out the chest. Been driving me nuts since Day One...had to say it. Done now.
I started a new thread I am just speechless someone has went lowwww

Cashing in on the Casey Anthony Trial
and even TonE is involved..
I don't think Lee would help dispose ALTHOUUUUUUUGGGHHHHh, you may be changing my mind as thinking about it... she could put the lil heart sticker on her mouth, but Lee would be more able to chuck her in the swamp. ICA prolly tried to bury her and wahhh'd and he did the dirty deed. However. DID HE bury pets at this spot??? Did HE hang out there with his peeps??

CMA. I will keep your promise forever. CMA. I'm proud of you and I hope you're proud of me. CMA.

CHIT!! Now you got me thinking about Lee disposal!!!! How STOOPID to pick George for the DT!!!

Yeah, come on. They were brother and sister---not that many years between them. I'm sure there were common areas "in the woods" where the kids hung out, buried pets, drank beer, smoked weed, etc. The "secluded places" in any given locale don't change that much unless somebody comes along and puts in a parking lot. I grew up in rural NJ and teenagers are still hanging out in the same "woods" we did and it's 30 years later!
When she got back on the stand, I recall she snipped at Baez too. "I already SAID...."

I was sending texts to a friend of mine as she couldn't watch and I told her that it looked like Lee was going to jump on sword but at last minute... no. I didn't understand the crying.. and told her so... but when he said "no" and Baez was looking to Mason for guidance, I knew he "went rogue." Course, I could be wrong, and freeze-dried crow is ready for my consumption this week should things turn sour. lol

No crow for you, unless you're sharing, coz, I went back and watched that interlude and I see the same thing!! Baez was trying so hard to get Lee to get his lines right, Ashton was objecting (he knows, He's Got This!) and Jose went running to Mason with his tail between his legs.
Before the wisdom of ancient native Americans is discounted, ask yourself this question.....

In all of the murder trials you have watched or followed in your life, has the appearance of a hawk EVER become a part of court record? Think about WHEN the hawk appeared, shortly after Lee Anthony's theatrics. As much as I've ever believed anything, I feel this hawk brought a message:

"If you hear the cry of the hawk use your intuitive ability to discern the message and SEEK THE TRUTH."

I take comfort in considering who may have sent the hawk.

Papa. I'm crying now. :cry:

Thank you for so eloquently stating what's in my heart.

I may have to leave and ponder this. Papa heard what I was saying and got it, and I'm humbled and need to process. I believe in hawk totems, and thankful someone else understood.

HOWEVER. I'll be back tomorrow. Love to all ((((hugs peeps)))
No just 1 bottle, lol! Anyway, without getting into specifics (that we may or may never know regarding incest, sexual abuse, etc.). There is a "secret", in my opinion an "alliance" between LA and ICA. Note his "cryptic" interactions in the jailhouse tapes, the "CMA" tribute, his refusal (until, what was it, last week(?) to be interviewed/cooperate, etc. blah, blah, with the defense, his "claim" that he lived in the same home and yet never really acknowledged ICA's pregnancy or the preparation for Caylee's imminent birth (even though he had the room next door(!)---and this is all that I've been able to pick up on. I'm sure there's tons more.

What I would really like to see are LA's phone records, pings, texts, etc. Where was he and what was he doing during the time that (we) suspect Caylee was being disposed of---that is after ICA murdered her? I'm talking specifically about the disposal of the body after ICA bagged it, etc. Does he have an alibi? Was he at work? The "something" that he is hiding is IMO directly related to what he knows about what really happened to Caylee, or perhaps what ICA got him to believe, and I think he has, by his actions and behavior, emerged as one of the principal players in this drama. I believe he knows what happened and I believe he took part in it.

I honestly am not as familiar with LA's antics as the rest of them. I have read his depo & watched jail vid's, CMA memorial, trial testimony. I would not doubt ICA & LA were 'close' - they only had each other...in a teens vs parents kind of way as they grew up in a dysfunctional household. Would LA be the only person on the planet CA could call in a desperate time? I think so. (And has probably used him in the past. They have secrets.)
Did she call on him? Not convinced. Did she confide in him at some point with a (semi-)real story? That I see as more than likely, depnding on her mood!

ETA: I'd like to see his phone pings, etc as well. Would he have been available to delete comp files for dear sis (laptop and/or home comp)? Not sure where he was that morning. Nor do I know much more about the laptop he picked up from TL.

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