2011.06.24 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Twenty-seven)

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Mark Eiglarsh and Tony Padilla are on Dr. Drew now, both with cowboy hats on. Its so funny. I don't care what anyone says...I like TP.
YES!! I was going to post this in the sidebar thread and give credit to you (I was correct in my memory) that you said this!! It was a true breakthrough, aha, phew moment for me. I just forgot in all that had transpired to do it.

Isn't that most relieving?!! AHHHH.

I was very relieved! Bill Shaeffer was very firm in his response to that caller that a hung jury just won't happen.

What I'd like to know is if there's one juror that holding things up and adamantly refuses to consider any other option than what they've decided upon, can that juror be replaced with an alternate?
On Facebook, Beth Karas just posted "I have a very busy day tomorrow: I'm on GMA at 7#0am, Today Show at 8:05-ish, ABC World News Tonight at 6:30pm, CNN special with Don Lemon airing from 10-11pm, and on HLN from noon to 5:30pm."

I hope she eats her Wheaties in the morning.
I have only made it thru 1/2 the trial thread & none of today's sidebar, but I have listened each day of the trial to date. Today was extremely kerfluffling for me. I need time to digest what 'may' have happened. Is there some method to the madness of the DT? Did CM intentionally 'let in' the LE testimony about ICA being put in cuffs for credit card fraud for their own perverse reasons? Was the goal to provide details of family dysfunction, of 'liars & deniers' as as another WSer put it? I need time to digest the testimony of the day.

One thing I do know in my heart is there is a reason for the hawk on the ledge of the 23rd floor. Going OT...

My nephew was murdered @ 19 yrs of age. At his services, his high school English teacher handed my sister an envelope. Inside was an essay, "If you were reincarnated, what would you come back as & why". My sister did not open it for many months, in her grief. My niece, his sister did. As we visited his grave one day, an eagle landed yards from us on another headstone. They are seldom seen in our area, but known to have some nesting places. He was beautiful. My niece proceeded to tell us it was her brother, Michael. It was in that essay. If he were to be reincarnated, he would want to be an eagle so he could look over everyone he loved from above. To protect & care for friends and family. We stopped at my sis's to get that letter. Read it & cried together. When we went back to my mom's house, there he was again. He was in the middle of her block-long driveway. We stopped the car & stared in disbelief. It seemed like a very long time, but was less than a few minutes. We knew it in our hearts it was Michael. He has visited my mom's on Mothers Day when we all gather to plant her flower garden. He has been seen on other holidays as well. Maybe he has been around when we are not paying attention.

That hawk that visits the 23rd floor ledge @ lunchtime gives me hope that everything will be alright. Someone is looking out for Caylee.

It was clear to me by his poignant response, that Judge Perry is looking out for Caylee. :hero:
Are Casey and Lee both the biological children of the Anthony's? I thought I read that Cindy was not Lee's mom.

After Caylee's birth. They had to postpone the shower due to the "early birth" of Caylee.

RA's wedding was in June 05. hth

I've got to go find Cynthia's testimony for the prosecution. For some reason, I have recollections of her saying Casey was 7 months pregnant when she found out about the pregnancy. If that memory is correct, then her testimony today about Caylee being premature is a flat out lie. (along with a slew of others) IMO
Are Casey and Lee both the biological children of the Anthony's? I thought I read that Cindy was not Lee's mom.


REALLY!?! :gasp:
Been following this case for three years; how did I miss this detail??? Anyone else remember this? :eek:hwow:
I've got to go find Cynthia's testimony for the prosecution. For some reason, I have recollections of her saying Casey was 7 months pregnant when she found out about the pregnancy. If that memory is correct, then her testimony today about Caylee being premature is a flat out lie. (along with a slew of others) IMO

But, why would CA lie about KC's due date? What's the purpose? I don't get it.
Let me premise this by saying I did not grab a screen shot of the pic...but I think I saw a blow up of the wedding pic, JB style, on the evidence table. Full frontal mom & daughter at the wedding, and no doubting one of them was pg. I could see it when the camera was showing the sidebar.

Most evidence appears to be left in the same position, except for that darn gas can that keeps getting mileage! Pay attention during sidebar...I'm sure we'll have one by 9:04!



Did we even wait that long today to have one?
About the Hawk, and the Eagle story above---we had the exact same experience with a beautiful hummingbird. My beautiful, loving Grandmother died, leaving a large family of grieving children and grandchildren. Grandma had a huge love for hummingbirds and always had full feeders in her garden, where she watched them from her kitchen window. She was always collecting hummingbird figures and pictures and paintings. Even when she was too ill to leave the house, she insisted upon putting her comfy chair in the kitchen so she could watch her many hummingbirds that she fed with several feeders.
You guessed it. At the funeral, when it was just the family at the burial site, and she was being lowered into the ground, a gorgeous hummingbird came and buzzed us, and then nearly sat upon the coffin. It was hovering for the longest time, inches above . We were all shocked because it was so odd to see. The cemetery worker said he had never ever noticed a hummingbird there before, and certainly never had one buzz the crowd.
It filled me with so much peace because we KNEW she was home and at peace herself.
REALLY!?! :gasp:
Been following this case for three years; how did I miss this detail??? Anyone else remember this? :eek:hwow:

Someone maybe pulling your leg?

(this is a most effective smilie....hahaha, love the passion it has)
REALLY!?! :gasp:
Been following this case for three years; how did I miss this detail??? Anyone else remember this? :eek:hwow:

No, I am almost certain they are both born of George and Cindy.
They lie about everything and there's never a good reason; then, it snowballs...

Well, I could see them lying about some things...there were reasons to lie about why KC lies maybe and other things, but there's no reason that I can see for lying about KC's due date.
Unfortunately, I won't be able to watch the trial live on any of the live streams... our computer service only gives us up to a certain number of bytes per month, and we are almost to our limit, thanks to me watching the trial live. The Huz is quite upset, as he downloads movies and now he'll have to wait until next month! :maddening: So, since I have volunteered to count sidebars and objections, I'll be taking that information from mombomb's postings each day. THANK YOU MOMBOMB!!! You do a very excellent job on your reports!! I hope you'll be here until the end of the trial! I sure wish I could watch - but now I'll just have to watch it just on TV (InSession or HLH), but they sure go to commercials A LOT!! :maddening: so I miss objections and sometimes sidebars!
Haven't read this thread yet, still reading the trial thread... WHAT an emotional day for everyone involved!

Sorry to quote myself - but wanted to add... and won't be able to capture any more pictures either!!! :tears: BUT! at least I can come here and read up and be with my imaginary friends (that's what my Huz calls all you guys!! :floorlaugh:
They lie about everything and there's never a good reason; then, it snowballs...

Well, if CA was going to lie for KC today about anything, she should have said she may have forgotten to take the pool down. She didn't do that though. She seems pretty sure she took the ladder off the pool.
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