2011.06.25 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Twenty-eight)

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Hey Guys,

I'm from Belgium where they sell those delicious waffles, so I'll bring y'all one :rocker: !!

Hope we are going to see some fireworks today...cheering for SA offcourse :great:

My family is Belgian as well. Not many of us.

The discussion behind closed doors has been ordered SEALED. Not over the discovery issue that occurred. Unknown legal issue. #caseyanthony
9 minutes ago via web

Proceeding behind closed doors today is sealed
9 minutes ago via Twitter for BlackBerry®


Heh heh - maybe a contempt charge for Mr. Baez??? For real this time for disobeying (blatantly and with huge disrespect I might add) the Judge's orders for expert evidence and reports?

LG sits at her computer cackling in delight at the thought....
My guess is that it has something to do with the Motion that accuses the United States of America Department of Defense of conspiring against ICA that the DT filed yesterday.

As if they've got nothing better to do.

I dunno I would think they had better things to do than call Ashton on a sat, and advise him his very public case will get a dr terminated from his position.

Funny thing is they cant even fire DOD people like that.

They get meetings and hearings and stuff.
I don't think any attorneys can jump ship, even though I am sure at least 4 would like to.
I think it has to do with JA withholding the phone call from Dept of Defense and asking for another day to review deposition on Rodrigus (sp?) knowing the Dr was not going to testify.,

JA did not withhold that phone call.. When the DOD saw this expert on the television preparing to testify the DOD immediately contacted the SA's office which is how and why it was JA who took the call. After the DOD informed JA of the issue JA immediately informed HHJP and the DT.
Baez is going after Ashton...MO. I wonder what he has up his sleeve...
Maybe the state caught a tortoise eating meat, and now wants to impeach the testimony of Professor Umbridge. :floorlaugh:
The DOD ,:floorlaugh:

Why would the DOD care about him going on the stand ? Dont they have the wikki links guy to get ? For that matter shoudnt they
called the sci spot guy and made him pull his how to pages as a matter of public saftey?

I'm not sure the site is still maintained. I read (just yesterday as a matter of fact) that the fella that ran that site took those pages (chloroform) down. Valhalla at the Hinkymeter corresponded with him and he stated this. She has part of an email online from him that talks about it (don't have a link and her site is down right now.)

As far as the DOD - they have to give their employees permission to testify. Dr. Rodriguez didn't get permission.
Well said - and here you have Lee's "secret" revealed - his anger and resentment at how he has been treated by the family, that the family continues to support despite her obvious guilt, his anger that ICA has done this, and his resentment that his sister has accused him of a lie in front of the world. A lie he will probably never be able to wash off completely.

And posters wonder about Lee's tears? Huh!

I don't wonder about his tears. He's just like his sister. IMO

He is not a child, at the mercy of his parent's decisions. He's a grown man that chooses to be where he is. He hasn't denied the allegations, and in my mind he still seems to be trying to get Casey sprung.

He may have trouble in the future with his marriage, or employment, but he has the power to unentangle himself from this. He always has. He lost my faith when he said, "I believe everything my sister tells me."
What in the world does the Department of Defense have to do with this case????!
Good Morning Everyone,

You know, this whole thing is so very sad. Obviously, the family will do anything to protect this waste of human skin. But really, do George and Cindy care nothing for thier son? If they want to throw away their lives and reputations, so be it. But Lee is thier only real chance to have a future with a shred of happiness to it. But have they ever even given that a thought?

Have they ever even considered:

......That Lee has decades of employment in front of him. How will he be received at interviews? Would you hire him? Would you really?

.......Lee will marry one day and perhaps have children. Have George and Cindy ever even thought about what would happen if that marriage failed? Think of the child custody hearing...."My husband was accused of molesting his own sister and he never denied it"


LOL Poor Lee's hypothetical marriage has already fallen apart. Man can't get a break.
JMO... does anyone think that JP heard something contradictory from the DOD regarding what JA stated about Dr. Rodriquez being threatened with his job if he testified as JA had said? moo
No. It's more likely a result of the DT's wanton and repeated contempt of court IMO.
At this point it would not surprise me for him to be disbarred at this time.
MagpieFromHinky Pamela
Cindy George & kc were crying?
31 seconds ago
MagpieFromHinky Pamela
Tony Pipitone is saying this was completely different. The atty's came out of chambers with poker faces on. No eye rolling etc
1 minute ago Favorite Retweet Reply

Well, CA was crying at least once and it appeared that GA was either crying or has a bad cold or allergies 'cause he kept wiping his eyes and nose. This happened at about the same time. I didn't see CA cry--she did leave the room for a minute tho.
My "dream" what it is about.

The picture of Caylee at the door.

Lee heard they were going to introduce that picture in evidence of Caylee standing at the door. Lee knew it was not Caylee and went to Baez and told him.

Mason questioned Lee yesterday outside of court and found out that is what the deal is.

Mason is trying to get Baez off the case because he knows it is going to be found out.
Ok, I have a question. I was half listening this morning and maybe I misunderstood.

Did JA deliberately withhold the fact that the DOD guy was going to get fired if he testified?

NO. JA did not without any phone call from the court.
Kathi Belich, WFTV We are waiting for Baez and Furton to come out
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