2011.06.25 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Twenty-eight)

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Wow - LKB on HLN looking as white as a sheet going blah blah blah - but thinks the DT has done something hinky...and ineffective assistance may be on the table.

:eek: Really? I muted her as soon as I saw her...
It amazes me that so many people can watch the same thing and hear totally different things. I feel like I'm in bizarro world sometimes. :confused:

This is why witnesses are asked what they saw, heard, smelled, felt at trials for crimes, accidents, divorces, you name it.

Just try it. When in a group sometime, watch some random event happen, ask every person in the group what they saw, heard, etc... Every person will have seen something somewhat different no matter how many people are in the group. (yep, I have tried this little experiment before.)
After both Cindy and Lee says there is a stain that was already in the trunk when they bought it, do you think in the rebuttal they will bring in the person who had the car before them to explain the stains?
Lee admitted he does remember the stain in question as not having been there.

ETA: oops...better clarification
#JeffAshton just went to a deposition. Means case is still going on... = no plea. Ct. Reporter left means no jury tampering. #caseyanthony
-Mark Nejame via twitter
Hahahaha - LKB is still saying on HLN that Rodrigues was a co-founder of the Body Farm.
Did anyone else catch a glimpse of CM sitting in the holding cell (assuming, which I hate to do) with ICA as one of the officers opened one of those back doors this morning? This was awhile before ICA came into the courtroom. Wonder if she could have been having a heart to heart with him about Lee's apparent 'agony' on the stand yesterday?
Just a thought ....

Adding to that, JB's comment, "This has gone on long enough".
More thinking ....
I would much rather hear his speculation/suspicion than LKBs. Her thoughts are mostly anti-Ashton and mistrials, surprise, surprise.

Isn't she just awful...sorry.:innocent:
Oh, maybe Mason has told em all to get stuffed and resigned??? What do you all think?

Mason can't quit.......he has to be fired by ICA. Then he will have to speak with the judge etc. He just can't quit this far into the trial....again to prejudicial to the defendant unless she fires him. :waitasec:
Whatever is going on, I'm convinced it's an issue with the defense and not the state. Both JA and LDB seemed relaxed this morning. CM, JB, DS and ICA all looked frantic. At least, to me they did.
MarkNeJame Tweet:

Jeff Ashton just went to a deposition. Means case is still going on... = no plea. Court reporter left means no jury tampering.
CM asked for the sidebar that started this

CM seen yelling at JB and ICA

CM loud voice heard

I think CM wants off and that will cause a mistrial unless HHJBP can find a way to continue.

WOW, I am perplexed!
MarkNeJame Mark NeJame
#JeffAshton just went to a deposition. Means case is still going on... = no plea. Ct. Reporter left means no jury tampering. #caseyanthony
1 minute ago
Mark NeJame #JeffAshton just went to a deposition. Means case is still going on... = no plea. Ct. Reporter left means no jury tampering.

MN is sleuthing it out!
LKB on HLN blah blah blah

Did she forget to put on makeup, looks like she just ran in the studio put on a mic and started yaking

Although I'm loathe to say this, these are the people to watch today (LKB, GR, etc.). They have been telegraphing the DT's moves ahead of time all along.
Plea in the works.. Mark my word that will be your Monday morning announcement. It comes on the heels of Lee Anthony NOT being able to give the testimony JB thought he would on the stand yesterday.

JA quizzed him... WHY so emotional now? WHAT else is making you so emotional today? WHAT did you go to the Defense with?

See you here Monday for the Guilty plea LWOP...

This is exactly what I believe ,also. And if ICA was all smiles when HH walked past,it's because she is about to put her very life in his hands and that's what she does,she shmooozes.
Some legal person saying on HLN this is a huge issue for appeal or possibly a mistrial. A witness whom the jury has already heard (Dr. R) has now had the right removed. (the right to testify, under federal law). So they are saying this is a huge matter that Judge Perry will be ruling on, and could mean witness tampering and thus mistrial. It figures. Almost in the home stretch and kaput.... :(
Guys, if today's broohaha was because of Ashton withholding something, not only would Baez have been smirking after recess, but Ashton wouldn't be on his way right now to depose Dr Furton.

I've no idea what it's about, but my money is on KC, from the way she was carrying on, and reports that Mason was yelling at her and Baez behind closed doors.
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