2011.06.25 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Twenty-eight)

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I like it, BUT...

There were other witnesses in the hall all lined up. Don't think HHJP would stop the trial for that, BUT...

Thinking further, yes, that could be a whopper of an issue if JB insists KC testify at any time and she tells CM she does not want to, and CM feels obligated to tell HHJP to avoid legal issues down the line

I like it! ;)

somehow i can see it being the other way around ICA wants to testify and the DT are trying to stop her... JMO
Whatever happened had to do with Casey and C. Mason this morning. It happened behind the DOOR. Everything is speculation but my guess is that someone is claiming some judicial misconduct.
Oh For crying out loud. How many judges do they think they can get excluded. This probably has to do with Baez's good friend Geraldo stating that he spoke to the judge. YUP didn't some speculate it was going to cause a problem?
Thankx grandma - I missed that last night - so Geraldo said he actually spoke with HHJP? When and where did this happen? Did it happen at all? I'm not buying it - HHJP knows better than to talk to ANY media - much less Geraldo (who is quite recognizable - KWIM).

Now, Geraldo may have spoken to HHJP in previous times - years ago? Months ago? About another trial - possibly? But Geraldo speaking to HHJP since this trial has been going on? Nope - not a chance.

Oh For crying out loud. How many judges do they think they can get excluded. This probably has to do with Baez's good friend Geraldo stating that he spoke to the judge. YUP didn't some speculate it was going to cause a problem?

Geraldo also said he had lunch with JB on thursday (i think) and the tweets started coming out that DT would rest on Friday per JB to Geraldo.

Twitter - 6 minutes ago

"Wondering if court ended in #caseyanthony case today because of a motion to recuse (disqualify the judge)."

I don't think this was it either...

if you watch the flow of events and how they unfolded it wouldn't really support this... imhoo of course:twocents:

the court reporter was sent home for the day. I think it is something to do with a DT issue
Haven't followed that closely and have a question....was LA ever tested for DNA and if so were those results made public? I watched him on the stand and have to wonder why he was so emotional and upset over not being told about the pregnancy or Casey going into labor. Why would the family shut him out? Is it because he has had sex with Casey and maybe it was possible he was the father of little Caylee and they knew it?
He was ruled out as the father. physically impossible per the DNA.
All this brouhaha stemmed from a sidebar that CM asked for. It just now occurred to me, why would he have to call for a sidebar when the jury isn't even in the court room? That tells me it was something CM didn't want US to hear.

I find that interesting.
Oh For crying out loud. How many judges do they think they can get excluded. This probably has to do with Baez's good friend Geraldo stating that he spoke to the judge. YUP didn't some speculate it was going to cause a problem?

What did Geraldo say? He spoke to JP? What about?
Look at last photo with grandpa, check size of hands, length of arms, color of hair and height. IMO this is not Caylee. Maybe someone can post those two pictures. Thanks!

Hope this helps...


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by law so no one can make her and she knows that. He might want her to but not seeing where that would create this big a deal. JB and ICA have been together a long time and seem mostly like 2 peas in a pod.

Okay - turned HLN off - and had my shower. Ions now perfectly aligned.:innocent:

Here's what popped into my head directly from my Muse as I was not thinking about this case - kinda sorta.

HHJP has really been leaning on the DT to walk their talk. He mentioned it again yesterday - Mr. Baez a bit of everything or some more isn't going to do it. You've made your opening statements and I'm holding you to them ( or something close to that)

So what if Baez talked to George, found out he is argumentative and not at all inclined to fall on his sword.

Baez's only remedy is to put ICA on the stand - so he told her she has to - he insists more than firmly. She tattletails to Mason, the protective grandfatherly type, he talks to HHJP along with the rest of the DT, ICA sheds a few quiet tears while CM is expounding - HHJP talks to Baez, CM, blah blah, comes back into the courtroom and rules that's it for the day, and ICA gives HHJP a teeny smile of gratitude.

So just how much of a legal stink would that cause? Curious LG with ions perfectly aligned wants to know....
The DT already filed a motion for dismissal yesterday r/t the Rodriguez issue. HHJP told them it would be an evidentiary proceeding which they could take up this morning or whenever they would like to schedule it. He told the SA to provide the DT with the supervisors info, which might be what JA set in front of JB at the very end yesterday. Mason complained yesterday that the judge allowed a 24 hour extension for JA to review the depo he had taken of Rodriguez, well knowing already that the DOD threatened him with firing if he testified. I believe the DT has moved to recuse HHJP for allowing that 24 hour extension as improper. I also believe the DT has accused the SA of witness tampering r/t Rodriguez (which I don't believe for a hot minute).
Just my opinion on what is brewing.
Whatever it is has Mason at the helm today and interestingly enough it left yesterday with Mason at the helm regarding the Rodriguez issues.
OK the Court Oficer is on the phone.... with someone behind the Casey door. Next thing you know all of the lawyers go out back where Casey is. At about the 11:00 mark look at the interaction between Baez and Casey. It looks strained.


Sure do wish I could lip read but one thing I pretty certain of is approx. 39:30 on this tape, something is said to KC by the woman with the long hair and KC says "That's exactly what I'm talking about". Right after that, KC gets up and she and that woman go into the room where the atty's are.
I think Mark NeJame is working on figuring out what it could be... he thinks it could be witness tampering but not a plea or a jury issue because the court reporter was sent home.. (links to his twitter upstream... he says he will be on one of the news stations at two pm so be watching for it


here is link

he says hln with vp

(((nurse off to cut her hay field of a yard!)))
Ok so JB has lunch with Geraldo... Geraldo says he talks to HJJP and now the rumor is the defense wants a recuse. Smells like a setup.
I didn't hear it according to posters last night he made some comments on a show. If anyone has a link please provide it.
I think the ex parte communication with just one legal team would mean that the other side has proposed an order of some sort. I think if this is something the state is has written up, they would just need to confirm that they did that for a minute and the judge could then have a ex parte meeting right?

I am betting money that KC has either changed her plea and the state has taken death off the table and given her sentence other than life.

I bet this has something to do with finding Kronks records and realizing that LE DID investigate him and they no longer have proof that he could have done what the defense team said in opening statement. I think the know they can not prove that now and JB is taking full responsibilty for the mistake by asking for new counsel and allowing CM to take the lead on the trial. JB made that opening statement, not CM, so CM could change the theory removing Kronk based on JB's mistake and tell the jury that so they blame JB and not take it out on KC.

I am beyond confused now. But the ex parte meeting tells me the state is not surprised and is the one that drew up an order of some sort. The only thing left was their client agreeing and signing off on it before the judge.
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