2011.06.25 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Twenty-eight)

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OK- about 19.00 into this video JB is trying to slap HHJP across the face. He tries to dictate to HHJP what they will or won't do as far as evidence from Dr Furton.
He is being petulant, accusing HHJP of siding with JA all the time.
The look on HHJP's face at 19:02 is priceless. He is amazed at JB's arrogance.
I would not want to be in JB shoes at the end of this trial...

How did you find this video on the website? Do they always have the whole day? I ask because when I rewatch wftv there's no casey cam.

ETA I see: it's under live blog. I also subscribed to their youtube so hopefully I can rewatch from now on and see ICA.
Watching the DT enter the room...you see the door falling closed on Cheney...he looks like he stumbles or something before pushing the door open to get in.:waitasec:Anyone else?
When was there perjury?? I'm trying to figure this out too, as no one actually knows the issue at hand, and everything about today's event is speculatory. moo

IMO... this could be somethings as benign as "Hey JP! We're working 7 days a week and in court 6 days a week, we're ahead of schedule, and it's causing us to not be able to properly represent our client because of fatigue, the court schedule and no free time to adequately respond to opposing testimony/experts." My speculation only. If that was conveyed to JP by the DT... could he just tell "Suck it up and get to work... I'm here too!" but if he did do that, I think it would be an open invitation for a mistrial or an overturn on appeal. Again MOO
He testified on the witness stand that he was co-founder of the Body Farm. He isn't.
I would be surprised if she was. I was not completely pleased with LDB's cross. I felt she omitted things. Someone stated that they could just recall CA during rebuttal but that is not the way to impeach someone's testimony or to point out how incredible that testimony is. She should have done that on cross. The fact that she didn't either means she was unprepared or she felt what she did was enough. (I did not, but it's not my case and so far they have done an amazing job).

In cross, you can ask leading questions that allow you to control the message you want the jury to have. That is not the case in a direct examination, which would be what would happen if the state called CA during rebuttal. They would not be able to ask her leading questions. That gives CA much more control over her answers and the message. So, IMO, it is a mistake to wait for rebuttal and the state would not do so unless they realized they screwed up during cross or unless they received new info.

Instead, they would present other evidence/testimony, to show that CA was not being truthful.

But, it is a delicate balance because she was a witness for the state and they don't want to make it seem like she is a total liar or the jury might discount ALL of her testimony, including all of the stuff about how casey lied.

I'm definitely no expert, but I thought LDB's cross questions seemed like they were purposely asked for rebuttal. She repeatedly asked her if her testimony was that she was not at work those specific days. She asked her if her testimony was that she called George on his cell phone or at work on June 16 to inquire about the pool ladder. She kept repeating over and over "Is it your testimony that..." It seemed like she wanted certain things clear on record so that when she came back in rebuttal she would show how much Cindy lied (i.e. being home when work records showed otherwise, or saying she called George about pool ladder). IMO, those are the most important points they need to refute. If they prove Cindy WAS at work when she claimed to be home, and DIDN'T call George when she says she did, then the SA will have shot down any doubt CA's testimony provided.
LOL I bounce back and forth between Foxnews and HLN as I sit here trying to catch up on work I have let slide because of the trial.

Both major news stations seem to have a funny technique of slowly shifting which side they think is ahead overall and for the week. For a while they will insist that no 911 call must mean a hidden crime and then all of a sudden they think pictures of Caylee climbing a pool ladder clearly mean an accidental drowning.

I guess have court recess today left HLN a little empty handed.
I transcribed the Furton argument from this morning and added it to the others. They are up in the witness's thread under Transcribers - Do you have something to add until they get moved to their spot.

After watching the whole thing - what I found interesting was the little meeting held near the sidebar by all attorneys, but no judge. Wish I could HEAR what they were saying. It's at about the 25:00 mark at the link below.


Maybe you all have figured out what is going on while I was gone:party:

I just spent time doing snips from that video. Will post all shortly but here are a few I think you are referring to.

ldb and ja looking away from little chat.PNG

cm getting ldb's attention.PNG

group chat.PNG

hold down the fort dottie.PNG
Oh wow this smacks of the truth Wow...just wow!

Still believe ICA looked up chloroform as well. Sick sick sick all of the A's.:sick:

Originally Posted by IRule254
IMO, I think CA did make the chloroform searches and I think she was doing so because CAYLEE was acting excessively sleepy, not the dogs. I think she suspected something.

Actually, I think Casey was testing out her home-made Chloroform out on the dogs, if you ask me.
Mark NeJame
Narrowed this to 2 possibilities...plea or trouble w atty on defense team. purely speculation. I think it's w atty on defense. #caseyanthony
in the wesh video of today...about the 48 min mark....CA reads something that comes to a surprise to her...she looks at GA...GA agrees....CA leaves...GA has a small sigh....
Watching the DT enter the room...you see the door falling closed on Cheney...he looks like he stumbles or something before pushing the door open to get in.:waitasec:Anyone else?

Agree and since I have been rewatching everything with special attention to CM I see a tired and possibly weak man. Maybe I am imagining it but I think it is possible that he is not feeling well.
He has testified multiple times across the country for different SA's without a problem... why would it suddenly be an issue??

Well, I think it comes down to protocol, and Dr. Rodrigues did NOT adhere to that necessary protocl according to DOD....I have no proof or know the details, but it isnt hard to prove or disprove breach of protocol..

Scenerio #1 Dr. ROdrigues did this on his own outside of DOD perview..kinda like "Moonlighting"..and did NOT inform his Employer who happen to be DOD

Scenerio#2 Dr. Rodrigues used DOD facility and personel to promote this particular case to gain his informations and DID not request that useage

Scenerio#3 Dr. Rodrigues received remunerations for his expert opinions and didnt declare the incomes..

Bottomline..It was the DT who let him off the hook..and it appears even his superiors are following this trial and saw his face on the stand and went WHOA!! how come he never advised us he was involved with this case??
Actually I heard and it may have been gossip, that Dr. Rodrigues was let go because he was in agreement with the SA??..So who the heck knows:waitasec:
after Caylee was found I stopped following the case until the trial so I'm not that familiar with the whole DC and RK thing so I can't assess it specifically but...

I think CM is an ethical attorney whose goal is to provide a vigorous and proper defense. I agree JB has never leveled with anyone, including his co-counsels about this case, what he knows and what he's done.

If CM has found something out I can see him bringing it to the attention of the court. I don't believe he would let JB perpetrate a fraud on the court, suborn perjury or allow false testimony that a witness wants to give.

You have made me curious to go back and look at the DC-RK etc stuff. I do believe JB knew where Caylees body was and would not be surprised if he was involved in a "project" to ensure it was found while ICA was in jail.

I also think HHJP has a fairly good idea of just how unethical JB is.

Well I've been wondering for awhile if JB was just dragging out all his direct and cross so he could log in more hours in some Dickensian paid-by-the-word strategy to count for his DP qualification.

But something else has been kinda bugging me all along and I hope you will indulge me. While CM certainly knows some of the details of this case, like any other member of the DT team, I'm sure JB lied and gave him a dog and pony show about a lot of things. I have a feeling that many of his DT started jumping ship when details of JB's complete and total lack of ethics were slowly discovered. If CM found out that JB did something really disgusting (other than the typical discovery violation stuff he is pulling) maybe he decided to pull the plug before this could be a mistrial. I don't think JB tells his team any more than he needs to and hopes they don't discover all his misdeeds on their own.

The SA the other day published a discovery list that included the DC depo which was taken in March, IIRC. I have a theory about that being a shot across the bow to JB by the state if he wants to go after RK. Like JA saying "bring it!" yesterday. I know that LP's insistence of a "daisy chain" left all of us nuts. But it did leave me wondering all these months. There are only two times we've seen JB lose it. One was when he wanted the jailhouse tape of him and ICA after she found out the body had been discovered completely destroyed and anyone who witnessed it permanently barred from discussing it. Allegedly she was going nuclear and he was crying. That made me think perhaps she was mad at him for something he had promised her that did not happen. The other was when DC and JH were discovered to have filmed their little expedition looking for the body. JB went ballistic and insisted on special masters for his interview and used work product privilege to try to prevent LE from even interviewing him, much less having a depo taken. I speculated like many that, if there were indeed a daisy chain, it might have come through JB, who told DC where the body was and instructed him to find someone innocuous, like a civil servant to find the body while she was still in jail. RK may have simply been given a tip by DC that there was something suspicious in that area he should look at - and maybe a reminder that there was a nice reward. So RK called it in in August, the 11, 12 and 13. Three times in a row made me think he was pretty sure. But then she gets bonded out and it all dies down. Then in mid-November suddenly DC wakes up RH and gets him out of bed saying he knows where the body is and we all know how that turned out. Then three weeks later, RK is assigned back to the area and immediately calls it in again, as if he had been reminded (let me be clear, I don't think RK is guilty of anything at all). If there were not a connection to JB in all this aftermath, why did he go on an immediate campaign to investigate RK and dig up the kind of dirt that would ruin both his character and credibility after the fact? Why did he go to such great lengths to tie the person who found Caylee's remains to the crime and use sleazy tactics to impugn his credibility? JB is gonna have to deal with the RK issue soon and the state may be prepared to bring on DC to shed light on that deal. If JB is in any way involved with that and CM found out about it at this late hour, he may have decided to completely pull the plug on him before it's too late and all of this is entered into the record and there really is reason for a mistrial. If CM's whole raison d'etre was to babysit this joker and make sure he does not jeapordize not only the defendant's rights but the taxpayers, then this would be the time he would stand up and say something. Even if he is sick.

By leaving DS out to babysit ICA during the last part of the meeting, it makes me think somehow that those who think CM is all over JB are right. I am now curious as to WHEN KB heard CM yelling coming from behind closed doors. Was it early on or later in the game? Was the SA in with them then or not? The time it occurred might be revealing. And the fact that JB jumps onto HLN saying his is DP qualified is certainly telling for either theory. Gosh I hate that we have to swim in speculation for the whole rest of the weekend. Thanks to SOTS though for giving us something interesting to watch!
It seems to be a comparison photo.

I have a dirty mind because the only shape I can make out is not real trash like the from the trunk ,just photographic trash. Like from the computer.

I agree. I'm watching this ams proceedings. JA got Furton's report with additional stuff that wasn't there in his earlier report, including a power point presention re chloroform. JB was trying to say that it's part of Rickenbachs report.

That's what JB was holding this morning and people took screenshots of.

Honorable Judge is PO'd.

Yep, JA complaining about new slides of "supposedly" source of the odor

around 12:41


When was there perjury?? I'm trying to figure this out too, as no one actually knows the issue at hand, and everything about today's event is speculatory. moo

IMO... this could be somethings as benign as "Hey JP! We're working 7 days a week and in court 6 days a week, we're ahead of schedule, and it's causing us to not be able to properly represent our client because of fatigue, the court schedule and no free time to adequately respond to opposing testimony/experts." My speculation only. If that was conveyed to JP by the DT... could he just tell "Suck it up and get to work... I'm here too!" but if he did do that, I think it would be an open invitation for a mistrial or an overturn on appeal. Again MOO

He lied about being co-founder of the Body Farm. Dr. Bass (the actual founder) has gone public that this was a direct lie.

DT had 6 witnesses waiting in court today to testify. There is NO WAY that the DT would dare to decide the morning of that "Hey Judge, we are just too tired to go on today". LOL. JP made it clear all week that they will be working until 3 on Saturday. He repeatedly reminded them and made sure they were okay with it and clear about it. He told them to have several witnesses on hand 'just in case' and they did (according to reports this morning). They discussed the Dr. Furton matter and Baez and the SA were ready to continue. It was only CM who then said he had something he wanted to discuss, unrelated to the Dr. Furton issue, and initially said the court reporter did not have to be present (and she did not go to that first sidebar).
I don't know why, but I don't think this is as big as the media is making this out to be. I just have a gut feeling.

I think someone may have gotten into trouble, but I too feel like you.

Kinda reminds me the day JB had to leave early and media spinned that around all the way to him being thrown off case. I think he even called KB and told her he is not off case and stop putting mistruths out there about him.

Kinda like he called Beth on HLN today today and told her he is qualified to try this case. :floorlaugh:
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