2011.06.25 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Twenty-eight)

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There are a couple of things that make me feel an illness is not the reason court stopped today,,,(even if someone is ill)

1) Why wouldn't the DT let the judge/court the night before so the jury wouldn't be bussed in?

2) What about CM's alleged raised voice that KB reported?
If CM was to quit the case he would have informed Baez before the court hearings this morning. He wouldn't just stand up and tell the judge he had something to say as they were about to call the witness. Some of the speculation on here is way over the top. Feels like I'm reading the National Enquirer...
Hmmm...and you just brought back memory for me of when CM first start talking at sidebar, JB did the little pat on the back....

I also thought he didn't walk like the Cheney Mason I have watched leaving the courtroom in the past....(when leaving today)
agree...reminded me of Tim Conway doing the little old man on the Carol Burnette show years ago.....
I believe I read today that it is in the court record that DOD INITIATED the call to Ashton after seeing Rodriguez on TV....even though Baez TRIED to insinuate that Ashton called the DOD....

But Baez discredited again.....

Jeff Ashton made a point to tell the Judge that he received that call..that's one reason I think JA was so upset..because JB per usual was trying to 'misconshrew' the facts surrounding that matter..
HLN replaying highlights from past week with Dr. Rodriquez testifying. Judge P is admonishing Baez about the written reports, saying "Lightning Will Not Strike Twice" Mr. Baez, and I won't tell you what I will do the second time, although the Florida Supreme Court excuses it once. Maybe Lightning Struck again today.??
To me it's almost like CM is apologizing to the prosceution and the court. He seems very concerned about them and even chooses to stand side by side with JA and reaches out to LDB more than once.

If...say he did not know about this report JA was handed this morning and if he did not like the way Baez talked to the judge this morning he may have decided it was time to take matters into his own hands and it appeared he did from the sidebar on...That would also account for JA shaking his head yes that he was right about Baez sneaking in the info. For all of them to go back to the room together it could have been defense atty housekeeping telling JB it's his way or the highway?? I hope it's something like that not that Mason is sick.
I believe I read today that it is in the court record that DOD INITIATED the call to Ashton after seeing Rodriguez on TV....even though Baez TRIED to insinuate that Ashton called the DOD....

But Baez discredited again.....

Bottomline I think this is why DOD called the Prosecution vs the Defense..as they did not want their "Employee" of DOD discredited on the stand and emplore nixing his testimony or else Dr. Rodrigues would lose his job due to a "Perjury Issue" not so much about his testimony...

LOL..Mystery solved in my mind anyway!! and do believe Ashton knows it!!
I just can't snip this!!

I absolutely (forgive me the word) agree. I have been thinking all day that we will never get to read all that went on in chambers today. I don't know if CM is ill, but it is as good a reason as any.

Is there any word on why JS was there also?[/QUOTE]

Guess I am getting case saturated....but who is JS?
And it was JA who pointed to the door then requested the court reporter.

It also looked like JB was saying no, we don't need a court reporter. JA indicated again that he wanted it on the record. If it's a matter of CM leaving why would JB object to putting it on the record? Why would CM yell at the DT if he is sick? I can see CM leaving if he's tired of JB's incompetency but I don't think he's sick, just sick of JB.
I read something on the trial thread about LA being impeached yesterday. I missed his testimony, can someone please tell me what happened?
IMO, I think CA did make the chloroform searches and I think she was doing so because CAYLEE was acting excessively sleepy, not the dogs. I think she suspected something.

Cindy didn't make the Chloroform searches. I've seen her login sheet for Gentiva and she logged in for full days on the 17th and 19th.

She also had no clue that those searches were done and deleted. The entire 3 yr history was there except for those searches, they were specifically deleted. She did not know how to do that.

I think it was found that the searches were done on a password protected profile. That's why LDB asked specifically if she typed "how to make chloroform" and if she had to sign in to use the computer to which she answered NO. This is not the last we've heard of this.

They will bring the Gentiva log keeper to testify that it was not their policy to falsify their hours and she'll bring in the computer expert to say that the searches were done on those days on Casey's password protected profile and specificallly manually deleted when nothing else was.

Well, at least I hope all this comes out, lol with this case you never know, but I firmly firmly believe that CA lied. She did not do those searches.

ETA: CA work log actually shows her logged in for full days the entire week of March 17 -21st. A total of 48.5 hours. Looks like she clocks overtime to me
I am thinking that Baez bit off more then he can chew. I think he underestimated Judge Perry.

yep..and I think Cheney Mason overestimated JB, lol..He probably thought that JB had some ethics anyway. Bet he wishes he could turn back that clock!
I'm sitting here drinking coffee, and suddenly I'm thinking of butyric acid. Why? Because I'm recalling that Dr. Vass stated that he took actual carpet fibers and looked at them to see what compounds might have been stuck to the fibers of the carpet. He found butyric acid, which is one of the first volitile fatty acids that escape from the body during decomposition. That makes me think of Dr. Haskell's testimony that the entomological evidence found from the trunk of the sunfire, suggests to him that the body was placed in the trunk very early in the decomp process, and remained there for 3-5 days. 3-5 days from June 16 would be sometime between June 16 and June 21. Casey Anthony borrowed the shovel from the neighbor on June 18. So what does all that tell me? It tells me Caylee had to have been in the trunk of the car, sans the bags, for 2 days (hence the stain on carpet, butyric acid found on carpet fibers, and the hair with post mortem banding), bagged while in the trunk on the 18th (hence the borrowing of the shovel), and probably kept in the trunk of the car for another few days before being dumped.

And so...those are the kinds of things I now contemplate while drinking coffee, I guess. Bizarre.

ETA: Oh yeah, and what prompted these thoughts today was Lee and Cindy's testimony about htere being stains in the sunfire when it was purchased. Maybe there was...but obviously ICA added a new stain. JMO

Mark Furhman has mentioned a few times about garbage bags allowing the stink (gas) to leach through the plastic but not the liquid/solids which if you think that the stink HAS to come from say spilled liquid .. that isn't really true it will get in the plastic and carpet and cloth and even the paint....maybe there is some liquid or solid component having to do with the "stain" maybe not but I don't think smell and stain are really that linked together. Febrezze isn't going to help unless you hose or dunk the car in it.. IMHO it stinks until it is COMPLETELY decomposed and being sealed like in a car with the doors and trunk closed that will be some time. I think probably leaking through laundry bag prompted the trash bags DOH! I mean garbage bags....OK I'm not sure maybe that's why there were two different plastic bags found..
In watching a replay of Dr. Spitz's testimony at the point where he said the failure to open the skull was a "shoddy autopsy" I couldn't believe what I saw when they showed ICA. I guess I missed her reaction the first time I saw it.
She was actually chuckling during the "not opening the skull shoddy" part, and covered her mouth saying something to one of her attorneys! Unbelievable! Well, considering it is Casey, maybe not that unbelievable!!!! Yes, shame on Dr. G. for not cutting my daughter's skull open. Wow!!
DOD is Federal not State... are you insinuating that the DOD will only let him testify for a prosecutor and not for the defendant?? Just curious.

The FBI is also Federal.It's not unusual at all for gov't LE to reach out to Federal experts. So ,yes,in a way,you are right,but the evidence has to be useful.
In this case ,it appears he was approached privately by the DT and not through the DOD.Big difference.
I believe I read today that it is in the court record that DOD INITIATED the call to Ashton after seeing Rodriguez on TV....even though Baez TRIED to insinuate that Ashton called the DOD....

But Baez discredited again.....

Is there a link to that court record, I'm trying to understand why just because he works for the government, he supposedly can't testify for a defendant? Defense attorneys call FBI agents, Police Officers, Sheriff Deputies, etc as witnesses, yet they work for State and Federal Governments as well.
Yes, Mark Nejame was the Anthonys original attorney but he quit in November 2008 (if I recall correctly).

Brad Conway (in wheelchair) took over after that...Anthonys eventually split with him over drama as well...

This attorney, Mark Lippman, their third, was actually the attorney who was handling the foreclosure on their home on Hopespring and who eventually agreed to represent them in this manner as well. So far, he is the only one who seems to have been able to control Cindy in the media.....so far....

Why is Brad Conway in a wheelchair?
Would Cindy do this intentionally to be impeached? Cause a Mistrial? What would be her motive?
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