2011.06.25 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Twenty-eight)

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Like a glutton for punishment, sadly I'm watching it too!:sick: I haven't heard/seen anything that I haven't already seen? I don't understand why these TH shows feel the need to regurgitate the same topics on EVERY show for 3-4 hours straight each night, most of which is false info & obsurd speculation..:waitasec:

So true, but I often watch them, hoping to glean some facts! I sure get exasperated at the sensationalism! Love your sig and am so sorry for your loss.
...and it just didn't happen... yet. One of the Anthony's is going to crack open the can, and then it truly will be a circus. If allegations in the opening statements have validity, and either ICA, LA or CA confirm/corroborate those allegations, then somebody else in the "A" family is going to jail as well.

Think of all the possible off-shoots this could cause. GA or LA charged with abuse? CA, LA, GA for perjury? SA for witness tampering or prosecutorial misconduct, disclosure issues like no RK cell records, JB in a cell for contempt (if you believe that)... the list could go on and on.

I brought this up the other day, saying, "...the first to make a deal with the State, gets the best deal" and I firmly believe that one of them is going to try and save their own skin, but try and save ICA's in the progress. I'm beginning to think that one of the 3 non-incarcerated Anthony's (or more than one) are just about ready to drop the Abuse Bomb... just a matter of when. Once that occurs, if it does, there will be a whole new series of events that will unfold.

If you think this is a riveting trial now... it will only get more intense. I can't even imagine how or what will happen if someone on the stand makes the accusation against GA. Will they arrest him in the gallery and then charge him? I mean, if someone actually does the deed and opens that door, I can only speculate at the drama that will follow. I assure you, I personally won't miss a minute of what's coming up unless I have to... like if my obit appears somewhere! :floorlaugh:

This trial train is about to run off the tracks IMO, but who all will go down with the ship... from one or both sides?? This has to go in the books as one of the monumental trials of the 21st century, no doubt about that. JMOO

Three words to spoil your day, sorry: Statute of Limitations.
I doubt the video (which I can't find the link now) of the start of his testimony would ever constitute perjury. If he and Dr. Bass discussed it as he testified, before it was in existence, he could consider himself a "co-founder"/"co-developer" etc.. He and Dr Bass "built the facility and they began the first research together" (paraphrasing).

I would have to hear Dr. Bass say "He didn't co-found the Body Farm! It was all me!"... I haven't heard that yet, so until I do, I doubt he violated any laws with his semantics on the stand. JMOO

Well the bottom line is the Federal Government has a vested interest in how it's employees, particularly those with high level clearances (as I'd presume Dr. Rodriquez has) conduct themselves, and whether the way they conduct themselves in a manner that is appropriate to their position. They have that right as it is a PRIVELEGE to work at that level and they do not take kindly to their employees getting involved in matters that they deem to be inappropriate. When he testifies that he works for the Department of Defense, people could misconstrue that he is there as their REPRESENTATIVE which he is not.
Can I ask you an honest question? Do you truly believe that a prosecutor with a reputation such as Jeff Ashton would be willing to risk his career, sully his reputation and and possibly be sanctioned because of Casey Anthony? The State clearly has a solid case. I am interested in knowing if you are honestly asserting that an attorney of this caliber would risk so much because of Casey Anthony.
which stated:
William Rodriguez was a student under Dr. Bass and conducted research at the facility in the early and mid 80s. He was a major assistant in the early years, but was by no means a co-founder

Whether or not someone is a co-founder is not a matter of their own opinion especially when you're on a witness stand trying to refute opinions the actual real founder made.

I doubt the video (which I can't find the link now) of the start of his testimony would ever constitute perjury. If he and Dr. Bass discussed it as he testified, before it was in existence, he could consider himself a "co-founder"/"co-developer" etc.. He and Dr Bass "built the facility and they began the first research together" (paraphrasing).

I would have to hear Dr. Bass say "He didn't co-found the Body Farm! It was all me!"... I haven't heard that yet, so until I do, I doubt he violated any laws with his semantics on the stand. JMOO
The laundry bag also had a waterproof liner. I'm telling you, whatever leaked on the trunk liner didn't come through 2 trash bags and a waterproof laundry bag. Caylee was in that trunk decomposing before she was bagged.


ITA. I think that's what happened when she backed into the garage.
Don't feel bad. I've been here most of the day and I'm still confused.

I posted a summary of the reactions/emotions I observed today (around #2196, about page 88, I think - some previous posts that get deleted change the number).... if that helps to bring you up to speed a little.
So Now Geraldo is calling Judge perry ' a little CREEPY.'

No wonder he and Jose are BFF's. They are both text book examples of projecting their own feelings and motives on to others.

HHJP is beyond adorable, IMO. I love the man to pieces, even though I get very upset when he's hard on Jeff Ashton.
Good thought... but I didn't think she played to the cameras at all today. From what I've seen the only "acting" is when the jury is present...

Again (and I apologize) but I can't express this enough... the way she was smiling & looking at HHJB (for all intents and purposes behind his back) was in a way you'd give someone after you kick them in the beans.

:banghead: I think I GOT it now! :innocent: Thankya!
does he have some man crush on JB or what? ICA isn't so bad because Caylee had clothes and food. Yeah, maybe she killed her but she fed her first-is that his point? He is supremely irritating. Most people instinctively understand what is worse about a parent murdering a child than a stranger murdering someone. Caylee last saw her mother killing her.

Geraldo compares ICA to Andrea Yates and says she didn't get the death penalty because she was religious :waitasec:

Is that a new term for legally insane? Cuz I'm pretty sure Andrea Yates was found NG by insanity and sits in a mental hospital.
As far as Rodriguez goes,the DT knew the first thing the State would do ,would impeach the Dr. with that statement. As a juror , what would you do with an experts testimony if you found out he lied about his credentials in his first statements to the Court?
Fudging ones resume does not instill trust .
What in the world is creepy about HHJP? Are Koala bears creepy?

Okay , here is the context.

Geraldo's brother did a little segment on Judge Perry, and they called him the 'hanging judge,' They said he has presided over more Murder One cases than any other judge, and with 100% conviction rate. And he even went and witnessed one of the death by electrocutions in one of the cases. And Geraldo said ' I find that kind of creepy.' [ ETA: apparently Perry was the prosecutor of that case, the Black Widow, and not a judge at the time.]

If I were a judge,or a prosecutor, and I were presiding over the Death Penalty proceedings, I would want to go and see one as well. It is the responsible thing to do, imo. It seems creepier to ignore it imo.
So putting this all together Geraldo feels that the democratic da hates Casey and wants her put to death because she is a single mother who isn't religious.
I doubt the video (which I can't find the link now) of the start of his testimony would ever constitute perjury. If he and Dr. Bass discussed it as he testified, before it was in existence, he could consider himself a "co-founder"/"co-developer" etc.. He and Dr Bass "built the facility and they began the first research together" (paraphrasing).

I would have to hear Dr. Bass say "He didn't co-found the Body Farm! It was all me!"... I haven't heard that yet, so until I do, I doubt he violated any laws with his semantics on the stand. JMOO

Doesn't say a word about Dr. Bass and somebody else...


Forensic Anthropology Center Overview:

The program began with the arrival of Dr. William M. Bass in 1971 to The University of Tennessee Knoxville. He oversaw the development of the discipline at UTK, which culminated with the creation of the Forensic Anthropology Center within the Department of Anthropology, and many resources for students, researchers, and law enforcement agencies.
Oh my I'm watching the Soup and there is a cilp about the View talking about teh Casey Anthony case. :eek:
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