I cannot imagine in a family that is obviously run by the mother, that if anyone suspected the father, her husband, or the son, her child could be the father, would allow a child to be born or to be raised in the same house as her grandfather/father, or her uncle/father. This makes no sense to me. I realize ICA was too far along when the pregnancy was revealed, for a termination, but there is always adoption. This is just to screwy to be believable. I can't imagine that anyone CA, GA, or LA would even consider this possibility. And if it were true, I can only see CA as being furious, and would immediately leave and not be a party to it. I have the same feelings as far as GA or LA molesting ICA. Cindy would not continue to live with this man. I don't believe it for a minute. It is just too sick. jmo
#1 Does anyone here think that the SA ever read this site or others for thoughts and ideas???
I ask these questions because I am thinking that the SA might need to ask these questions if KC takes the stand....
The inference when LA was on the stand was supposed to be that the family thought that he was Caylees father (although that is not what i got at all....) In fact, if he and KC thought he was the father, why would LA so cavilierly ask her, 'what the hell is that" and why would HE go to his parents with the info????? Why would he bring attention to such a heinious thing???
Also, in opening statement, didn't <mod snip> infer that GA had sex with her BUT LA "did not go as far"???? So which is it????
So JB in OS got it backwards???? Must be like Caylee drown, "in the morning, no afternoon, no wait, morning..." :floorlaugh:
I want them to be asked and answered.
NOW, in light of what <modsnip> says, this is what I think happened, if anything.
KC has her parents under the impression that she is a lily white virgin. (See RP interview) LA notices she is pregnant and tells GA and CA. They are PISSED, but KC being the <mod snip> that she is comes up with the story of incest so she does not have to admit that she is having sex. CA, ALWAYS taking KC's side over LA, believes it. THAT is why LA was so hurt and wanted NOTHING to do with the pregnancy!!!!! That is why they never asked who the father was. Later KC admits she lied, and then throws it out there that it was JG (hence the "baby was early" Yeah right, Caylee was NOT a premie. so that the limeline fit with her dating JG. Then when THAT lie is exposed, it is some other dude who died in a wreck and they will never know....)
This girl is pathelogical. They need to try and think like her in case she takes the stand.
This also brings me to a POSSIBLITY of what Sat. was all about. Was is about what LA came to Baez about??? Maybe Mason found out the TRUTH about this story of the pregnancy. Maybe the family (CA and GA) were going to let JB go with the inference story and LA went to JB to set him straight, yet he was going to ignore it and propegate a lie!!! CM got ahold of it and let the judge know. Then he let the SA know and depos are now being taken over the weekend. What do you all think????