2011.06.27 TRIAL Day Twenty-nine (Afternoon Session)

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Cindy with Teddy
She just drew a square with her hands, I saw her do this early this morning, with KC.
Did DC say he forbid an audio but no a video? Why would he care anyway if it was video and audio recorded?

Because they let it slip that they were searching for trash bags on the video. :D
DC seems to hear AF just fine. How convenient. He seems to be have now problem now.
HATE me for defending ICA if you must. BUT she has been exposed to this sort of insanity for TWENTY TWO years!!!!!!!!!! 22 YEARS we are all half crazy after less than 2 months and it ain't over yet...

God love ya, but ICA killed her babygirl and she is responsible for that...she is also a liar, steals money from family in nursing homes, plays one lover against another, on and on and on...she laughs coming into court about the murder of her innocent little baby girl. She is a psychopath. Her parents have issues and could have gotten her help sooner and i believe they may have covered after the fact...but that in no way mitigates what she did..she is a murderer.

mark w/red marker where you believe you went into the woods on Nov. 16th 2008...put X in a square...did you exit the woods in the same place...I believe I did....mark on that photo path of travel on 11/16/08 - I put a line from X with a square and I put an arrow toward Hopespring (west?) still see water on the ground...take anything else with you on this search didn't have day before...I had probe and little potter's trowel...a little shovel - no a shovel is a big things you can put it in your pocket -same thing....did you use it in woods? I don't believe I did may have moved something...don't believe I did to my knowledge.....use RP as a demonstrative aide....publish.....

I see it there now...look better on the big screen - see things a lot better...any change where into and out of woods or is this accurate?....I is going to be within same region plus or minus 10 feet....X w/square is went into woods...X w/circle where veh. was parked...was Hoover w/you step by step....walking with in the woods...hanging out about 10 feet out from me and then came into woods behind me....he was taping...I was not aware .....I need to clarify that....I was aware and I did approve that he could videotape with understandin there is no audio....I understand there is audio on that video he was supposed to give it to me...he didn't have approval for audio...it had been rumored before that there was audio but first today I heard there was audio on the video tape....approach witness...see where X with square write enter woods....

this looks approximate...X in circle ....where car was parked....write that...little space write 11/16/08....initials next to it....

RO used blue pen - earlier made mark of X with circle around it went into woods and came out - write enter woods... and where car parked....initial and date 11/15/08...initial that as well...approach to retrieve....

mr. Casey you indicated a week or so after this second visit you returned to Suburban drive walked the street up towards the school then back towards Hopespring a little past my vehicle but not all the way to Hopespring....never went into the woods that day walked down the center of the street....no further questions

Redirect- AF - takes a look @ pictures look @ SA # RO that represent first entry into the woods on the 15th Sat....is that first entry or 2nd? the first entry is ....put a 1 ...don't have a pen...thank you ...put a 1 to the left of the circle and initial.....put a 2 where 2nd entry was.....and initial draw a circle in the areas of the woods you think you walked...you keep using word estimation...don't have tape measure...unable to measure...going off 3 years memory...between 11/14/08 and today...anyone from LE sat down with you and ask you to explain pictures where you went on this excusion? map like this and explain where you went...the SA office ...in 3/2011 - correct...around 3/2011 ...counsel approach sidebar please...

AF's getting ready to have him declared incompetent....:woohoo::great::woohoo:
He's had a rough 3 years, I'm pretty sure, foreclosure,breakup with his BFF, etc...He seemed much more "with it" 3 yrs. ago

and another one bites the dust....................:bricks:
rut roh..............if he don't have his dates wrong. I see a problem.

OH LAWDDDDDDDDDDDDD...."if he don't" ? For give my grammah' I iz tired.
I think where he was in the woods is far less important than who really sent him there.
AF going to say DT didn't get whatever map DC put circles on in March 2011. Looking for discovery violation.
The police never questioned him about this or asked him to show them where he went? Is that true?
ooops.....AF asking a question she didn't know the answer to??
I honestly can not understand why the DT called Hoover and D. Casey to testify. What is their point?
I'm lost.
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