2011.06.30 TRIAL Day Thirty-two (Afternoon Session)

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MagpieFromHinky Pamela
Deputies were worried they'd do something in court that would cause a mistrial. Its one of the prankster shows. Monsters of the am 104.1FM
42 seconds ago
MagpieFromHinky Pamela
A local radio show sent their wives to court w/Tshirts that had a pic of HHJP & said "He Da Man" the women were removed. LOL
HHJP treats JA like the OLDER child. You know the one that always gets into trouble and you should know better.

Sit down Mr. Ashton, I am not finish. Mr. Ashton, I apoligize and HHJP says I know?

But how many times has JB interupted HHJP and nothing said to him.
I assume they are going to talk about possible perjury and obstruction charges and to advice her to take the 5th.

Bingo!! JB already whined that there would be nothing he could do and it wouldn't be fair if CA pleaded the 5th. She'll get what she deserves IMO!!
I actually agree with HHJBP and I'm glad he is not allowing it. Could have been a huge appeal issue and I don't want any possible legitimate appeals.
OH HHJP just said that particular item of evidence will NOT go back to the jury. He is making SURE they do not smell the can.
The can will not go back to the jury....says Judge Perry. #caseyanthony
by cfnews13casey via twitter at 1:51 PM

Perry: that would violate #caseyanthony's due process rights and 6th Amendment rights. #caseyanthony
by oscaseyanthony via twitter at 1:50 PM

Perry: To permit the jury to open the can up, and 1 juror say, "that's it, thats the odor of decomp" would be new evidence. #caseyanthony
by oscaseyanthony via twitter at 1:50 PM
Also, we don't want jurors getting sick, getting agitated and that sort of drama!
The smell evidence, IMO, is no different than any of the photographic evidence that has been introduced. The photographic evidence can be interpreted, just as the smell in the cans is subject to interpretation.

Why should the jury take the expert witness's testimony as gospel with regards to the smell?

As far as I'm concerned, it would be the same as bringing in a photographer who testified saying, "I saw this or that..." and "I'm an expert in photography, so trust my eyes" without showing any photographs or not allowing the jury to see any photos.

I admire and respect HHJP, but I disagree with his decision to disallow the smell cans.
No smelling. The jurors won't even see the cans in the jury room. A big win for the DT.
Good, they don't need the jury to smell that can. The testimony has been very solid re: that. At least 5 people said it smelled like decomp. I would not want this whole trial ruined by a juror smelling that can, and telling other jurors it is decomp. IMO.
Casey looks up as soon as she hears the words "Miss Anthony." She really has no capacity to understand that everything that happens in the whole trial will determine her fate. She only pays attention if she hears her name, or if something catches her eye.
good call JP - I think the jury know that the smell of decomp was there...no need to overplay it
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