2011.07.03 TRIAL Day Thirty-four - DEFENSE (JB) CLOSING ARGUMENTS

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Diving? really. Diving is not going feet first
Originally Posted by StJohn
He is referencing that the defense expert forensic pathologist, Dr Spitz, served as forensic pathologist on the commission that investigated the death of Dr Martin Luther King in the '60s. In addition, Dr Spitz served on the commission that investigated the death of President John F. Kennedy.

Yes, he did - when I was a child - now I am old and so is Dr. Spitz....but he is much much older than me.

This is why I asked (ok, yelled at my tv) what this man has done in THIS century, or at least in the 90's that puts him current with how things are done for skeleton exams. Remember, you can't autospy a skeleton, the bone guy told you that. You don't have tissues, you don't have brain matter, you don't have internal organs...there is nothing to autospy expect the condition of the bones including of there are any marks that don't belong.

Dr. Sptiz was under investigation in Michigan for giving a death the ruling of suicide and when the parents got another autopsy, they found a bullet hole in his head. He blamed his mistake on old machinery. lol He is too old to be doing this anymore.
If CA lied, JA that means ICA did searches and baby didn't drown.
Aphrodite_Jones Aphrodite Jones
when Baez told jurors Casey loved her child, did anyone see #caseyanthony mouth the words: "I still do!"?? really? She does? Go figure!

Please include this in our daily learnings...

"drowning is not sexy"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He uses highly unusual too much, then shows what the jury has seen already. Now tell them why your client stayed in Jail for three years........reasonably.
Ya know...the pool/ladder pics are good for the SA....it shows Caylee could NOT get in pool by herself...CA is HELPING her.
I'm sorry, Caylee, that your love of swimming is being twisted this way. It's not fair, baby.
Too bad the jurors didn't get to hear from Tracy, from Leonard Padilla's team. She said that slider was ALWAYS left partially open like that, so the dogs could go in and out. And Tracy also said no way could Caylee open that slider as it was WAYYY too heavy and hard to open.
Did he say there was nothing sexy about drowning?
Don't forget that she stole from her elderly grandmother who lives on a very fixed income.

Such a kind person.

I don't know what Jose's definition of kind is, but my guess is that it's radically different from the real definition of the word.

and she was kind to her friends too!:banghead:

OMG I actually just saw a tear on ICA's face. An actual real tear !!!!!!
don’t need to rebutt accident theory.....31 days....duct tape on mouth
The picture of Caylee supposedly opening the sliding glass door is not showing her OPENING IT!! It is a picture of a small child, MAYBE Caylee, STANDING by the door with her hand on the door. That is a BIG BIG difference and I hope whoever closes for the state brings that up!!
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