2011.07.03 TRIAL Day Thirty-four - DEFENSE (JB) CLOSING ARGUMENTS

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KBelichWFTV Kathi Belich, WFTV
One juror is not looking at Baez.. She appears to be looking at Casey
8 minutes ago
JB: (talking about Dominic Casey & Jim Hoover) - DC provided us with comic relief, a strange man. Mr. Casey said a psychic sent me out there. CA denied sending them to the woods. GA never asked PI about the search in the woods. Out of the 101 sq. miles this is where they searched. YM said CA said she had her people walk that area, why is CA lying. Lee A. impeached his mother 30 seconds after she got off the stand. What are the odds that they would search the exact same spot where Caylee would be found?
I don't understand. George loved his daughter so he agreed to cover up for her but then he tries to make an accident look like a murder and then is hell bent on her going back to jail and now face the death penalty???

...you summed it right up!! Good job :rocker:
Exactly Baez. What are the odds of knowing the dump site??? Only the murderer would know that. And George isn't a murderer, you said so.
Jose is starting to get emotional again. I think he's maybe a bit too invested in this, perhaps a little too close and losing his professional objectivity?

Oh No! You didn't use the "E" word, did you? Jose said that was a no no!

I guess what he is doing now is cold hard fact, undrescored by his professorial, totally unemotional tone of voice.
if i were ga, i would stand up quietly, and walk out. and i would never, ever return for any part of this circus unless compelled by the law.

YEP! That's what I've always thought! GA could walk away anytime he WANTS to.
CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
Jurors aren't showing any facial expressions. Just listening to Baez talk. Juror 8 actually put her notepad in empty seat next to her.
If JB is smart, he won't bring Kronk up, but we know he cannot resist 'sticking it to Kronk' so he will bring him up, and after that, the Defense is done for...it will show the jury that JB is just throwing a big bowl of spaghetti up against the wall.

OMG I forgot about Kronk, that will take a few hours. JP needs to put a time limit on the closing.
I'm sorry but this is all too perfect for JB. He did a crap job with the trial but now he's got the "truthful/victim" LA, "/villain" GA and "martyr/liar" CA and it all just happens to fit together to make KC look possibly not guilty? This family lied in the exact right spots to make JBs closing what he wants it to be and they did it very obviously, asking to be seen as liars. Even GA hesitated in the perfect places for JB. And remember he said he'd do anything to free KC...

Am I crazy? Too much of a conspiracy theory?
How much more time please? anyone? Oh please let this be over soon.
Actually, again, no offense to anyone, he is the only one Casey has to understand her. Not saying what she did is right, but she has no one that understands her.....................which................. doesn't justify what she did. Just sayin.
True... but does he have to drone on and on and on!???:banghead:
How ironic that JB is asking where the truth is in all of this, yet he was just trying to make CA a saint for lying. Which is it JB?
Where's the truth? (echoes of where's the beef?!!)
It's in the Prosecutions case. imo
So it must be a coincidence that Chloroform was searched on the computer and found in the air of the truck - must be!
I think this goes back to the early days where GA was trying to get Casey to talk with an FBI agent, and when he was trying to get Casey to check other lawyers. If memory is right, both GA and LA tried to get her to check into other lawyers because they didn't like or trust Baez.

Exactly what I was thinking--Lee particularly questioned why Casey hired Baez, he said Baez's priorities were JB himself, Casey, then Caylee.
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