2011.07.03 TRIAL Day Thirty-four - DEFENSE (JB) CLOSING ARGUMENTS

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perhaps he thinks he gets 4 hours and then CM gets more
I'm sorry but he has not created reasonable doubt. More like reasonable sleepyness.
Baez: "No fingerprints on the duct tape! No fingerprints on the laundry bag! No DNA on the paper towels! No DNA in the trunk!"

"She's dumb enough to dump her child at the side of the road, but she's smart enough to outsmart the finest crime lab in the country!"

"Anyone who isn't grateful for the testimony of the wonderful Dr. Spitz should have their skull examined!"
I completely agree. It just boggles my mind that someone can get tossed under the bus for telling the truth instead of lying to protect the defendant. What I've learned in this trial is I can get on the stand and lie with no repercussions , but if I tell the truth it must be because I am guilty of something.

Understandable. But I personally, have faith in our justice system. And the person who wins in the long run, is the person who tells the truth.
Nostradamus didn't give us the heads up on this one did he?:banghead:
I've gotta step away.

I think I'm really losing my mind. I'm vacillating between laughing at the temper tantrum moment replaying in my mind and crying at the disgusting false innuendos and accusations JB's throwing around.
I had thought about these issues before, but there is a big problem here: Casey told no one anything for 30 days. She knew Caylee was dead. All this stuff about George can only place him with her at the murder, it doesn't remove Casey from the equation.

So, you have to believe that Caylee's death was an accident and both Casey and George covered it up. If it's an accident and they both covered it up, then you would expect to see a lot of phone calls and getting their stories straight after the death. You would expect to see George bringing up the ladder incident. And, when there was all that coverage that they were running out of time to show that Caylee drowned.. at that point you would expect him to ask Casey if she wanted to come clean.

The only explanation for George and her being in collusion is if they were both plotting something they didn't want found out. Otherwise, the evidence points to Casey acting alone. And Casey was asked point blank about the drowning and told she needed to come clean then or she'd find herself facing the death penalty.

I hope they point that out.
I'm telling you I want to check all his stuff for misspellings and typos.

Am I the only one exhausted and I took a nap?? He put me right to sleep. I have 20 eggs to devil in the next hour and get to a church party. I supposed he'll still be talking when I get back. DD and DS went to rent video games and went to Walmart - he was still talking when they left and he's still at it when they returned. And the stores are a 10 mile drive from us!!!

I hope LDB shuts him down and shuts him down hard. I suppose I should be doing eggs so I can watch LDB?????????? He's driven me crazy................

Yep, just woke up and the man is still talking.... heading out to light the grill now.
I thought they traveled away from their food source. . .so they went into the trash bag to do their thing.
Heck, those woods were the first place I thought of. Actually I chose the resovoir in back of the house in those woods. When the LE cleared the area, it knocked my theory out the window. Any profiler would look in that area behind the house. ICA was a creature of habit. Her pings showed she did the same thing about the same time every single day. She loved her house and it was her comfort zone. It would be normal to think Caylee was close to the house.

Baez made it sound like it was a shot in a million for several people to search there...not true. It was a reasonable place to search. Darn shame it was cleared so fast ... and then the flooding.
ARGGGH! I have no fear. LDB will make mince meat out of the closings of JB!!!!! I just can't stand to hear JB's voice anymore. I cannot imagine sitting in the courtroom trapped. If I was the D I would beg for the needle now.
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