2011.07.03 TRIAL Day Thirty-four - DEFENSE (JB) CLOSING ARGUMENTS

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sounds like he has nothing to talk about so filling time
Interesting how JB is telling jury that 'Mr. Mason' will come up and explain jury instructions...seems like HHJP will do that. Could it be that JB can't fill 4 hours and so has CM to do some time-wasting fill-in spot? Me thinks so. :maddening:
Jose making sure the jury knows they don't have the burden, since they've proven nothing. Yah, keep hammering that in Baez...lol

He's already made a fatal mistake IMO by patronizing the jury. They are not kindergarten kids that need HIM to explain the system to them.
JB stressing how the Defense didn't have to do nothing in this case. It's already getting boring for me. JB is not holding my interest yet. He seems to be talking down to jurors. He is leading us no where.
Baez: I want to tell you what my biggest fear is.

HUH??????? This isn't about him.
ICA looks scared to me. She is straining to make herself cry. But she is definitely scared.
Why is he admitting they did a poor job in their CIC? What good does that do?
sound like a high schooler who forgot to prepare for speech class and is trying to bluff his way through
ICA has her Poor Me pout on now.
Try to win them over by saying I'm not very good at what I do.
Why do I get the feeling that he didn't practice this very much before starting today. :banghead:

And Mr Baez, this isn't about your fear this is about the evidence presented so get over yourself. :maddening:
"You're going to have to rely on your recollection of the evidence" (because I unlike JA cannot remember what happened 5 minutes ago and didn't read the discovery)
Mods, he's annoying me. Am I really not allowed just one bashing-comment?
I HATE that fake pouty face. It reminds me of Terri Horman in that presser forever ago. Trying to show emotion, but not able to. So they fake it.
OMG - He is trying to explain his ineptness.
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