2011.07.03 TRIAL Day Thirty-four - DEFENSE (JB) CLOSING ARGUMENTS

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DNA Solves
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Matthew Bartlett getting arrested was more exciting than Baez's closing argument.
JB, let's relive all the times you asked a question and didn't get the answer you wanted. Better yet, let's do some instant re-plays. Got the video ready?
FG in thinker pose....prolly cannot believe this either
Wow, so easily disputed about the time Maria was in the car... I think there's going to be soooo much to rebut she may not get to cover it all. mo
Why does decomp not smell as bad when it is RECENT?? IS HE KIDDING HERE?? sorry for the all caps, this is not good, IMO.
what would really suck is if the jury takes this to heart, that we still don't know how
Caylee died therefore we cannot convict for 1st degree murder. then kc would be rewarded for dumping her daughter's body. that would suck.
Uh oh, he just called one of Tony's roomates GF's being attractive. He is in big twubble Mistah when ICA gets hold of him. He is failing miserably. I agree with Dan Abrams post, pro team against high school, maybe even midget league.
Just a tip for all you WS'ers -- if you can follow this man's argument, you should consider a career in quantum physics. You may well be the next Einstein.
Did he just refer to one of the witnesses as attractive???? Does he have any sense of what is appropriate and what isnt?
***RichardHornsby Richard Hornsby
Fact Baez keeps looking around means he is having trouble connecting with the jury like Ashton did.
They were in the car early June!!!! JB is a .......can't say it, sitting on my hands.
I am actually feeling embarrassed for JB right now.

I think because JA was the first to bring in DNA evidence, JB wants to be the first to bring in sl*t discrimination.:innocent:
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