2011.07.03 TRIAL Day Thirty-four - DEFENSE (JB) CLOSING ARGUMENTS

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Jose trying to throw the Jury off with a red tie and blue hankie.....Vinnie pointed out the mismatch.
Well, I can't take JB's whining any more. I'm laying doing a pick patio and I'd rather do that in this heat then listen to JB. I know I can come back here and read what he had to say. See you all later. Keep the faith. Baby CayLEE I'm NOT leaving you!!!!
Mr. Baez's pocket square does not match!
Baez just told the jury he is going to take more time than Ashton took. Well, if he'd start his closing argument already, he might not have to.

Why is he giving the jury an outline of how his argument is going to flow? I am not getting this at all. Now he's repeating his plan again for his flow of his closing.

Am I the only one that has not heard him start his closing argument yet? :banghead::banghead:
here we go...gonna take an hour to tell them what he is gona talk about before he talks about it...makes me crazy!!
LOL at Baez telling jurors he knows they are intelligent but not skilled in the areas of the law.
JB just told the jury they're not skilled (in the area of the law.)

Enough with the windup, Pitch the damned ball!
Jeez ... just like ICA - "me, me, me." His arguments have to be longer, more important. Narcissists unite.
And now he's condescending to the jury regarding their lack of knowledge about the law.

I wonder if this closing statement will be used as an example of what not to do.
ICA looks scared to me. She is straining to make herself cry. But she is definitely scared.

Even Casey is bored....Jose not talking about her enough!:floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
Why does he feel the need to go over his outline with the jury? That's a guide for him to use.
k, am I the only one with multiple tabs open checking my facebook, soccer message board, writing and reading here while I listen to blah blah blah. What the heck has he said so far? Sounded like his thanks to the jury was spur of the moment, like oh yeah, the state did that we should too. [[back to my ice cream]]]]
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