2011.07.03 TRIAL Day Thirty-four - STATE CLOSING ARGUMENTS

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It's easy to be a parent when the children or the joy. But we all know being a parent is so much more than playing with your children. Being a parent is about sacrifice. Sacrificing your time, sacrificing your love, sacrificing your dreams, and sacrificing your life. The child becomes your life.

This case is about the clash between that responsibility and expectatons that go with it and the life Casey Anthony wanted to have. those expectations were not just from society but from her parents. She was expected to work and help support her child. Response to those new responsibilities was to lie. The first expectation of her parents was that she would work, that she would help support her daughter, no longer relying on the contributions of her parents. For whatever reason she decided to lie. she told her parents she went back to the same job she had before Kaylee was born. Her parents accepted that, they believe that.

when Casey is faced with a problem or solution is to change her lie. Casey is very bright, and her lies are very detailed. when Casey wants to do what Casey wants to do, her solution is to lie. When you are working and you have a child, you make up a lie. So Casey makes up Zanny. For almost 2 years Casey Anthony pretends to have a job and pretends to have a nanny while she is at work. That creates a problem. The problem is that she is with Caylee 24-seven/.when her parents believe she is at work she missed with Caylee. she gets a new job, as an events coordinator. And if she was to go out at night, to see her friends to see her boyfriend she says I have to work. Any mother would say I'm happy to watch Caylee.

But then she meets Ricardo Morales, and he accepts Caylee as part of that relationship. but how do you include Kaylee in the relationship without showing you are lying. 3-4 nights a week in early 2008 she tells a lie that they are staying at Zanny's. But Ricardo decides he really doesn't want a relationship.

The solutions of the lies are no longer giving Casey what she really wants. Cindy is resisting. The excuse isn't working anymore. Cindy isn't allowing her to go out whenever she wants and babysitting. Her parents become suspicious. George is getting suspicious and then George is trying very hard to find out what really is going on. In his suicide note George says he was trying for months to get beneath a layer of lies, but he has been told to stay out of it. So Casey's lies continue.

the only way Casey's life's work is if Caylee isn't talking. She was starting to talk.
At some point Caylee was going to say something. it just can't keep going. Casey meets Tony and Tony has this life: freee, he's a club promoter, he's out there at nights with the loud music and dancing. With Tony she can do anything she wants.

The nightclub Fusion is fantastic. there is nothing wrong with young people drinking and dancing and having fun. There's nothing wrong with that. But that's not the life that Casey can have, because Casey is a mom. Whether she likes it or not.but that life is so much of what she wants. June 2 to June 9 Casey has a chance to truly embrace that life because Cindy is on vacation. That whole week Casey is essentially free. She had a taste of that freedom. She didn't have to lie to get around that and it is fantastic. So she has a choice, a life tethered to a child, or a life free to be what she wants to be.

Why not just give Cindy custody and walk away, because Cindy would never permit Casey to walk away. Cindy wanted her daughter to be a mom and act like a mom. And there Is No Way, Cindy Anthony would ever permit Casey to walk away.

So those were Casey's choices: the life that she wanted, the life that she had. And as hard as it is to imagine she had to choose between two things. The dream life that she wanted and second the life of the child. In this case we know that the choice he made was not her child.

On June 16, 2008, Casey left the house with Caylee, her excuse wasI have to work late and we will stay with Zanny. it was something they had done before it didn't seem strange. what this tells us about her plan is this: she wasn't going to stay at Tony's because of Caylee because that was not their relationship. she knew that that night she would be the arms of a boyfriend and Caylee would be dead.

So for June 16 was the same old excuse, I have to work late. It made perfect sense. She actually spent the night at Tony's. on the 17th, was spending the night at Zanny's again. But by June 18 Casey knew that Cindy would not accept that excuse, so Casey had to change a lie. So Casey as the conference in Tampa lie, "we have this conference in Tampa and I'm going to take Caylee with me along with Zanny. and there will be another mother there with her child and this will be great for Caylee." She adds the element of an out-of-town trip to a fun place and a playmate for Caylee. but the fact Kasey was staying with her boyfriend Tony and Caylee is in all likelihood in the trunk and decomposing.
I wonder if JA is so sick of Cindy that he doesn't mind throwing her in there, saying she would not let Casey walk away...

I caught that too, he's holding her feet to the fire..in his own way..imo
No head shake to Caylee being in her trunk decomposing????? Wow.
Her face says it all it is the truth she is reliving it.
No head shaking from ICA when JA said Caylee was in the trunk.
Talking about how ICA builds her lies to fit the situation....keeps her mother at bay - ICA is with her boyfriend - and Caylee is in the trunk of the car - dead and decomposing....
JA is so right- she knew. She said THAT morning that caylee would not be home and she knew she couldn't stay at TL's. Chilling.
Dog bark came through quite clear on my Bose speakers. Maybe a police dog to discourage any misbehaviors by spectators?
ICA put Caylee out of her mind as easily as she puts the truth out of her mind. GOOD LINE, JA! Excellent!
she thought briefly of burying Caylee like they buried their pets

Thank you JB
wow...JA hit home with that one.

Caylee was "in all likelihood in the trunk... decomposing"

KC just looked stonefaced and did not shake her head or have any reaction.

that was the truth... thus,...
It was too much work to bury Caylee like a pet, so she threw her in the swamp.
Wow. Didn't shake her head at the too much work, threw Caylee in a swamp line. Just looked down and away.
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