2011.07.04 Verdict Watch 12:15 pm How long will the jury deliberate?

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How long do you think the jury will deliberate?

  • <1 hour

    Votes: 17 1.6%
  • 1/2 day

    Votes: 132 12.2%
  • 1 day

    Votes: 173 16.0%
  • 2 days

    Votes: 321 29.8%
  • 3 days

    Votes: 226 21.0%
  • 4 days

    Votes: 100 9.3%
  • 5 days

    Votes: 51 4.7%
  • 6 days

    Votes: 16 1.5%
  • 7 days

    Votes: 10 0.9%
  • >1 week

    Votes: 60 5.6%
  • the original 12 will remain in place

    Votes: 105 9.7%
  • some of the alternates will shift into juror seats

    Votes: 73 6.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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I voted for 4 day's. I only came upon this case a year ago and it has consumed me. It took months reading the depos and all the available material I could get my hands on.

Knowing what I know now, I'd be the first one in the jury room screaming 'guilty' But....we have much more information at our disposal. The jurors need time to let the last few weeks of testimony and their own sensibility to soak in. We, on this board know the twists and turns that this case has given us, but we also know how the truth has been kept from LE from the start by the Anthony family.

The accidental drowning theory as a defence is almost as new to us as it is to jurors, lets just hope that they take good notes and good common sense. It's all there in front of them.

Keep the faith my lovely Websleuthers - I am... the Prosecution has the facts that we do and have not let Caylee down yet!
Every jury I've served on started with the foreman asking for a vote on each charge. This was always done on a sheet of paper, we folded and everyone put it in a pile and he read each one. If everyone doesn't vote the same way, the deliberations start. But only after a vote on each charge. I've served on a hung jury and it's not fun. Everyone sitting there in agreement except one person with their arms folded and wouldn't budge.
Surely, they can all agree she is guilty...the hard part I think will be the charges.
JM humble opinion...OH...I think it will be two days cause the judge will give them a list of instructions and I bet it's going to be a long list.
I voted 2 days. One day to know what it feels like to be without a sidebar every 15 seconds and one day to deliberate accident or murder.

I believe they will pick murder in a lesser degree though. I can't remember what the Judge read on the list so no death penalty.

Anyone have that list JP read at the end of the day?
I voted 1 week, because the DT has confused most of them :)... lol, no seriously I think at least a week if not longer...

I also do not believe she will get handed the DP ........
I voted 1 week, because the DT has confused most of them :)... lol, no seriously I think at least a week if not longer...

I also do not believe she will get handed the DP ........
I am with you regarding how long they will deliberate. I think they will deliberate long and hard, especially with the options and the different counts. Not sure how it works in FL, but here in CA if they replace any of the jurors during deliberations they have to start all over and cannot consider what they have already discussed since the new juror was not there for the discussion. So, that could make it last longer, if any of the jurors are replaced during deliberations.
I voted 2 days- figured it will take them a day and a half before they decide to open that can.
I voted 2 days b/c if they keep to the timeline that JP gives, that would mean deliberating on Saturday and Sunday and then they can be done for the 4th. I also think a quick deliberation time has notoriously been linked to success for the prosecutors, so I am hoping for this as well.

IMO, there is a lot white noise around this case, but in the end, it will come down to her actions in the 31 days. That is what Scott Peterson's jury said- his actions proved it to them as well as where the body was found. Sound familiar???
I voted 5 days?? I have no real reason why, just 5 sounds like an odd number and nothing has been more odd than this case. Hopefully the jurors would like to re-watch or re-listen to the phone calls and jail visits. Would we know if they requested to do this? I think if they want to watch/listen to them again... it will be a good sign.
I voted for one week, deadlocked a possibility (thinking about # 4). If # 4 is an alternate, I think 4 days.
I voted 4 days.. in a murder trial down here in NC they took 2 1/2 days and the Scott Peterson trial took 5 days I am pretty sure.. so, I think they will look through a bunch of evidence because there is WAY more in this case, they will need some good amount of time.
I voted 2 days- figured it will take them a day and a half before they decide to open that can.

:floorlaugh: OK i want them to send a note and ask to open it.. IT will smell I promise (or snakes will pop out)
I voted half day, thinking 3 hours, 9 to noon.

2 hrs 55 minutes of:

"OH MY GOD CAN YOU BELIEVE (crazy/outrageous things from the trial)"!!!


"I could NOT BELIEVE IT when (crazy/outrageous things from the trial)"!!!

Then 5 minutes of deliberations, and they're done.
Here is a part of the Scott Peterson wikipedia article on why the jurors convicted him of first degree murder and gave him the DP: (sound familiar??)
In later press appearances, members of the jury stated that they felt that Peterson's demeanor&#8212;specifically, his lack of emotion, and the phone calls to Amber Frey in the days following Laci's disappearance&#8212;indicated that he was guilty. They based their verdict on "hundreds of small 'puzzle pieces' of circumstantial evidence that came out during the trial, from the location of Laci Peterson's body to the myriad lies her husband told after her disappearance." They also decided on the death penalty because they felt Peterson betrayed his responsibility to protect his wife and son
Here is a part of the Scott Peterson wikipedia article on why the jurors convicted him of first degree murder and gave him the DP: (sound familiar??)
In later press appearances, members of the jury stated that they felt that Peterson's demeanor&#8212;specifically, his lack of emotion, and the phone calls to Amber Frey in the days following Laci's disappearance&#8212;indicated that he was guilty. They based their verdict on "hundreds of small 'puzzle pieces' of circumstantial evidence that came out during the trial, from the location of Laci Peterson's body to the myriad lies her husband told after her disappearance." They also decided on the death penalty because they felt Peterson betrayed his responsibility to protect his wife and son

after all the "WTF was JB smoking?"....

they will get down to the nitty gritty and the crux will be about: if it was an accident, then why the 31 days and the behavior (including lies, no remorse, going out, etc) during that 31 days?... then she is dumped like trash....hence, no accident.

realization sets in and decisions are agreed upon.
I voted 6 days, because there is so much to sort through... though I think they'll be scouring for a reasonable doubt with an overwhelming sway toward guilty. 6 days, because that will be the point where I'll go completely insane. :)
I am hoping they will be out for at least 2 weeks (sorry guys) I go on holidays for two weeks from the fourth of July on a canal boat in the middle of Yorkshire no phone, no PC, not even my laptop so I am hoping they will stay out till I come back ;-)
I would love to vote for an hour, but this jury has been through he!! and I feel they are going to need to decompress with each other so I voted 5 days.
I say 4 days. The jury will want to do right by Caylee, so they will take their time. :heartbeat:
I'm saying 4 days.
I also believe an alternate will be a part of that too.
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