2011.07.05 Sidebar Thread

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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I have bills that need to be paid. I might miss the verdict. Creditors can wait.

You got 30 minute window at a minimum to get those bills paid according to this clerk - and as of now we don't have a verdict at this moment. If you are using self stick stamps you should be in great shape.:floorlaugh:
Bill S= Lawyers in ICA's civil suit drafted & filed something with the court today which includes these 2 new Q's:

Did Caylee drown in family swimming pool?
Was Caylee's cause of death drowning?

They are posting it on the WFTV website soon.
If convicted, ICA will be fingerprinted in courtroom in front of jury
I wonder if there are any jurors who have adapted to this life and like it. Not wanting to go back to their real lives.:floorlaugh:
I was on a mock jury about 8 years ago.. it was taped, signed released etc. it was official.
It was a case againt a medical hospital where a young mother's Dr. was eating breakfast at the time of birth.. there were major complications and the baby was born with major defects I believe due to lack of air.

The case was that in regards to the Hospitial not being responsible ONLY the Dr. due to Dr.'s are not "employed" by the hospital.

Each and every person agreed that the Hospital and the Nurses were NOT responsible.. I was the lone juror that stated that the hosptial should be responsible for every person that practices medicine under their roof.. I could not believe that the others did not get it.. they accused me of thinking with emotions and not facts.. I didnt budge beacsue I could not get the image they showed of the little boy who was disabled and I did I admit think with emotion..

long story short.. the jurors were not happy with me, the company that held the mock jury was not happy with me.. it was a paid event.. I took my check for 150.00 and got to my car fast..

I was ready to cave at one point, until the others treated me like I had no right to make the decision I did..

I was the one who hung the jury.. not a popular person walking out of there
BBM - how can they bring that in, w/o any evidence there ever WAS any? Anybody in the world could claim that, as they stood to be sentenced, if there doesn't have to be any testimony or evidence even suggesting it... :waitasec:

The penalty phase does not follow the rules of evidence used in the trial phase. Yes, the defense can bring in all they want about sex abuse, including experts in the field and any psychiatrist, psychologist, or social worker who has examined ICA. They can also bring in JG, AL and any other person ICA may have mentioned abuse to. That's what the penalty phase attorney is for - she specializes in the penalty phase process and rules, which are very different from trial rules.
okay....able to breathe again.....fog from lack of oxygen is clearing.....sensation is returning to my lips.....tunnel vision is expanding...ears are still ringing

Thank you everyone
it must have to been such a big relief yesterday for the jurors to finally be able to talk abt what they had heard and seen during the trial. I just can't imagine what it must have been like to be alone with their thoughts for such a long time.

IMO - Some in the jury may have brain freeze or be totally miscombobulated after being deluged with all of the lies in this case. I just hope that they have an EMT to revive them to their senses.
No good deeds by ICA that I can remember. She also has a criminal record, which will come in. On the other hand, JB can bring in the sex abuse as a major mitigating factor (see Susan Smith case), ICA's youth, no prior child abuse or violence, etc. The penalty phase (if there is one) is going to get very ugly, IMO.
There's no proof of that, the judge forbid the DT from using it. I can only think of one mitigating factor, KC's age. JB seemed to be pushing that, with his "imaginary friends" display.
LOL media has someone to question and they are grilling her about everything. Poor lady just came in to give them instructions. Lady just said are they carrying this? (am I being interviewed live on TV now?) Yes... Lady is kind of nervous.
And there you have it! Totally obsessed I could kiss you!!

Awww shucks!

I have also learned something during this trial. Difference of opinion is what makes this big ole world go round. In everything from politics, religion, family life, EVERYTHING. I was struck how 20 people could see the EXACT SAME THING (i.e., closing statements or witness testimony) and see 20 different things. Everybody brings to the table their own feelings, their own views, their own "who they are" and it results is varied interpretations. Just how the world works.
Makes me mad that everybody doesn't see things like I do, but...what 'cha gonna do? :floorlaugh:

ETA: If I were able to remove my emotions from my life, I could view things actually very even kealed and level headed. It's rare when I can do that!
IMO - Some in the jury may have brain freeze or be totally miscombobulated after being deluged with all of the lies in this case. I just hope that they have an EMT to revive them to their senses.
miscombobulated :floorlaugh:
Scott Peterson Jury WAS NOT sequestered during trial. it's been posted a bunch, and I posted a link earlier. You can google "scott peterson jury not sequestered" and a bunch of articles come up. I've followed that case and watched many shows about it, they were not sequestered. They were sequestered during deliberations.
So if first degree, sentencing/penalty will occur 48 hours after the verdict is read. If anything less than that sentencing/penalty can be as soon as Friday, or next week, or possibly later. The jury will not be in the media room until after sentencing/penalty if 1st.

Don't read anything into is this a bad sign/good sign they are testing the micros in the media room. As to what the jury is thinking/going to do, NO ONE but the JURY knows what's going on inside that jury room.
What about HJBP I KNOW he keeps emotions out of it, however we are all human I wonder what in his heart of hearts thinks the evidence shows and what he would vote to as if he is a juror.

IMO he believes that ICA is in fact guilty as charged.
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