2011.07.05 Sidebar Thread

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Thy still DO use the chair in FL. No hanging, tho.

IF given DP, ICA will be offered choice of needle or electric chair. Her call.

So, Ms Anthony... will that be regular or extra crispy?


Nope....."old sparky" has been taken out of commission. Lethal injection only. The chair malfunctioned the last two times it was used and was deemed "cruel and unusual punishment" so it's been retired. Lived there long enough to know.
My head hurts, my heart hurts, my stomach is in knots, everything else is a blur. My life? What life? I can't even remember what I used to do before this trial began. I've neglected so much in my life. I feel like I'm in a haze. We need this verdict soon :(
Thank you!

My heart stopped twice yesterday when seeing that! :floorlaugh:

We were in the pool and my Son in Law came outside and told me they found her guilty of Murder 1 but had not decided on the other charges .I'm like,HUH?:waitasec:
Ran into the play room ,dripping wet only to see JVM rehashing what the charges are and how the jury can reach Felony murder as BREAKING NEWS is scrolling over. :banghead:
My head hurts, my heart hurts, my stomach is in knots, everything else is a blur. My life? What life? I can't even remember what I used to do before this trial began. I've neglected so much in my life. I feel like I'm in a haze. We need this verdict soon :(
I so agree with you!
It is an argument in the case that was made by the DT. JB argued the fact that CA did not take ICA to a gyn was evidence she was trying to hide sexual abuse. IMO it is relevant to discuss how common it is not to go so early.

Of course, he would. He didn't have anything else to work with, so it was CA, GA & Lee's fault for everything that's happened in her life. (sarcasm).
I'm sure that this has been discussed at length here, but I haven't seen much on it:
I am left wondering why there was nothing brought up during the trial about how
Caylee's body got from the pool to the swamp if it was an accident, and no mention
of who found her body... Can anyone enlighten me? I may have missed it...
Jurors are eating lunch here on the 23rd floor. Chic-Fil-A is what's for lunch. #CaseyAnthony #verdictwatch -jfellby cfnews13casey via twitter 10:58 AM

awww man. now they went and did it. I'm getting in the car....brb
So we all watched CA impeach herself on the stand and both sides acknowledge that she lied.

She has a thought of a perjury charge hanging over her head (not that I expect it to happen -- but Lippman has said she is aware of the possibility).

So IF we move into a penalty phase, can she try to say anything factual on the stand or does she just get up and beg for leniency?

She has no credibility with this court so I do not expect to see much more than a request that since she herself might have been a bad mother to please not put the accused to death.

....hoping we get to that point
Well, the press lady said she didn't really know. Jean C says that she asked the deputy outside the jury room, and he told her they haven't requested any breaks. So I tend to believe that. It is possible that the smokers were alternates and not part of the 12 currently deliberating.

I think someone tweeted yesterday that it was Juror 11 who said "special" when Perry asked if they wanted a special or regular break the other day. Meaning she is in that jury room.
I saw somewhere that she bought tampons from the jail store just 2 weeks ago so I'm not buying it.

I am not buying she is PG either

However.... Now don't laugh....

:lol: Sometimes. they Buy Tampons to make ear plugs and Pads to make eye covers,
They whittle down the tampon to fit in the ear leaving the sting on and then hook the maxi pad sticky side to the strings... :lol:
Totally TMI and OT but what happens if you don't have any money in your jail account? Do they give you $$ for tampons, toothpaste and toothbrush, necessities? Or are you expected to let your teeth rot and bleed everywhere? yuck!!!

Generally the state will provide a small stipend or provide a hygiene kit to inmates who have no money coming in. Here in TN where my husband is an associate warden and commissary is one area he is over, they get the hygiene kits.
I'm a former correctional officer who worked in a women's prison - you get issued very generic sundries for necessary things like that. If you do have money on your books, you can buy nicer things than are issued.


exgi and all our other new members!!:great:
Thy still DO use the chair in FL. No hanging, tho.

IF given DP, ICA will be offered choice of needle or electric chair. Her call.

So, Ms Anthony... will that be regular or extra crispy?

oil or cream?:floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
I have a question. There was a lot of comment about ICA living 12-13 houses away from the site where Caylee's body was recovered. Didn't the A house back to that wooded area? Weren't there many ingress (entrance) and egress (exit) points?
A friend brought up an interesting point I had never thought of.

In ICA's warped mind, could she be tying her sweater up high and tight around her waist to somehow make it look like she is pregnant? Trying to get sympathy from jurors.
I'm a former correctional officer who worked in a women's prison - you get issued very generic sundries for necessary things like that. If you do have money on your books, you can buy nicer things than are issued.

Can you steal from other prisoners accounts? If not how will ICA ever survive... :floorlaugh: Sorry couldn't resist :)
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