2011.07.05 Sidebar Thread

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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Oh..you are DEFINITELY not the only one. Do you see me here? I am at work. Am I working? No.
I am sick, sick, sick I tell ya. Just as bad as that hoarding show. I have a problem. I tend to get obsessed with a subject. I am in no way OCD, but when I find something interesting....I :deadhorse:

LOL, that is me exactly. I get obsessed when I find something that hooks me too...I'm so glad my husband can deal with that. I didn't follow this past when Caylee was found, but have spent the last 7-8 weeks interested in nothing else. In fact, my Corgis were all freaked out and wild this morning because I was watching tv in bed instead of out here on the puter watching the proceedings. As soon as I sat down in front of the computer they both settled down to nap.

I keep thinking about adjusting back to life after this. I might need a program to get on track. :crazy:
If I'm remembering correctly, Susan Smith had already confessed, so perhaps that made the difference. I don't recall why there was still a trial, though!

I think she still pleaded not guilty though...
She gets a shot at parole in 2024 according to Bill S...
Yesterday Bill S said JB had to be careful about that because the Jury really liked some of the witnesses- namely Yuri Melich. He said when we would see him smile and nod at the jury after getting off the stand, it was in RESPONSE to the jury's smiles and nods, showing they liked/respected him. It can turn some people off to see respected officials being called liars.

I'm sure it has turned them off. It turns me off and makes me block out much of what he says. Comments that he throws in like the "cut the cheese" thig does the same thing. That was so childish and immature that it completely discredits much of what he says. In general though, people that are overly dramatic tend to cause me to tune them out anyway.
A friend brought up an interesting point I had never thought of.

In ICA's warped mind, could she be tying her sweater up high and tight around her waist to somehow make it look like she is pregnant? Trying to get sympathy from jurors.

Reminds me of Diane Downs. She went out and got pregnant so she could appear largely pregnant during her trial, so as to look a more sympathetic figure....awww, she's a mom-to-be, awwww. Unfortunately for HER, her daughter was able to recover from the gunshot injuries (extremely severe) in time to testify at her mother's trial. Poor precious little girl. I saw this portrayed in the movie starring Farrah Fawcett as Downs. They asked the little girl right there in front of her mother...who shot you? She answered clearly...my mom. Absolutely heartwrenching :( After that, it's no surprise that the fact that Downs was pregnant apparently didn't impress the jury.
In that video this morning.ICA is complaining about the COS who watch her.They sit in a chair with a keyboard and with every click you can see everything about you,they did that all night long,talking on phone and eating and something about you can hear them,there right outside.she is talking very fast and the video is not real clear,but that is the jest of it!oh and she does say she is freakin out!

just a little post note.This is JMO and I know some people will not agree,again we all see things differently!Thanks
I'm sure it has turned them off. It turns me off and makes me block out much of what he says. Comments that he throws in like the "cut the cheese" thig does the same thing. That was so childish and immature that it completely discredits much of what he says. In general though, people that are overly dramatic tend to cause me to tune them out anyway.

Don't forget MJ's antics and he was cleared on everything...:(
Sorry in advance, i'm sure I missed this but who is Joy Wray?
Hmmmm.....no request by the jurors yet as to the "death cans"

I think they firmly believe Caylee was in that trunk....
OK FREEZE. Everybody take a break. I have to leave for 1 1/2 hours. Please don't let them do a verdict reading til I get back. Thank you for your consideration and cooperation.
I think the insinuation is that CA and ICA were both alike in that they were both molested by their fathers and both had female "GYN issues" because of it. Further, the suggestion is that any nurse or child abuse expert would easily make that connection by what CA said on the stand about she and ICA being "alike".

I find that suggestion ridiculous myself, but I think that's what's being inferred.

I've never seen anything about CA being molested as a kid. Wow! Do you remember where you saw it, I'd really like to see it. TIA
We are up to 42 pages of ..... nothing! It reminds me of when I was married. He had a big family. All gatherings were like this....each room had it's own conversation going, you could just drift in and out....sometimes convos would change in mid-stream. HAha!

so we are all your ex-SILs now
Rose 222, I know, right? I akin it to being spanked with the leather strap when I was little and being told not to cry!

I don't understand this tradition since it has been documented that peeps bodily functions expel from the body during death. However, IIRC, Ted Bundy received enemas and diapers before he was executed so there would be no mess.

Sorry to be so graphic. :sick:


oh wow. I did not know that. :(

These death row inmates should receive nothing more than basic shelter and food but if some folks want to be so "nice" to these criminals then they should give them a special meal when they are first sentenced, not when they are about to die. It could be a sort of " welcome to prison, enjoy your favorite meal, we hope this will make up for the next 20 years of torture after which you will be put to death. Enjoy!" lol
Just heard the lady in the press room say that the jury would remain sequestered and penalty phase would begin 48 hours after verdict. She said if verdict came today--penalty phase would begin on Thursday.

Thank you! Those poor jurors

There are 24 photos from this morning here: http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.248372471846564.80351.174731405877338

Thank you thank you thank you for posting that link. I viewed the pics the other day (some of the best around) and was trying to find them for my daughter. Never did find it..I knew it was something to do with Daytona!!!! I am bookmarking now.
IMO it's not too far from a one person mob if you can spout any unfounded accusations against anybody just because there's a trial.
Reminds me of Diane Downs. She went out and got pregnant so she could appear largely pregnant during her trial, so as to look a more sympathetic figure....awww, she's a mom-to-be, awwww. Unfortunately for HER, her daughter was able to recover from the gunshot injuries (extremely severe) in time to testify at her mother's trial. Poor precious little girl. I saw this portrayed in the movie starring Farrah Fawcett as Downs. They asked the litlte girl right there in front of her mother...who shot you? She answered clearly...my mom. Absolutely heartwrenching :( After that, it's no surprise that the fact that Downs was pregnant apparently didn't impress the jury.

hate to go OT, but speaking of Diane Downs they had a special on her on 20/20 well her daughter that she was preggo with is now grown up and found out she was adopted and she kinda went wild for a bit. I dont think she has seen her sister.
We need some other method than text alert.. I have read that others as well as myself that their phone is not able to get alerts.. I do not want a text when verdict HAS been read, I need a text with the 30 minute window to rush home IF I am out.

I need a site that doesnt send "alert" but I can acutally put in my cell number and have a regular text sent to me.. I am almost at the point where I am going to ask my fellow websluthers to let me give them my cell number and they text me the 30 minute alert.

I am home today for the most part but at 445 pm I HAVE to take my daugher to cheer practice which will be from 445 to 730pm

I was thinking of doing the same thing lol
For some reason, my alerts aren't coming through. My son i getting htem on his phone, but not mine :(
At the start of this case I had a 4.0 GPA that I was not the least bit worried about losing. I now have a 3.9528 and one of my classes is listed as Incomplete because I had to take an extension. The only class I am now keeping up with is my Criminal Law and Procedure class because I am looking for any info while I am learning that will help me understand everything that is going on. I couldn't sleep last night and am so emotionally exhausted that everything that is happening around me feels like a dream. I really can't wait until it's over. I will cry regardless of verdict and know this because I almost cry when I think about it, regardless of the thought of what the verdict will be. I don't know if I will eat until the jury comes back because if I do I will probably vomit. I really, really can't wait until it is over, but can't stop watching because even when 6 stuck last night and I got the text that they were done for the day I still couldn't stop thinking about it. I really, really, really can't wait until it is over.

All I can say, is it helps me tremendously to take care of myself during this time. That means, getting exercise every day, eating healthy foods and taking vitamins. Need to keep that strength up.
I have to think that also that these jurors have bonded, even if they aren't the best of buddies they've formed an alliance. I'm sure that knowing that the one juror has a vacation plan going they'll do this as soon as they possibly can. I'm sure they all want to go home desperately but I have faith they will still do the job they need to do.

Hey, they haven't made a request to look at any of the evidence, nor have they asked for clarification on any charge, so that's a good thing in my book.
Ha she would be excellent at that! and with the money that cindy puts in her acct she will be just fine. Thats what ticks me off.:banghead:

I am thinking she will get her self in allot of trouble....

Prison life is all about who's got your back and the only way people will have your back is if they can trust you...
ICA does not invoke trust in people, even the friends she had that testified all saw her as a liar.

Women in prison will come down hard on her because of that

Unless she finds a Friend...:heartluv: ....if you know what I mean...

Also, they do not tolerate Baby Killers....
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