2011.07.05 Sidebar Thread

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The media lady from the court said there will not be late-night deliberating, not past 6-7pm at night...
Does the jury go out for lunch, or has lunch been brought to them yet? Seems like we would hear some small details like that.......

Brought in. Per Kathi B, they are deliberating during lunch.
Kind of strange that KC did not plead guilty to lying to police officer since she changed her story. That is obvious, that she lied but still claims to be innocent. jmo

I was thinking about something last night. If ICA is disassociating wouldn't she do so now since being in jail for 3 years, being accused falsely for her baby's death and trial are probably harder for her than it was for her to kill her daughter in cold blood.:banghead:
Unleash the verdict! Cheers“@MarthaSugalski: Did you follow my admonitions @bobkealing - are you having a great birthday?”by bobkealing via twitter 11:13 AM

Thought the bolded part was funny!
I'm having a hard time watching JB's closing so I still haven't gotten through all of it even though I have watched all of the State's closing and rebuttal.

JB has no respect for the court or anyone else. Everyone is lying about Casey but Casey. I understand that it is the job of the defense to attack the evidence as presented but his implication that all that the state has manufactured evidence and that all of these people are lying to convict ICA is hugely disturbing.

IMO it is the Defense's job to insure that the defendant's rights are upheld, that they get a fair trial, to questions evidence that should be questioned but JB is making a mockery of our justice system.

Gotta remember to Baez - it's about HIM - not ICA.

Bill S told a story this morning on WFTV. He said throughout the earlier stages of the trial, Baez would call him personally to complain about things Bill S was saying about him.

Not about ICA, or her guilt, or the evidence against her, or anything to do with Bill's opinion of her guilt or innocence.

Just what Bill was saying about HIM. :loser:

Bill S. said he explained to Baez that the fact was, he was now under contract to WFTV to do legal analysis - for better or worse - and that is what he was going to continue to do. He said he told Baez that - sorry, he wasn't under obligation to follow some unspoken "code of defense attorneys" and say Baez was doing a great job when the exact opposite was the truth.

Maybe that "unspoken code" explains why the vast majority of TH's that are/were defense attorneys keep spouting this complete and utter BS about Baez?

Thank goodness there are a few that have the courage to break that code: NeJame, Eiglarsh (for the most part), Hornsby (most of the time), and one or two that NG browbeats into admitting that he is just plain awful.
Sorry in advance, i'm sure I missed this but who is Joy Wray?

Do you have a couple days? LOL

She is an Anthony supporter who's been committed several times.....some call her a nutcase(to be polite)
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1VXgki_YulE&feature=share"]YouTube - ‪To: Momma - From: Caylee‬‏[/ame]
Tweets said there was a huge cart of CHIK-FIL-A.......
I am soooooo hungry for junk food. That's all I ate for 3 days off at home watching this thing.
It's back to Lean Cuisine today.
I really want Chik-Fil-A

Lol, I have gained 10 lbs watching this trial!!!! Today I MADE myself bicycle to work and home, and started back on the diet......it is too much! Now I want chik filet........the nearest one is 50 miles from here, so I am SOL......
Originally Posted by SyraKelly View Post
In that video this morning.ICA is complaining about the COS who watch her.They sit in a chair with a keyboard and with every click you can see everything about you,they did that all night long,talking on phone and eating and something about you can hear them,there right outside.she is talking very fast and the video is not real clear,but that is the jest of it!oh and she does say she is freakin out!
I signed in specifically to thank this post from work.

I signed in specifically to thank this post from work.

Does anyone have a link to this video? Thanks!

ETA: Oh, is this the result of lipreading?
No, the verdict will come in tomorrow at 2:00 when I'm at the dentist office.:twocents:

I'm on strike. The only place i will go is to take the dogs out and even then, i have my phone so that i can run like he77 if the verdict comes in while i'm walking them.
JVM: "The mood (outside the court) is getting more tense with every passing minute!"
I do think all of the evidence is in the room with them....just not videos and audios...they have to request those, and are brought back into the court room to hear and see them, with attys and ICA....the other evidence is with them. At least this is my understanding.....not the cans tho
I can't imagine the stress KC must be feeling right now. Everyone, even the lawyers, will be ok no matter what the verdict is. They all have their families, careers, FREEDOM. It is KC and KC alone who will really suffer. When I begin to feel a little sorry for her I think of CAYLEE.

We will never know how Caylee really died or how she felt during those last moments. Chloroform may have been used to make it painless but I'm not sure. KC could have used it to try and clean the trunk after the dirty deed was done. During the DP hearing KC grabbed her wrist while Ashton talked about how Caylee may have been restrained.
I think Caylee may have been restrained physically while 3 pieces of duct-tape were placed around her little face.I can imagine her saying " Mama, are you angry mama?" Gosh sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo heartbreaking.

KC deserves to spend her life in prison.
Do we know where the jurors take their "special breaks?" If they are smoking I would think it has to be outside and someone would have seen them? That is if any of the 12 left are smokers and it wasn't the alternates who wanted the special breaks.
OK, this one reminds me of the old movie "What ever happened to Baby Jane?" and is just scary in what it reveals about her:

I love that movie. Saw it when I was a little girl and it scared me to death when she killed her bird.
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