2011.07.05 Sidebar Thread

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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It is probably Casey calling George and saying she was an original searcher and giving the death threats. LOL LOL
I want to thank you all for sharing your talents, thoughts, feelings, and hopes with me for the past three years. Websleuths, the mods, and administration have provided a valuable service for Caylee. She is loved as no other child has ever been. I have now deleted all of my bookmarks to Caylee related sites as I am so done with ICA and her defense team. I will pray for the prosecutors, the judge, and those here who have worked so hard for justice. Apparently, it was not meant to be. I am praying that ICA gets all she deserves from life, or in the afterlife. Blessings to all, until we meet again.
Just wait until Karma makes an appearance and comes back and bites them all on the bum

I am so angry but also mad at me as I'm frightening myself with the 'hate' welling up inside me

Throughout this trial I have supported the Anthony family but after this verdict I'm thinking " be careful what you wish for" and that applies mainly to Cindy

I see a lifetime ahead of anger, no friends, no supporting family and I see one day Casey having another child. Oh how I'd love to be a fly on the wall when the pregnancy is announced to Cindy!

Im on the verge of boiling bubbling anger and only now being able to post as the forum kept shutting me out due to overload.. I wanted to be here with people who understood . I've not even followed this case as long as you guys but want to say to those who are feeling God knows what types of emotions right now...that almost all people are feeling it with you

Lets hope Karma arrives heavier than justice did today

God Bless Caylee, God Bless the Prosecution and Law Enforcement
I was at work when the verdict was read. I had the text notification but cannot access a computer at work. I just logged on here. I'm probably not going to be popular saying this but I'm really not surprised. I figured we would be lucky to get 2nd degree murder, but figured she would probably get child abuse if anything. I think the evidence, as presented to the jury (we know far more then they did), just wasn't there. I'm not saying the state did a bad job in any way, I just think the evidence was lacking. I 100% think she is guily but I don't think there was enough to convict. MOO....
I'm sure this was posted elsewhere but thanks to Eidetic for all the Caylee photos posted in the trial threads. They really undercut the madness at times. I'm so sorry things turned out this way.
No kidding. As a man it scares the crap out of me.

Yep - it all came down to the sexual abuse FALSE accusation. No matter that there is zilch evidence of said abuse once the accusation is made there are always some who will believe it. Those mitigation experts knew what they were doing.
What's going to happen when CA demands to know what happened to Caylee? Does CA think it's ok to have thrown Caylee in the woods? ICA will say "I didn't do that dad did." CA is likely to really throttle her this time. If not it's only a matter of time until ICA steals again and winds up right back in jail. Or god forbid murders.
Maybe GA will go get another gun and go after.....well, you know....

He said he was going to use it to get some answers out of people who would know something about what happened to Caylee!
George isn't going to do any thing but salivate over getting his beloved gas can back.
Why didn't the SA ever submit the PC evidence that she uploaded pics of the shotgirls on Jun 16th? Did JB win that because it was a discovery violation?? It specifically rebutted the drowning story!
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