2011.07.05 Sidebar Thread

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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Well, I know she had company, but I would have thought that company would have left by now, unless they are staying the whole week. I was just amused by the thought of mountain cat not logging in because she's our mock juror, so that means she should be mock deliberating right now, LOL.

Whew...good to know. Wonder if she's been able to maintain mock juror status. Kinda hard to excuse yourself from guests to go to "court" in front of her computer and/or TV! Unless, of course, her guests are equally obsessed!
Anybody else get ticked listening to these jury consultants? JMO, they don't have a clue what each person is thinking or feeling.
Hello Tia...

Thanks for what you wrote... There are some things that mount up to "no, this has just gone too far" and you have written them:

If I would ever be tempted to find anything "cute" about Baez, I would just remind myself of the 3 years of smarm, smirks, trickery, dirty deals, LYING, what he did to Stan Strickland, the ABC money, his broadsiding of Tim Miller, his instructions to Dominic Casey, his "unique opportunity", the necessity of a Court Order in order to make him stop his "trial by ambush", his blatant and willful disregard of that Court Order - repeatedly, his baiting of the State's Attorneys, his whining, his insincere apology to avoid further Contempt charges, his blatant disregard of the stipulation he signed to avoid those same charges, his "hold the check please" bad funds, his contantly disregarding a sustained objection and just saying whatever he wanted anyway, his mockery of the legal system by not knowing how to ask questions w/o leading during his CIC, his inability to reform questions, his refusal to take responsibility for anything from what happens in court all the way back to CHILD SUPPORT for the family he walked out on, and his flagrant, slithering, purposeful disrespect for the court, HHJP and anyone that is not named Jose Baez.

Nah, not so "cute".

:loser: :loser: :loser: :loser: :loser: :loser:

We humans, if with any real value to our society, DO NOT -- no matter who we are or what we do as a job -- purposely destroy the lives of other people FOREVER based upon unfounded, unproven self-serving inference or inuendo just to cheat our test results as "passing".

IF "we" are a "moral" or "ethical" or "real" human we DO NOT do this just to accomplish our goal. In my opinion, anyone who would do this has placed themselves in the scum pond of human flesh, the swamp of human decay...

What JB has done has not been clever, it showed no intelligence... It showed a manipulation of mankind, even as Casey Anthony continuously manipulated mankind by lie. This man, in my opinion -- Jose Baez -- is nothing more nor less than equal to tot murderer Casey Anthony, though he may want others to think he was just doing his job. Sorry BS!

This isn't "just his job" -- we are not required to participate in unethical and immoral practices to do "our job." Jose Baez chose that path -- choosing to murder two other tots (now grown), George and Lee Anthony, by inuendo and for his own -- NOT HIS CLIENT'S -- selfish purposes. This whole thing wasn't about serving society to defend our wrongfully convicted or "saving his client" or "doing his job" --it was as low life as Casey Anthony preserving her "self-serving" this WHOLE life is about "serving me" interest.

Jose Baez is as low as his client, the one who killed a tiny baby girl -- only JB reached out to kill 2 innocent men, those who were once the tiny baby boys of others.

Nothing about JB is cute. Not to me. He has lowered himself to murder, just as his client did... I hope that his soon to be born baby NEVER suffers at the hands of someone like Casey Anthony OR himself.
There is no evidence of sex abuse in KC's life. The judge has already stated that the defense cannot mention sex abuse since there is no evidence of it. So that cannot be used as a mitigating factor. I don't see that she has any mitigating factors. Not even sure about her age. She was 22 and that isn't that young to be a mitigating factor. I am sure Ann Finnell will come up with something tho. Maybe the 'she was a good mother' thing or that she never hurt her child before or something like that.

No good deeds by ICA that I can remember. She also has a criminal record, which will come in. On the other hand, JB can bring in the sex abuse as a major mitigating factor (see Susan Smith case), ICA's youth, no prior child abuse or violence, etc. The penalty phase (if there is one) is going to get very ugly, IMO.
Bill S=The press briefing was NOT a sign the verdict is close.

Ok, I have a confession. For the longest time, I thought 'special break' meant bathroom break, and I was getting REALLY CREEPED OUT the way HHJP would be all smiling and laughy asking in his cutesy little voice if it was time for a special break.

I was very relieved to realize it was a smoke break. :crazy::crazy:


"Confessions of WS Trial watchers" :lol: I'd love to hear more confessions, could be hilarious.
I thought maybe IcA had been referring to her parents by their first names because of what Caylee called them CiCi and JoJo.
if they find her guilty (first degree) will they be able to film the jury giving the verdict in the courtroom on tv or will they still be hidden?
Bill S= Lawyers in ICA's civil suit drafted & filed something with the court today which includes these 2 new Q's:

Did Caylee drown in family swimming pool?
Was Caylee's cause of death drowning?

They are posting it on the WFTV website soon.

who filed a civil suit???
Not a sociopath at all. You just have to be objective. I spent 2 years in law school and wanted to be a defense attorney, but corp law. I dont see anything amoral about that they do. I find it interesting that they can seperate the emotional from the rational. There use to be a Defense lawyer on websleuths and he explained that he believes in the system and the law to the utmost. I admire that. Plus im extremely competitive and not emotional compared to most women I know. I like to analyze and see things from every angle. I try to be objective.

What if the so called victim accusing your client of rape is a liar. It happened with the Duke case. The defense team brought up everthing they could about the so called victims to discredit them as con artist and liars. So you see it works both ways. Not all defendants are guilty and not all victims are innocent. In this case Casey is guitly as sin BTW!

There are always people out there that do the hard jobs. It's easy to be the hero. I use to work in bank forclosures. People would ask, How can you kick people out of their houses. Oh well, it's my job. Nothing personal. Someone has to do it.

And Florida Native I didnt say you had to like how the system is. My point is that the system to me isnt something that isnt an emotional place point for me. That is my opinion, sheesh...

I guess as a websleuther I expected more objectivity, rhetoric and discussion or openess and not so much torch waving. But I'm a big girl I can take it!
I'm incredulous that people who slime bystanders and blame the victim for profit are objective; they aren't, nor can they be. As you stated earlier, and I'm taking your word for it, blaming the victim is what really good defense lawyers do. So their client must come first, and they must do anything within the legal realm for them, even F over others, or they'll be in traffic court some where making peanuts.

That's not to say they aren't good, or that all really good defense lawyers must slime others and blame the victim, but it's disingenuous to assert those who slime are objective.
Well, I know she had company, but I would have thought that company would have left by now, unless they are staying the whole week. I was just amused by the thought of mountain cat not logging in because she's our mock juror, so that means she should be mock deliberating right now, LOL.

Hope she is not in jail on an F-ing whim!:eek: She does own gas cans, duct tape and lives in the woods!:crazy:
The press lady said she does NOT know if they've had breaks so it's very possible they have.

I didn't hear if she said this or not but did any one hear

If ICA is found guilty of 1st degree will the jurors still be able to speak to media? Or are they not allowed due to penatly phase?
Just a side note regarding the talk about Susan Smith sleeping with guards and Casey possibly being pregnant or having relations....after this trial I would think NO man, boy, person would touch her with a ten foot pole for fear of her claiming some falsehoods. She is self serving in everything she does. Cold and calculating.
Help! Someone tell me this isn't true!
Family member told me Casey is pregnant I said I didn't hear that I asked what source
National enquirer. It's online at their website if you look it up with today's date
I pray this is a rumor
Delete this if I wasn't allowed to post this

I saw somewhere that she bought tampons from the jail store just 2 weeks ago so I'm not buying it.
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