I turned on the TV to watch the news while cleaning house....or at least trying to clean a bit.
And sure enough there are stations still going over the verdict.
My thought....
hundreds of thousands of folks didn't get interested in this case until the trial was ready to start and all the stations were telling viewers about their 'gavel to gavel' coverage.
These same hundreds of thousands of folks don't know a tenth of what we at WS know about the evidence....what was allowed in, what wasn't, what was never mentioned, etc.
It's for those hundreds of thousands of folks that the TV stations should use this time wisely to make sure that those folks aren't bamboozled into buying/spending hard-earned money on books, movies, interviews and the like.
The TV stations who insist on continuing keep this whole tragedy in the forefront, need to Stop going over the verdict and although it's not P.C.
these stations should be using this time to re-try this case in the court of public opinion!
Bring out all that was not allowed into evidence, bring out the alleged fight on the night of the 15th, talk about the video showing how Casey reacted in jail when told the remains were that of Caylee.
I know it's not politically correct to do so, but instead of harping on the verdict with talking heads that are full of MISinformation, bring in the doc dumps....there are enough to keep these stations going for months....and enough to keep the audience watching which in turn brings in money for the stations.
I'd rather have a not PC action going on, allowing those who aren't fully aware of ALL that went on to see what we here at WS have seen and known for these past 3 years than the babbling and repeating of court room videos.
If we want those hundreds of thousands to 'get it', they have to be shown what to 'get'.
Otherwise lots of untruthful people are going to make bundles of $$$ off the back of those who aren't as 'in the know' as WSers.
I'm babbling again. Sorry.