2011.07.06 Sidebar Thread (Post-Verdict)

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I cant remember exactly which show I heard it on but I am pretty sure it was one of the HLN shows (NOT Nancy though), that one of the jurors who has spoken, whether it be #2 or #3 I am not sure either and I am sorry I have no link - but someone said first vote was 10-2 Not Guilty Murder 1 and 6-6 on the Manslaughter charge....been thinking about that. Can we assume two people wanted Murder 1, and six OTHER wanted Manslaughter, (the original 2 voting against manslaughter, going for the Murder 1), that eight people on that jury was ready to convict her and four others not? I'm just thinking someone in that jury room must have been very intimidating. JMO, with the information I am hearing and deducing from.

Yes, that's what is being reported. One woman outside the courthouse said she was called for jury duty and didn't know at the time it was for this case and wiggled out of it. She wishes she hadn't done that because she said she would have hung the jury so....

If what is being reported is correct why didn't they hang? Give the state a second shot to prove their case. Simply put they insisted on being the ones in the limelight imo. The ones. Book deals, interviews, etc. I want to know exactly how and when these jurors were told a not guilty vote was worth more and already the 5 figure offers were coming in for interviews. I'm sorry to say that I'm very suspicious of their motives because of the things coming out. I could be wrong but that's the first thought I had when the media lady said the jurors would not be making a statement.
I agree, I thought so for weeks and posted it here close to the end of the trial. I don't think JB and CM will seriously give her shelter in their own homes..they do know she's a thief and a con artist. She is a convicted felon + all the stealing from her family.

I caught a clip this morning of Jean K asking CM if KC would come live with him and his wife. He sure did pause and laugh it up. He said she could come for a short while. LOL. I wasn't convinced.

I'm wondering when JB and CM will have the Primal Fear ending moment.
Just caught interview on HLN jean kasaris ? & cheny Mason, he says that casey will need counseling. I do not see her getting counseling, she will never admit that she has a problem now that she will be free.


Since the verdicts came in, I have been utterly disappointed and deeply saddened that KC will be set free and there will be no justice for Caylee. However, after some thought, I have to wonder, will KC really be free? Is her life sentence going to start the moment she walks out of the OCJ?

I wonder, where will she go? What will she do? Will she ever be able to go anywhere besides Pinellas County that people wont stare, snicker or presume her guilty of murdering her daughter? Will she ever make friends? Will anyone ever believe anything she says?

I hope that her life sentence starts the moment she's released. I hope that Caylee haunts her mother and makes it impossile for KC to have a Bella vita
posted this in the jury thread, but would like to share here also.....:)
I would like to share with you this article that was written by a dear friend of mine....
I would like to see someone run with this on the change.org site and title it "Caylee's Class".....I am not one that is good with words, but am hoping someone here will help with this.....there is a petiton on there now for understanding the laws for a juror....I would like this one to instruct the public just how to be jurists......please share any thoughts ....http://www.thesouthernvoice.com/2011...s-should-know/
Psychopaths never change, and counseling has never helped. Sorry to say...

I know. I'm just trying to hold on to something positive. I don't see a chance that she will but I have to hope. It is scary that they unleashed this woman back on society. :/
I caught a clip this morning of Jean K asking CM if KC would come live with him and his wife. He sure did pause and laugh it up. He said she could come for a short while. LOL. I wasn't convinced.

I'm wondering when JB and CM will have the Primal Fear ending moment.

Do any of the DT have small children? Maybe they will let KC be their "nanny" until she earns enough money to pay off all her fines... :floorlaugh:
What I find interesting about the jurors, but it did not occur to me during selection, is that most were eager to be there. Give up 2 months of pay, school, you name it. Everyone kept posting stealth juror, I did not understand at the time. One couldn't count to know if could afford the time off, one was a teacher that was too happy about it, one would give up hard earned savings without second thought, and so on.

Then the death penalty question. Most said no, but the few that could not stand by their own minds, caved and said could think about it. WTH???

I think these jurors went in knowing they would not pay attention, they would vote not guilty, and I think (they being more worldly than I), knew there was $$$ to be made, they went for the money after the fact.

Just some lingering thoughts here.
bombshell tonight:

CM asks the probing question(in Jean C. interview):

what is common sense?

sense common to all?

penetrating insight. no wonder she walked, with atty's like that.
Thanks was not enough for this post--excellent article. I have believed since the verdict that the jury listened to the DEFENSE OPENING (which is not evidence) and made their decision from that and that alone. This jury did not follow the judge's instruction, the jury instructions, and IMHO did not even deliberate. Not guilty was based Casey's lies told through Baez on the first day.

Thank you again for this link.

I really wish I could give them the benefit of that. How it played out proved those arguments were unfounded. If JB's opening was the reason or played a large part then on the other side of the coin they should have held it against them for not proving those accusations. They were instructed opening statements are not evidence and then later instructed they couldn't hold it against them either.

The point you make about Casey's lies is a very good one. Wasn't it reasonable that this was just another story from Casey because the other lies were proven false. It's like they are giving Casey the most credibility and that is outrageous.
I'm not protesting this one, let them go! This is as degrading an offer as Vivid, but much more widespread. I'd love to see them publicly humiliated. Eh, that's just me.

I agree Quiche. This could give the direction of her new "bella vita" a downward spiral quick-start.
posted this in the jury thread, but would like to share here also.....:)
I would like to share with you this article that was written by a dear friend of mine....
I would like to see someone run with this on the change.org site and title it "Caylee's Class".....I am not one that is good with words, but am hoping someone here will help with this.....there is a petiton on there now for understanding the laws for a juror....I would like this one to instruct the public just how to be jurists......please share any thoughts ....http://www.thesouthernvoice.com/2011...s-should-know/

link doesn't work
I have to drop it now. Unless some new solid evidence comes out, all we have left is the Anthony's lies. I don't think everything they say is a lie, but who can tell which from what!!? I don't believe GA had anything to do with it - he couldn't have physically gone to work the day his Caylee died if he knew what had happened. I don't think CA had anything to do with it. But neither of them cannot believe ICA would intentionally hurt Caylee. They still can't. She seems to have almost everyone around her under a spell. Sociopaths have the ability to ensnare some people into their crazy world - it defies explanation. I will stand back & watch & try to put it on the shelf. It may take years (like OJ) but ICA will self destruct & she will again try to take down anyone & everyone close to her.
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