2011.07.07 HLN News Coverage - Caylee Anthony

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Did you watch jury selection and the questioning of these jurors? Just wondering

some not all, but I don't think it takes rocket scientist to ask/discuss/try to understand. They had notebooks: take notes, ask the others, at least do TRY to make sense of it. The stuff the jurors are saying is just mind boggling to me.
I'm rewatching Bill O'Reilly is recorded earlier. Boy is he fired up! He is so mad that Juror #3 says it might have been an accident. Says, does Ms. Ford think a martian placed that duct tape on Caylee's face? So pizzed that the juror fell for the defense accident theories.
Love it! Now interviewing Jeff.
Did you watch jury selection and the questioning of these jurors? Just wondering

Funny I watched selection, however, I didn't understand the true importance. I get it about why each side wants a certain demographic. But just lack of common sense. I think everyone including the DT is stunned. I wonder if it had been a gun left laying around instead of the pool as the phantom accident would they have convicted her?
Funny I watched selection, however, I didn't understand the true importance. I get it about why each side wants a certain demographic. But just lack of common sense. I think everyone including the DT is stunned. I wonder if it had been a gun left laying around instead of the pool as the phantom accident would they have convicted her?

I think they would have acquitted her then too. I really think they would have acquitted her regardless. There could have been a video of her killing Caylee and I think they'd have said it wasn't her. For whatever reason they would not consider that she did it. It HAD to be George 'cause the defense said he was a creepy child molester in their opening... beyond the jury selection, I think the case was lost for the state the moment Baez said George was a child rapist. It was easier for them to believe that George was the bad guy than Casey.
I am convinced this jury's verdict was $$$$$$$ motivated! They should all be investigated.

this is the only logical explanation (other than *****) that makes sense to me.

Especially after hearing the jurors talk (the ones that have come forward) It is a bigger pay-out to them to have given the NG verdict
Baez signed with top TV agent to handle media request. William Morris Agency. JB trying to cash in. Baez says it has nothing to do with KC. I say BS

This information needs a link. We have closed a thread on this because it is rumor.

Do you have a link, please?


I don't know where to put this really, but is anyone else sad that the last famous partnership Geraldo had was with John Lennon? Oh how the mighty have fallen.
Vinnie Politan...Release date pushed back to July 17th due to calculation error. #HLN
Did you watch jury selection and the questioning of these jurors? Just wondering

I'm glad someone brought up jury selection cos thinking back on it this is where the SEXUAL ABUSE first came up..AF was allowed to ask them certain Q's related to the DP & this was one of them..Of them all on the DT she came off the most genuine=the perfect person to plant the seed. :maddening:

I recall thinking there was a connection to LEE but I didn't stop to think it would be used in the TRIAL phase..Even tho it was rumored it was GA that would be thrown under the bus I never guessed they'd go there with him..But go they did & within 5 mins of the OS..I'm now sure the jury did NOT forget that seed=they completely believed it from the get go! No wonder they fell for the GA conspiracy.

This snow job began way back in Pinellas County & by that nice, soft-spoken older woman! I can't believe I actually fell for her FAKE persona! :banghead:
I'm rewatching Bill O'Reilly is recorded earlier. Boy is he fired up! He is so mad that Juror #3 says it might have been an accident. Says, does Ms. Ford think a martian placed that duct tape on Caylee's face? So pizzed that the juror fell for the defense accident theories.
Love it! Now interviewing Jeff.

I am watching it also. Maybe you can help me clear up something I think I heard the juror say.

Before JA is introduced the juror is explaining her decision and I thought I heard her say:
:"If they're all THREE there and medical attention isn't given..."

Just want to be clear on what I heard.


Hmmm. It says when word got out feedback from Hollywood was negative. I wonder if a few threatened to pull their business and they don't think JB was worth that risk. So far we have a *advertiser censored* business and huge agency rescinding offers. I would think someone would want to sign them but maybe they are just too poisonous right now. Kinda heartwarming isn't it? Gives me a little more hope.
JA was on Piers Mogan tonight. After hearing what Juror # 3 had to say he seemed a little angry. Dan Abrams was on first and he said he didn't understand their thinking either. Juror # 3 doesn't seem to be helping anyone understand how they came up with their verdict. Somehow I thought something they said would make sense. I think I thought that about ICA at one point too. Silly me.
I am watching it also. Maybe you can help me clear up something I think I heard the juror say.

Before JA is introduced the juror is explaining her decision and I thought I heard her say:
:"If they're all THREE there and medical attention isn't given..."

Just want to be clear on what I heard.

And that's exactly why Baez didn't say what time it was that Caylee supposedly drowned, as if Casey wouldn't know???? The prosecution was not able to show that Cindy and George weren't home at the time because there was no specific time. The jury should have seen right through that ploy the minute it came out of his mouth.
JA was on Piers Mogan tonight. After hearing what Juror # 3 had to say he seemed a little angry. Dan Abrams was on first and he said he didn't understand their thinking either. Juror # 3 doesn't seem to be helping anyone understand how they came up with their verdict. Somehow I thought something they said would make sense. I think I thought that about ICA at one point too. Silly me.

The only thing that ALL of the jurors had in common was that they did NOT read any newspapers or watch any news stations or listen to Talk Radio. That is a lot of detachment, imo.

So what does that ensure? It ensures us that they will not be interested in deliberating facts of the case. They had no curiousity, and very little interest or comprehension of the forensics. But that would make sense because we knew going in that they never bothered themselves with the news or information about their community at large.
Don't you just love being lectured to by this paragon of virtue and refinement. However hats off to Jean C for even being able to understand one word that mumble mouth uttered.

Respectfully, Jean C. is nothing more than a defense 'mouthpiece'. JMO-seems she thinks too highly of herself and often mispeaks. She is also a flip-flopper who talks out of one side of her mouth all day, and then the other side on Nancy Grace. I truly do not have any respect for Jean at all.
With the mention of pyschiatrists offering their services, are we going to see an offer for her to go to some secluded resort type hospital to recover in privacy from her ordeal?

I had to laugh cuz during CM's diatribe about the media, he stated he had 'fellow attorneys from border to border' on his side...then during Jean C.'s interview he stated 'there are psycholgists from across the nation' volunteering to help KC adapt to life outside the prison. Mason really thinks he is a lawyer's lawyer, doesn't he...he knows peeps 'all across the nation' :floorlaugh:

My opinion of CM: Blech!
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