2011.07.07 Lightening Strikes Tree @ Suburban Dr. Remains Site Memorial

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There are Five things in this case, having to do with the jury, that might have been addressed but weren't.

They were unaware (or so it seems) that:

The prosecution was not required to argue to motive

The prosecution did not need to show the specific cause of death only that the death was deemed a homicide.

The judge did not Instruct them to Disregard the penalty attached to the charges.

They did not understand that the lesser included charges did not have a death penalty provision.

Most importantly, it seems that they did not follow the judge's admonishments.

Perhaps the lesson here would be to ask each juror individually if they accept and understand the following items and to go one step further to ask each one of them to explain that understanding. If there is any confusion then the judge (and only the judge) should make that clarification.

Have cases and ever been overturned by a higher court because of either jury nullification or the exclusion of a judges instructions?
I am very scientific minded and normally do not believe in this stuff but I do feel like this was a sign.

Too coincidental for it to happen on sentencing day. At first I thought that the tree may be just in the general vicinity but it's right there. It's the tree that marks the path. It is the first tree as you go into the path.

I, like another poster, took it as a sign from above saying "hey. It's ok. I understand and I know you are upset. It's up to ME now."

That comforts me.
Other symbols that I can't get out of my mind are the dead 4-foot rattle snake that guarded the hiding place, but then was struck dead.
And when the defense team stood up, I kind of got the creeps. They looked like a coven for a second. It just flashed in my mind. I counted very quickly and I'm pretty sure there were 13 of them total. But I gotta get stuff like that outta my head!!! Interesting about the other symbols though! Thanks for posting them!
There HAS to be something we can do........I think we all need to rack our brains and go back to square one and look at ga, ca and la and at least see if there is anyway to get charges agains them and HERE is why!

1. ca would NEVER let ica go 31 days without seeing her grand dtr....she's too much of a bulldog.
2. ca and ica had a huge fight the night ica killed poor caylee over the money that ica stole from family and tried to choke her......(how i think caylee died, ica choked HER in a fit of rage). Thus as all have been saying, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree! My understanding is this would be admiss. IF la acknowledged it....MAKE THEM EXPLAIN WHY ICA SAID DON'T WORRY MOM, I DIDN'T TELL THEM ANYTHING!!!
3. ga had a used car lot at one time right? He knows about detailing cars and was meticulous about the cars and their yard
4. ga is an ex-cop/investigator......he knew body fluids would spill out/leak. He knows if you wait long enough and so does ca being a nurse that if you wait long enough, you can get rid of evidence thus a skeletonized body.
5. ga DROVE the blessed car all the way home with that putrid decomp smell. You are going to tell me he didn't KNOW a dead body had been in that car???
6. Why did la ask for imunity? He knows everything that happened but turned on the State (Ashden even said). He knows because he was THERE to help in coverup mode....his motive? all for one and all for all kind of thing/so he could fit in per say w the family and be united for once....he wasn't their golden child per say.....ica was/is
7. ca's motive? guilt, she MADE ica have the baby that she didn't want to have, and maybe thought if we didn't have that fight, caylee would still be alive
8. ga's motive? mix bag.......partially due to his own guilt of lack of putting his foot down or up ica's arse when she screwed up and was coddled by ca and/or guilt over something else.....I honestly don't know....so both of this girl's wouldn't be gone forever?
9. I think la is the nut that needs to be cracked and then and only then can charges be brought up on this family. ica could still get charged with other things I would think...
I really really really think this is the key......
10. What else could even remotely explain the anthony's behavior? For God's sake.....ica accused her own brother and father of molestation and both STILL fought tooth n nail to help get her off and her mom says how "beautiful" she looks today?
Have to say that if I was one of the peeps on the jury and I'd saw and read about that tree...I'd be quaking in my boots! Such is the law of the universe

k a r m a

in order to do that, the people on the jury would have to be able
to put one and one together. something they will never be able to do.
Have to say that if I was one of the peeps on the jury and I'd saw and read about that tree...I'd be quaking in my boots! Such is the law of the universe

k a r m a

Remember when the power/elec flickered at the courthouse when this all started? There IS DIVINE intervention!!!
This whole case gave me the shivers like the tell-tale heart. It is as if the little girl won't rest. That smell that wouldn't go away, even though she was discarded ... the way the smell grew until KC had to abandon the car. It was like the heart beat that got so loud, you just couldn't ignore it.
JVM just posted kc has spent 1043 days in jail to date and little Caylee spent 1042 days alive...

And, wouldn't it be something if KC got out 1 day earlier, just to throw off the public? 1042/1042!!!
Perhaps while chowing down on her celebratory first meal of freedom and laughing her sorry arse off...(you may finish the thought)

OMG! Could you imagine the collective national JOY if that actually happened? We need Right to prevail once in a while. Personally I think an 'Instant Karma' event like that would send A LOT of people back to church! I'm saying that as an agnostic.
There HAS to be something we can do........I think we all need to rack our brains and go back to square one and look at ga, ca and la and at least see if there is anyway to get charges agains them and HERE is why!

1. ca would NEVER let ica go 31 days without seeing her grand dtr....she's too much of a bulldog.
2. ca and ica had a huge fight the night ica killed poor caylee over the money that ica stole from family and tried to choke her......(how i think caylee died, ica choked HER in a fit of rage). Thus as all have been saying, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree!
3. ga had a used car lot at one time right? He knows about detailing cars and was meticulous about the cars and their yard
4. ga is an ex-cop/investigator......he knew body fluids would spill out/leak. He knows if you wait long enough and so does ca being a nurse that if you wait long enough, you can get rid of evidence thus a skeletonized body.
5. ga DROVE the blessed car all the way home with that putrid decomp smell. You are going to tell me he didn't KNOW a dead body had been in that car???
6. Why did la ask for imunity? He knows everything that happened but turned on the State (Ashden even said). He knows because he was THERE to help in coverup mode....his motive? all for one and all for all kind of thing/so he could fit in per say w the family and be united for once....he wasn't their golden child per say.....ica was/is
7. ca's motive? guilt, she MADE ica have the baby that she didn't want to have, and maybe thought if we didn't have that fight, caylee would still be alive
8. ga's motive? mix bag.......partially due to his own guilt of lack of putting his foot down or up ica's arse when she screwed up and was coddled by ca and/or guilt over something else.....I honestly don't know....so both of this girl's wouldn't be gone forever?
9. I think la is the nut that needs to be cracked and then and only then can charges be brought up on this family. ica could still get charged with other things I would think...
I really really really think this is the key......
10. What else could even remotely explain the anthony's behavior? For God's sake.....ica accused her own brother and father of molestation and both STILL fought tooth n nail to help get her off and her mom says how "beautiful" she looks today?

I think I know how you feel,but the Prosecution team knows even more than we do.
In one of the sidebar transcripts from the trial the dt was basically being warned that if they did X it opened the door for Y ( a lot of stuff ) to come in. LDB said that ICA wrote "hundreds and hundreds of checks " stolen from Cindy .
I think I know how you feel,but the Prosecution team knows even more than we do.
In one of the sidebar transcripts from the trial the dt was basically being warned that if they did X it opened the door for Y ( a lot of stuff ) to come in. LDB said that ICA wrote "hundreds and hundreds of checks " stolen from Cindy .

Then THERE HAS TO BE SOME type of justice that "we" can witness on Earth!!!
I am very scientific minded and normally do not believe in this stuff but I do feel like this was a sign.

Too coincidental for it to happen on sentencing day. At first I thought that the tree may be just in the general vicinity but it's right there. It's the tree that marks the path. It is the first tree as you go into the path.

I, like another poster, took it as a sign from above saying "hey. It's ok. I understand and I know you are upset. It's up to ME now."

That comforts me.

I totally agree with this. When the verdict came in not guilty, my 6 yr. old grand daughter was with me and I made an excited utterance of, "Thats it, I hate her." And this 6 yr. old baby said, "Grandmama, you always told me not to use the word "hate" and to say I don't like this or I don't agree with this, and that it is not good for the soul to say "hate". Well out of the mouth of babes, and from a baby that is the same age as Caylee would be now So I have decided to not have hate in my heart, and give it up to a higher power, who I feel knows what is going on here.
Amazing how I feel a sense of peace from this lightening strike? Like others, I just got this weird sense of reassurance from this? Like everything will be okay?

At first I thought Caylee was angry and was restless. Now I believe it was more like telling us that she will not be forgotten. She will get Justice. Maybe not how we all wanted it to happen, but eventually Casey will have to answer for her actions.

We love you Caylee.

same here... i'm much more at peace that ICA's fate is in God's hands now.
Tthe odds of a lightning strike on a tree, in a severe thunderstorm, are pretty high.

Cloud to ground lightning strikes are conservatively estimated as 25 million a year. Taller trees are the most common targets.

"Coincidence is God's way of remaining anonymous" is one of my favorite quotes, though.
Vinnie Politan said the other day when the jurors got the deliberations that there was a dark cloud over the courthouse, and now we know that they had their minds made up right away. Now, she's going to go free and lightning strikes the tree. To me, this is a sign that something horrible is going to happen to others in the future because of these decisions. There will be more victims and lives ruined before it's over. I just hope that no children are hurt, and keep thinking of the cases that the crime shows cover of men and women who kill a spouse, get away with it, then go on to kill one or two more before finally going to prison.
This is definitely a sign! Geezzzzz
I would love to hear from the Astrology thread about this!
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