2011.07.07 Lightening Strikes Tree @ Suburban Dr. Remains Site Memorial

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If it's the big tree in front with the lighter streak on top then it looks to be right at the entrance to the remains site.
If I'm not mistaken this is the tree that used to have the stone marker and teddy bears at the base.
photo (19).jpg
Here is a picture of that tree I took a few weeks ago when I visited her memorial site.
OMG! Caylee knows what happened to her and she can wield lightning. She didn't strike her mommy, the jurors, the courthouse or the defense team. Maybe she wants us to know that justice was properly served for her.

So many different ways to interpret a sign.
If it were true that Caylee drowned by accident (which I do not believe for one second), there would be no need for justice for her.

Unless it would have to do with the illegal and disrespectful way her body was disposed of like garbage in a swampy trash dump...

And there was no justice for that offense at all... nor for her murder, which many, many people are IMO rightfully upset about.

JMO and |BBM|
Why are they sending flowers to Hopespring? Are they courting them?:maddening:

it took me forever to see the flowers truck b/c it looks just like a police car! I bet that's exactly what it is... under cover

Release Date

7/13/2011= 2031= 6

That is confirmation that we are dealing with true evil in Casey Anthony. I have always felt that she was pure evil. I've said it all along - she will never have remorse or shame or regret. She is without a soul.
I'm sure I'm dating myself here, but the first thing that popped into my head when I read the OP was:

Rhoda Penmark aka The Bad Seed


For those who haven't seen the film, Rhoda kills a little boy for his spelling bee medal and later returns to the scene of the crime, only to be struck by lightning.

Who knows? Sometimes life imitates art. :)
...and that is exactly why the family lied. That baby died after the fight. Istill think both parents knew what happened that night. They have coverec for her. IIRC cindy didn't return any of ICA"s calls for at least a week. She lies. GA lied about seeing her. Have you ever heard about the entire morning spent w/Caylee and exactly what they all did? Nope, because it was a lie. cindy lied about hearing them and GA lied about seeing Caylee that am. Liars...all of them!:banghead:

Cindy saying, "I heard them breathing through the door" before she left for work: Bizarre

George remembering exactly what Caylee was wearing June 16 when she and ICA left at exactly 12:50 p.m.: Also bizarre

But if Ca and GA knew the night of the 15th that Caylee was dead, what could the conversation have been? Something like, "Well, Caylee's dead now. Nothing more we can do. Let's prepare the body just like the pets and get rid of her. Pinky swear we won't speak of this."
That is a sign people... You know what happened to "All" of the Defense Atty's in the OJ Case to date... Not saying or wishing anything bad to any of then and or anyone.. but that is a sign...
If any of the Anthony's hairs are sticking straight up, it might not be because Casey is in their home.. (Just sayin)...

What do you mean about the OJ defense attorneys?
I feel a lot of positive energy on this thread and it's been a pleasure to post here with all of you. This event changed my day, my week. I hope we can keep the conversations going. I feel much lighter discussing things such as this then posting about my endless frustration on the other boards (they serve their purpose well) but I am leaving today feeling happy. Thanks everyone!
I keep thinking there is a reason the hyoid bone was never found. Every time I look at the felon's (CA's) hands I am certain that she used those hands to kill Caylee.

The hyoid bone was, IIRC, the only part of the upper spine and skull area that was missing. If it was found it quite possibly would have proven strangulation. It hit me the most when I saw the defendant lose her temper at LDB and when JB turned around she tried to compose herself and then her hand went to her neck in a bizarre motion that mimicked choking. Then there was the cover of her own mouth and nose with her hands when COD was being discussed.

Problem is that bone doesn't fuse together until the ages 21-23. Even if found and being broken it doesn't necessarily mean manual strangulation.
You can believe in the human spirit and your soul and not be religious. Before my husband passed I had purchased a "Frog" metallic balloon (he loved frogs) and tied it to his hospital bed. During the two weeks and up to the day he died the balloon slowly sank to the floor losing all of it's air. I asked my grandson to remove the balloon and place it on the desk after my husband passed. While I was out in the hall talking to the Chaplin my daughter came flying out of my husband's room and excitedly grabbed me and said "Come here". When I walked into the room there was the balloon FULLY inflated and hanging off the ceiling. It stayed inflated over my granddaughter's crib for two months.

When I looked at the Chaplin he shrugged his shoulders and said, "Sometimes these things happen. We can't explain it but it does happen."

The balloon accomplished two things: took the edge off our grieve and made us realize that while there are things we do not understand we have faith there is a master plan. To some it's just a lightning strike, to others it's hope. I like the "hope" part myself. jmo
Thank you so much for sharing your story it brought tears to me eyes.
If I'm not mistaken this is the tree that used to have the stone marker and teddy bears at the base.
View attachment 17609
Here is a picture of that tree I took a few weeks ago when I visited her memorial site.

The tree that was hit was described as being about five feet from the pavement, at the entrance to the path where the current memorial is. Does that match the tree you are talking about?
they all died... cancer and whatnot.

eta: well, 2 of them died.

At first I thought that's what you meant, but when I just researched it I saw that is not the case. It seems only two of them died (F Lee Bailey and Alan Dershowitz, for instance, are among the living).
I am still reading this thread but I got intense goosebumps when I looked on google maps and saw where this tree is apparently located: right where I once posted KC may have entered the woods to dump Caylee's body. Wow, seeing this news today... my whole body shivered.

Rather than repost the theory, I'll just link to my original post Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - 2009.09.04 Cindy sent D.Casey/Hoover to remains site Addtional VIDEO RELEASED #2

Wow... that is intense.
I wish they would video tape Casey's reaction when she sees the tree after the lightning strike. :maddening:
At first I thought that's what you meant, but when I just researched it I saw that is not the case. It seems only two of them died (F Lee Bailey and Alan Dershowitz, for instance, are among the living).

Yea, my mistake for assuming there were more. BTW I didn't realize how many lawyers OJ had.

Johnny Cochran died from a brain tumor, and Robert Kardashian died of esophageal cancer. Both were very quick and awful deaths.
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