2011.07.07 Media's Motion for Release of Juror Names

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I don't understand the reason for people wanting the names, personally...but I am sure they will be released eventually.I hope the law changes so that while they can't sell their story for 6 months or whatever the amount of time is, that their names also can't be released for the same amount of time.
I don't understand the reason for people wanting the names, personally...but I am sure they will be released eventually.I hope the law changes so that while they can't sell their story for 6 months or whatever the amount of time is, that their names also can't be released for the same amount of time.

Simple answer: We are a nation of laws. When someone is accused of violating one of those many many laws, he or she is guaranteed certain protections by our constitution. Chief among these, arguably, is that the proceedings are PUBLIC. This includes the identities of everyone involved in the actual prosecution of the case. This safeguard is there to help ensure that our justice system is operating correctly.

If a jury's identity is secret (or we go with "professional" jurors as some have suggested) then there is literally no safeguard against corruption. This is is an issue so vast it makes the death of Caylee pale into insignificance, and it is (in my opinion) the most outrageous thing to come out of this case. Murderer's walk every day, but it is not every day that a judge decides he can discard the constitutional guarantees that protect the rights of all of us.

The people of Florida have a right to know who the members of this jury are.
Simple answer: We are a nation of laws. When someone is accused of violating one of those many many laws, he or she is guaranteed certain protections by our constitution. Chief among these, arguably, is that the proceedings are PUBLIC. This includes the identities of everyone involved in the actual prosecution of the case. This safeguard is there to help ensure that our justice system is operating correctly.

If a jury's identity is secret (or we go with "professional" jurors as some have suggested) then there is literally no safeguard against corruption. This is is an issue so vast it makes the death of Caylee pale into insignificance, and it is (in my opinion) the most outrageous thing to come out of this case. Murderer's walk every day, but it is not every day that a judge decides he can discard the constitutional guarantees that protect the rights of all of us.

The people of Florida have a right to know who the members of this jury are.

I didn't say the people don't have a right to the names...just that I did not understand why people want the names...personally, I don't care who they are. And I am sure they will be released but I don't think it should happen while tempers are so hot. JMO
Laws change all the time and will continue to, to conform to today's standards.

Maybe if the media really wants justice for a little girl they wont sensationalize cases and cause manic panic frenzy. Kudos to the Judge.
I agree. Judge Perry is right to be concerned. The media and internet have certainly added to the revenge mentality, whether it was intended or not. True justice for little Caylee would not include vigilante tactics nor violence. We know what the jury did, and why they did it. It can never be undone. What purpose do the names serve?
Laws change all the time and will continue to, to conform to today's standards.

Maybe if the media really wants justice for a little girl they wont sensationalize cases and cause manic panic frenzy. Kudos to the Judge.

Is the media to blame for withholding justice for a murder victim? To claim that the public came to each of his or her conclusion/opinion of who was guilty of murdering Caylee based solely on the fact this case was sensationalized infers that each individual who has followed this case, read the abundant depositions, LE interviews and related material lacked the ability to form their own personal opinion.

As for the "manic panic frenzy" perhaps the sole blame should rest on the Anthony family, Baez, DC, JH and the rest of the DT. It was all of their deliberate, purposeful acts of obstruction, witness tampering, perjury, hindering a murder investigation, financial opportunities off of a murdered child and their rude and threating treatment of kind, sincere and generous persons who gave of themselves to search for a child who was missing.

As for Judge Perry, IMO, bears some responsibility in the verdict. JP allowed Baez to make a mockery of his court and our judicial system, gave jury instructions for deliberation that were vague, confusing and non-specific, and has made decisions that have some questioning his legal authority to make such.

IMO, the ONLY persons who deserve any form of Kudos are the detectives, officers, BS, MN and the prosecutors who attempted to seek justice that a three year old little girl deserved.
I agree. Judge Perry is right to be concerned. The media and internet have certainly added to the revenge mentality, whether it was intended or not. True justice for little Caylee would not include vigilante tactics nor violence. We know what the jury did, and why they did it. It can never be undone. What purpose do the names serve?

It serves no purpose whatsoever IMO.
Im tired of people blaming the media. If it doesnt sell then no one cares!! There have been sensationalized cases since forever. I think people have revisionist history or forget about crimes of the century in the past. Yes, the media is 10x more viral than before, but thanks to technology privacy isnt the norm. Its the way it is and nothing is gonna change. We live in a age where information is king.

If people had the internet in the 30's it would still be the same result. it's not people who have changed really, but just how people can obtain info. Humans like train wrecks. Plain and simple.

The media will find out who these jurors are with or without them being released. I agree with the prev poster. You cannot have secret jurors and secret trials. That reeks of Communisim and Nazi trials.
JMO their health and safety, and possibly impacted future trials, are more important than the media wanting to know.
The media will find out who these jurors are with or without them being released. I agree with the prev poster. You cannot have secret jurors and secret trials. That reeks of Communisim and Nazi trials.



First, you assume that not releasing the jurors names is tantamount to secret trials. Not so.

Secondly, there are jurisdictions that have perfectly fair justice systems and don't release the jurors names. Florida, I suspect, is the exception rather than the rule in the US with their overly-broad "sunshine" laws. Certainly the UK does not publicise juror names and despite certain misgivings I have about our justice system it is not a "communist" or "nazi" regime with so-called "secret trials".

Thirdly, by effectively allowing the jurors to be hounded by the media and any dangerous, armed, nutjob dissatisified with the verdict will hamper rather than facilitate the ends of justice in future trials.
How about a law that if someone threatens a juror or their family or contacts them in any way, gets a automatic year in jail or a million dollar fine. I think thats the better idea.
How about a law that if someone threatens a juror or their family or contacts them in any way, gets a automatic year in jail or a million dollar fine. I think thats the better idea.
I would hope it is the law already that anyone who threatens a juror or their family will be charged with the felony of making terroristic threats.
How about a law that if someone threatens a juror or their family or contacts them in any way, gets a automatic year in jail or a million dollar fine. I think thats the better idea.

I'm sure by automatic you don't mean a hasty trial without a jury.
I would hope it is the law already that anyone who threatens a juror or their family will be charged with the felony of making terroristic threats.

Is there? If not a new petition should be made and get it into effect.
Jurors names are not ordinarily published in the newspapers, however, they are available if someone wants to look for them. Withholding them is tantamount to having "secret" juries and that is not what is done in this country.

There really is no reason for Judge Perry to deviate from the norm. I seriously doubt that any of these people would be endangered by the public at large. Casey Anthony is the target of the wrath out there. Most of these jurors are probably mortified by their asinine verdict and would like for no one to know their involvement. C'est la vie.
I'm sure by automatic you don't mean a hasty trial without a jury.

LOL, yes, I know how the laws work in this country, perhaps thats why am not so shocked by how this case turned out?

But yeah, mandatory 1 year and or fine. Sounds great to me!
Is there? If not a new petition should be made and get it into effect.

Nope, I was wrong. Not a felony to make threats, but a class one or class A misdemeanor:

A person is guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor if without lawful authority:

(1) He willfully threatens to physically injure the person or that person's child, sibling, spouse, or dependent or willfully threatens to damage the property of another;

(2) The threat is communicated to the other person, orally, in writing, or by any other means;

(3) The threat is made in a manner and under circumstances which would cause a reasonable person to believe that the threat is likely to be carried out; and

(4) The person threatened believes that the threat will be carried out.

(b) A violation of this section is a Class 1 misdemeanor. The penalty for a Class 1 misdemeanor may include a fine up to $10,000, or imprisonment for up to 9 months, or both; however, for a repeat offender, the term of imprisonment may increase up to 2 years.
Jurors names are not ordinarily published in the newspapers, however, they are available if someone wants to look for them. Withholding them is tantamount to having "secret" juries and that is not what is done in this country.

There really is no reason for Judge Perry to deviate from the norm. I seriously doubt that any of these people would be endangered by the public at large. Casey Anthony is the target of the wrath out there. Most of these jurors are probably mortified by their asinine verdict and would like for no one to know their involvement. C'est la vie.

Are Grand Jury members name made public?
Only in special cases. So one can have a free democracy, while keeping jurors' names concealed:

Well, I think this case should be classified as a special case, thats for sure.
Are Grand Jury members name made public?

Proceedings in a Grand Jury are privileged and under this same privilege, the jurors names are not made public. After a bill of indictment however, I THINK the foreperson's name can be released under certain conditions.
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