2011.07.07 Media's Motion for Release of Juror Names

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Either way, I would cite this case as a reason for not serving on any high-profile case, if I am ever called, unless I knew my name would be protected, but that is just me. I'd do half a dozen of the little cases instead. And I am sure the state would excuse me if I said I was afraid of the reponse in case I found they had not proved their case. JMO
We have heard from, what, 4 jurors so far? None of them seem to be afraid to speak out and the information has been very helpful to find out what went wrong with this jury. Releasing other names may encourage some of the other jurors to come forward. I believe people just want to know what happened in that jury room. The one juror who is "holding out" for the six figure payoff may not be interested in an interview unless they make it worth his while.

My husband, when he was with LE, was asked one time if he would take a bribe and for how much. He told them give me enough for me to live the rest of my life comfortably and I'll go in the next day and turn in my badge. He said the man got his point. lol
JMO their health and safety, and possibly impacted future trials, are more important than the media wanting to know.

The ones who wanted to have spoken out. The others just want to live in peace. I say leave them alone.
Yeah, the media probably will find out their names sooner or later, but at least Judge Perry won't have it on his conscience if somebody seriously hurts or kills one or more of the jurors.
I can't believe the things that some people think is "okay", and still keep saying all they want is justice for Caylee. Wishing bodily harm on someone because you don't agree with them is no better than letting Casey walk free. And if a juror is killed, the person who kills him or her is just as much a murderer as they believe Casey is. That is not justice and it absolutely is not honoring Caylee's memory.
Well, I do think there has been because if you remember, when they held the hearing JBP kept saying, "Filet them open and throw them to piranhas" he was reading off something, so I took it that someone had threatened the jury with this, or he read it somewhere online and was trying to make a point of the hostile environment, I didn't think he was dong it for dramatics. And he still hasn't ruled yet.

I agree a cooling off period was needed. My guess is this week or next he will release the names. But to seal the names for much longer, I believe will be to the detriment of the case and probably be appealed. Even he said that the best he can do is a cooling off period so I'm sure he knows he can't hold back too long. :)
Just found this story - maybe she should have taken more time to render her vote.


If she had to do it all over again, Jennifer Ford says, she might not have been as willing to serve as a juror in the Casey Anthony murder trial.
Her boyfriend kicked her out the day after the verdict. Swarms of media have tried to get interviews with her. There has been nationwide scorn for the 12-member jury panel that cleared Anthony of first-degree murder and other felony charges in the death of her 2-year-old daughter, Caylee. "If I knew then what I know now, I might not have been so honest," says Ford, a 32-year-old nursing student. "I didn't know the whole world was watching and that everyone had their mind made up on what the verdict was. I didn't understand the magnitude of it."
The ones who wanted to have spoken out. The others just want to live in peace. I say leave them alone.
Yeah, the media probably will find out their names sooner or later, but at least Judge Perry won't have it on his conscience if somebody seriously hurts or kills one or more of the jurors.
I can't believe the things that some people think is "okay", and still keep saying all they want is justice for Caylee. Wishing bodily harm on someone because you don't agree with them is no better than letting Casey walk free. And if a juror is killed, the person who kills him or her is just as much a murderer as they believe Casey is. That is not justice and it absolutely is not honoring Caylee's memory.

Who is wishing bodily harm on any of the jurors? Certainly not here unless we missed a few. We don't condone violence here.

Was there a publicized threat to the jury members? I haven't seen anything other than rhetoric that public sentiment is angry. And I haven't mentioned Caylee's honor at all. What I am discussing is the Laws, the predicate of open judicial accountability and the Constitution.
Well, I do think there has been because if you remember, when they held the hearing JBP kept saying, "Filet them open and throw them to piranhas" he was reading off something, so I took it that someone had threatened the jury with this, or he read it somewhere online and was trying to make a point of the hostile environment, I didn't think he was dong it for dramatics. And he still hasn't ruled yet.

I have no doubt that Judge P. was aware of them, it wouldn't surprise me if they were threatened the day the trial was over, before they ever left the courthouse.

Blago was well protected, he had bodyguards around him everywhere he went. These jurors don't have that luxury.
I have no doubt that Judge P. was aware of them, it wouldn't surprise me if they were threatened the day the trial was over, before they ever left the courthouse.

Blago was well protected, he had bodyguards around him everywhere he went. These jurors don't have that luxury.

But we aren't talking about Blago the defendant. We are talking about the jury. Is this jury for Blago not in the same spot in a high profile Public Corruption case that the jury in the Casey Anthony case is? I would put it on par in that those that didn't want Blago convicted may be very angry.
Who is wishing bodily harm on any of the jurors? Certainly not here unless we missed a few. We don't condone violence here.

Was there a publicized threat to the jury members? I haven't seen anything other than rhetoric that public sentiment is angry. And I haven't mentioned Caylee's honor at all. What I am discussing is the Laws, the predicate of open judicial accountability and the Constitution.
Judge Perry made clear that he felt there were real threats against the jurors, and that their safety was in jeoprady.
Judge Perry made clear that he felt there were real threats against the jurors, and that their safety was in jeoprady.

And he also made it real clear that the names would be released at some point.

It's the law.

I've just read several articles going back. He has a genuine concern yes, in general. He mentioned one juror had a real concern. Not that there was a threat. He is right we live in a very different society.

However the points made by the journalists are on target. Even in mafia trials the names are released.

As I have stated I do not believe and have not read one single article that said a juror was threatened. Only that they fear they will be, or bothered by the media, and the judge agrees. And I do not agree with anyone taking matters into their own hands. But I do believe in open judicial process.
The ones who wanted to have spoken out. The others just want to live in peace. I say leave them alone.
Yeah, the media probably will find out their names sooner or later, but at least Judge Perry won't have it on his conscience if somebody seriously hurts or kills one or more of the jurors.
I can't believe the things that some people think is "okay", and still keep saying all they want is justice for Caylee. Wishing bodily harm on someone because you don't agree with them is no better than letting Casey walk free. And if a juror is killed, the person who kills him or her is just as much a murderer as they believe Casey is. That is not justice and it absolutely is not honoring Caylee's memory.

I have never heard anyone say they were out to get these jurors. The husband of the woman who left town said she did so because she did not want to have to face her coworkers. Her coworkers certainly are no threat to her. It sounds more like she felt uncomfortable with the verdict and does not want to talk about it. She has a right to decline an interview if asked and the media will respect that right.

They really are not special. They had a job to do and they did it. Obviously it was not up to the stands that were expected of them but they will have to deal with it in whatever way they chose.

No one is out to get them which is proven by the jurors who have already come forward. jmo
Judge Perry made clear that he felt there were real threats against the jurors, and that their safety was in jeoprady.

Do you have a link because I do not recall him saying that?
This may have been posted already:


Though they do not resemble each other in appearance being of a different race altogether, the woman also coincidentally is the same age, 32, as the nursing student who helped acquit Casey on charges of first-degree murder, manslaughter, and aggravated child abuse.

Angry voicemails and Facebook posts were left on the wrong Ford’s phone and wall, leaving her distraught and angry herself.
I have no doubt that Judge P. was aware of them, it wouldn't surprise me if they were threatened the day the trial was over, before they ever left the courthouse.

Blago was well protected, he had bodyguards around him everywhere he went. These jurors don't have that luxury.

I wasn't aware Blago was on the jury????
This may have been posted already:


Though they do not resemble each other in appearance being of a different race altogether, the woman also coincidentally is the same age, 32, as the nursing student who helped acquit Casey on charges of first-degree murder, manslaughter, and aggravated child abuse.

Angry voicemails and Facebook posts were left on the wrong Ford’s phone and wall, leaving her distraught and angry herself.

It's not right this woman should get the angry messages. Jennifer Ford chose to go before the media and give a statement. If they had all agreed not to speak we would be clueless as to how they came to the verdict. Many people are upset this whole case comes down to money and the civic duty part ends up in the swamp right along side Caylee. But the jurors have a legal right to do so.

I also think that more damage has been done to the other jurors who remain silent because of those that have come forward and are speaking for them. jmo
No one has a right to inflict pain, injury or death on another person. Not the accused Casey Anthony and not anyone who decides to avenge justice on their own accord. That is what the laws, the police force and the courts are for to sort these things out and enforce equal rights under the law. But, secretive government is what makes for bad politics and decisions. NO one group of people should have different rights and privileges than others under our system of justice.

I think when we start making exceptions then it opens the door wide for us to see excuses rather than integrity in our governmental units.

I guess I just don't understand why some are upset that there will be a cooling off period before the names are released. It's not like the jurors names are sealed for eternity or anything!

Even if the names were to be sealed, I don't think I'd even have much of a problem with that, IF the law allowed for it.

I've got to say, I am tending towards agreeing with those who have stated that they would be loathe to serve on a high profile jury after this. I certainly wouldn't want some of the idiots I've seen screaming about the verdict on TV to know my name or where I live!
I guess I just don't understand why some are upset that there will be a cooling off period before the names are released. It's not like the jurors names are sealed for eternity or anything!

Even if the names were to be sealed, I don't think I'd even have much of a problem with that, IF the law allowed for it.

I've got to say, I am tending towards agreeing with those who have stated that they would be loathe to serve on a high profile jury after this. I certainly wouldn't want some of the idiots I've seen screaming about the verdict on TV to know my name or where I live!

One reason the jurors names should be released is so the media and public can look into this person and make sure there wasn't any fraud or fixing of the jury.

Neighbors and others know when new cars or toys popup for no apparent reason or new homes are bought.

It also airs the truth of the voir dire. Were they honest, friends and neighbors know.

Take Jennifer Ford for an example. I could have swore she said she lived with her mother. Anyone have the list of jurors and their answers?

Her boyfriend kicked her out the day after the verdict.

Reporters were at her house before she even arrived home from Orlando after the six-week trial. The same was true at her mother's residence.

One reason the jurors names should be released is so the media and public can look into this person and make sure there wasn't any fraud or fixing of the jury.

Neighbors and others know when new cars or toys popup for no apparent reason or new homes are bought.

It also airs the truth of the voir dire. Were they honest, friends and neighbors know.

Take Jennifer Ford for an example. I could have swore she said she lived with her mother. Anyone have the list of jurors and their answers?

Her boyfriend kicked her out the day after the verdict.

Reporters were at her house before she even arrived home from Orlando after the six-week trial. The same was true at her mother's residence.


Family: *Single. *No children. *Has 1 dog (rat terrier). *Youngest of 5 siblings (range in age from 32 to 45). *Mom lives in the area (30 min away). Doesn't know anything about her father. *Moved out at 19. *Currently lives with a roommate. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1mgKqMwusbjYrwYzM7s3M7n7LSN4xdLrEfkbwZHbiU88/edit?hl=en_US&pli=1
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