2011.07.07 Sentencing Hearing Thread

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Judge: t order u make reference to is because someone was attempting to get t names & addresses of the jurors; court had no idea when trial would end, what t decision would be...

as u can see, some of their families were being contacted...
as one juror said, some were even contacted before they left t courtroom
and one of them [t brokers] even managed to get a pass into t courtroom, for t purpose of booking them on a show...
OHHH the jurors were being contacted prior to the trial even? Explains so much!
I don't think anyone will harm the jurors but people in their community will most likely not be nice to them.
I don't know where to post so delete if I'm in the wrong thread ... I understand people have concerns about overhauling our jury system and boy, do I think we need to do some major work there. I've also heard people express concern about how easily a judge or a professional panel of jurors could be bought/bribed. But how is that any different from what we're allowing jurors to do now? I think it's possible some people may see serving on a jury in a high profile case may be an opportunity to make some money for themselves. Even if you think the jury got it right, are you convinced they were impartial and really looked at the evidence presented? Or could they have been motivated by something else? End of rant. Thank you. JMO
Because I am for fixing the system, I feel they were not given the choice to serve, DO NOT GIVE THEIR NAMES, having said that they should have given a press conf. behind a screen to explain the verdict. And this is why you should not be forced to serve jury duty. Remember when reading this I feel this jury let Caylee down, but another child should and could lose a life if release, and no one wants that.

Anyone with half a brain knows how to get out of Jury Duty. JMO
IF you sat on a mob case or drug cartel case would you be happy to have your name released? This case had so many wrongs in it and as a WS I don't think we want to add to it. IMO Think about how their own family did not make the verdict or their neighbor. I hope JP does not. Vent what you want on the web but not at their home. IMO
I LOVE this redheaded brainiac who's arguing, now! Wow...that's some smarts, imo. Anyone catch her name?
How about concern for the public, Judge? We are hurting and we need answers. If the jurors are willing to give interviews for $$$ they should be FORCED to give us explanations!
Well......how did THEY find out who they were??????????????/ Who leaked it? Maybe the juror's family???????????

thank you! The family will do the deed. Leak for money and try to get back at the person who was on the jury. I love it. There is no such thing as privacy in our culture. impossible. I trust my daddy HHJP though...he looks like my daddy.
i just saw this on facebook

With duct tape & bags you threw me away. What more is there to say? Alone in the woods is where I was kept, for six long months & you STILL haven't wept. "Bella vita" that's what your tattoo said. Not a care in the world, while I lay dead. Every night Jesus rocks me to sleep and makes a promise I know he'll keep. "Don't worry, everything will be fine, for in the end vengeance shall be mine! Love, Caylee.
What irony worried about the perceived need of protection for the jury! Where was the protection for Caylee? Life truly does go on like clockwork:maddening:
Media lawyer: Regarding anonymous jurors - in a small community, the jurors are known on site. Disclosure of this information is just an application of what has always been the law. Even when it's painful and we can understand the concerns, the vigilance of protecting the transparency of the process is important in understanding the verdict.

This can uncover juror bias and intentional misrepresentation during jury selection.

An important thing she noticed was that the jurors who spoke indicated that they didn't believe GA due to the allegations of sexual abuse even though his honor instructed them not to.

The jury cannot remain anonymous with no accountability. If your identity is known, then there is a potential that people can question. You don't have to answer, but it is the right of the community to ask the question.

Trial participants - all of them - jurors, witnesses - have to be accountable.

One media person said along the line after verdict was known, too bad the jurors were not from this area (not their choice). They are not invested with this community and can just walk away. Community feels they need to know why verdict was what it was and could feel slighted.
Judge: i would hope that ur client would support an increase in juror pay for high profile cases, to access funds to provide protection for these citizens. budgets have been slashed; in these time, i dont think u can ask deputies and to donate their time for free...
It is not a good thing. As much as I disagree and am stunned and deeply disappointed with the verdict, I would NEVER want the jurors or their families to be in any kind of danger AT ALL because of their verdict.

Beyond just the mere fact that people should not be harming others, it would be highly damaging to the system if people become afraid to sit on juries or afraid to give unpopular verdicts. Like in some countries where judges are killed, so the justice system totally breaks down. WE DO NOT WANT THAT.

This is going to impact future trials IMO. If you were a juror on a high profile case would you feel pressure to go with the public opinion to avoid be harassed and possibly harmed? It isn't an easy answer.
It's coming down to budget concerns for LE...
HHJP says the difference between the jurors and himself is that he chose what to do (career). They had no choice.

Well, all I can is that they made the wrong choice as far as verdicts go. They have set the law of Karma into action by what they have done.
Judge: Hopefully, u will write editorials to do exactly what u said-provide protection, funds...
i just saw this on facebook

With duct tape & bags you threw me away. What more is there to say? Alone in the woods is where I was kept, for six long months & you STILL haven't wept. "Bella vita" that's what your tattoo said. Not a care in the world, while I lay dead. Every night Jesus rocks me to sleep and makes a promise I know he'll keep. "Don't worry, everything will be fine, for in the end vengeance shall be mine! Love, Caylee.

The really sad thing is, that babies always love their mommies.
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