2011.07.07 Sentencing Hearing Thread

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I think there is a hearing on release of the juror names later today. I don't know if it will be aired.
She may glob onto him...marry him...have his child and then...and then...and then??
Well dude...be careful what you wish for, you just might get it.
Lucky You!:loser:

Heh heh - JVM suggesting he can start by paying her court fines....
Omg. I was reading a article and one of the comments was that baez is shopping in new york for her a publist. Dont know if its true or not but i believe it. :banghead:
Here is a calculation I came up with
Casey has been in jail for 2 yrs 10 months equaling 1,060
Credit of 5 days per month equal 170
total 1200
4year sentence equals 1460
so 1460 minus 1200 In my math equals 260 days left to serve.

This is of course if she is credited with 5 days per month what i think is called gain time.
There really is a different tone here, it's even worse than verdict day.

Come on, we have all known she is going to get out for 2 days now, who cares if it today or at the end of the month.

I'm not telling anyone what they should feel but I wish this was a nicer place to post than it seems to be at the moment.

I really don't think it is worse today than verdict day. I do agree that it doesn't really matter if she gets out today or next week, she is getting out. This case is over, done with.
So this trial is over. It doesn't much matter when Casey gets out.

We know, we KNOW that (oh forgive me, LDB's closing statement when she said you know, you KNOW this was not an accident comes to mind :() these 12+people got on the jury for the wrong reasons and did not do what they were supposed to. Of course they will give a dozen reasons to justify what they did. It doesn't change a thing. Their motives are crystal clear. I, for one, won't be listening to another minute of their blah blah blah-ing and will never read any books they write.

The best thing we can do is to forget about KC, her family, her defense, her jurors.

Let's forever remember Caylee and those who fought for her. Let's be better people because of this 3 year tragedy.

Okay tweets now saying ICA given 1043 days credit for time served which equals 2.9 years - and ordered to start paying court costs in $20 installments starting 2-15-12 - so far she owes $4618.00......

Cindy will have that taken care of within minutes.:banghead: God forbid Casey should have to pay for it! :banghead:
Here's what I think is going on. They socked it to her at sentencing today...she is returning to jail until the end of august when they will decide how much time is remaining after all she served and time for good behaviour etc.....here;s the zinger...the judge blew her off purposely in my opinion until the end of august so she will stay there until the other cases pending against her are heard, the prosecution aided in that as well, also, he fined her 4000$ and told her she can appeal his decision. He asked her if she can afford the appeal (knowing she can't) and also if she has the funds to pay the 4 grand. She said no, he said file bankruptcy. Bankruptcy means that you can only make a small income of money during the time you are under bankruptcy and the rest the gov't takes. So basically, whatever money she makes that's left, she will have to pay her other cases. They are basically going to financially drowned her and any future money she makes....the gov't put a lien on her money as well becuase she owes the irs. I think the prosecution and the judge will find a way to make her pay for this in some way

Just checking my thanks is not enough. Thank you for your explanation. At least it is some small justice. I thought they would just let her go today. The verdict is so wrong IMO. Another OJ deal.

Thank you, thank you muchly!
I care about caylee, but i'm late to the party. My worry is the ugly, ugly precident this sets for courts all over the country. I love the law. I dont always agree with it, but thats the system we have and you have to work within it. However, those that agree with the jury I pray to god you are not sitting next or behind a prosecutor and justice is in the hands of 12 people who may crack or fold depending on how much they are pressured.

Forget the TH or nancy grace, of JVM or whomever is in the media. This is about murdering a child and about the other cases out there. I promise there will be copy cats of this crime. Abusive parents and serial killers are taking notes. So this is more than just about Caylee and the anthony's. Thats what people dont see. A high profile case like this will echo. So did the OJ case. It changed how people saw the law and notice the uptick in murdered spouses. OJ proved that you can get away with it.

Has there really been an "uptick in murdered spouses" since the OJ Simpson verdict? Or are you saying that more defendants have been acquitted since then?

Either way, I'd love a link to those statistics. Thanks.
I just hope she stays in long enough for the 2 obligatory movies to be made without her involved and for enough books to hit the market for hers to no longer be the big money offer.

If all the hype dies down and we move on to some other topic before she is free she will not get as many big $ offers.

If she wants to get into the adult movie industry I think it will be a fitting statement.

I also hope the jurors do not make money for this (except, of course, their $30/day which I do not begrudge them).
I need to go on with my life and remove this witch from my brain. The Anthony's are happy. Casey is happy. Jose is happy.

It is a nightmare that all of these people are so happy and yet the last 3 years produced nothing, no answers, no justice. Caylee would have been better off not ever being born. She never new who her daddy was and her mother didn't care that she was dead, her grandparents don't care that their daughter killed her.

Why should I care about these people? This immense pain I feel is in vain. Nothing I can do will make this right. The icing on the cake would be seeing George forgive her, that would just be the top of this nightmare. I can see it coming too. I don't want to see her face or hear Jose Baez give shout outs to his mother and latinos everywhere in spanish as if he just one a boxing match. Cheney Mason is an evil person who loves to win and give his finger to people who actually care.

If she is released I don't want to know about her.

Oh well.
I don't think caring about a little girl or caring about justice is ever really in vain. Unfortunately, we live in an imperfect world. But the Anthonys were from the beginning a weird bunch: Things were never clearly black and white with them, so why should we really be surprised?
Here is a calculation I came up with
Casey has been in jail for 2 yrs 10 months equaling 1,060
Credit of 5 days per month equal 170
total 1200
4year sentence equals 1460
so 1460 minus 1200 In my math equals 260 days left to serve.

This is of course if she is credited with 5 days per month what i think is called gain time.

Yes, but we've heard: 12 days a month, 10 days a month, now 5 days a month. :waitasec:

12 seems waaaay to generous, doesn't it?
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