2011.07.08 - Dateline NBC

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Anything is possible. I'm sure KC feels omnipotent right now.

Don't believe she does, somehow

To be suspected she's sitting somewhere, frantically scrutinizing people's opinions of her online

Utter shock, she'll feel, I think -- followed by insane RAGE

Yeah, I imagine that **** face she pulled all through the trial when things didn't suit her highness, will be seeking a target. And Baez and the rest of that crowd will be heading for the door, trying to delegate the next KC-sitting shift to each other

LOL.. Scowl, KC. Rage. Fume. Mutter and throw things. Because you'll be back on the streets whether or not you like it. You have nothing to sell and the world sees through you. People will avoid you. Others will spit on you. And the IRS is coming for you. Go grab your bella vita, kid. Show us how it's done
The state is not required to show motive

If three pieces of duct-tape don't show cause of death then....

The State provided the jurors with the most accurate, factual evidence possible. You can speculate and guess with what the motive may have been but you cannot do that with the evidence the state provided. Decomp odor! Duct-tape around the nose and mouth! etc...

These jurors make no sense and their own motives are so clear. The state didn't need to do anything else! They provided more than enough evidence. The end for me.
I think there was present with this jury a total lack of critical thinking and Jose Baez was entertaining for them, not to mention KC and her winking and her (ahem) clothing adjustments.
This verdict is the modern day snap judgment based on shallow morals and values, and a blase' attitude about the value of life.
Anything is possible. I'm sure KC feels omnipotent right now.

Wow, probably, after pulling this off. Wonder if once she is with the general public, she has a harder time reading people (so then she can mirror their response as she used to, imo) since she was by herself for so long. no practice with her DT, they were going to coo and soothe her no matter what.
It just occurred to me when I typed my previous post - if the situation had been a little different - let's say Casey and Caylee's dad were raising Caylee - and one day Caylee disappeared and her whereabouts were unknown for 6 months until her remains were found dumped in the woods, and the FATHER'S car smelled of decomp - the father would get a 2 day trial with one unknown public defender, the jury would deliberate for maybe an hour, and daddy would be on death row before the judge removed his robes for the day.


I recall Mumbles Mason said something about expecting, in his lifetime (or he may have said NOT in his lifetime), a change in the "jury system". He didn't go into detail, but I took it he was implying a computerized system. I've let my brain run with that idea and I've decided it just might work.

If any of you watched Jeopardy this past winter they had a computer named "Watson" go up against Ken Jennings and Brad Rutter and Watson beat them both.

I can see a computer determining the fate of the accused. It has no emotions. It analyzes all the data fed into it. It searches the law books. It will understand the instructions and not get bored during testimony or worry about cruise reservations. It will save tons of money on hotel rooms, meals, guards, and jury perks. Plus, it could give a crap about her rack! :banghead:
It's insane to think that all these jurors came to the same decision in ten hours. I haven't listened or watched any of them and won't, but have seen a couple of them very briefly. They looked like maybe the dorky type people that have different ideas than everyone else, and don't really fit in or want to follow the popular trends yet they turn around and have to all agree because they think they have formed a group. It would be interesting to know if Marcia Clark's theory of big payoffs is right or if they just wanted to go home. There's no way they could have even looked at a timeline and seen that there just wasn't enough time for an accidental drowning that day and to realize that Casey had no plans for Caylee to be ANYWHERE that night. How could they believe that the family was in on it when there's no proof other than cruz telling two different versions. How do they think Caylee turned up dead in things from the home in a couple of hours while Casey continued to talk and yak on the phone and text! That alone should show some possible premeditation along with the odor, computer searches, and duct tape. NO ONE can breath in a plastic bag in a trunk even if they didn't want to use duct tape as a cause of death. There was motive. Freedom, trouble with family, and felonies to get away from. If me or one of my family ever does anything wrong we will end up under the jail yet this person can go free with barely a slap on the wrist. I'm ashamed to say I live in this day and age where media influences odd people and they can say didn't follow a case but must have already had it in their minds what they wanted to do.
The state is not required to show motive

No but it is relevant. Why do you think prosecutor's try and prove motive when they think they are able to?

If three pieces of duct-tape don't show cause of death then....

Well if it did then the medical examiner would have testified to cause of death not just manner of death. Although, she felt more than capable of opining the death was homicide referring, in part, to the tape she was not able to state any cause of death.

The State provided the jurors with the most accurate, factual evidence possible. You can speculate and guess with what the motive may have been but you cannot do that with the evidence the state provided. Decomp odor! Duct-tape around the nose and mouth! etc...

To the contrary, the jury are allowed to, indeed should, look for any reasonable explanation or inference consistent with evidence and non-guilt. Call it what you want "speculation" or otherwise. But the prosecution bear the burden of proof beyond a reasonable doubt and if the evidence they present can reasonably be explained in a manner consistent with innocence they have not met their burden.

These jurors make no sense and their own motives are so clear. The state didn't need to do anything else! They provided more than enough evidence. The end for me.

Don't know what you have been watching but it makes perfect sense to may. Might not agree entirely but their logic makes sense. More than enough evidence? Well the juror's certainly disagree and I the evidence as to murder 1 was far from strong.

I watched juror #3's interview, and imo, she would have been the bully. She was full-steam ahead with all her points and didn't need any prompting from the interviewer. Excited utterances all the way. Vehemently.

Not at all. Firstly, the jurors initial vote was 10-2 to acquit of Murder 1 down to 6-6 split on the Agg Manslaughter charge. Not much scope for bullying. It would seem that 10 of the jurors initially and independently came to the view that state had not made out a Murder 1 case.

Obviously, they bought into Baez' theory that Caylee was
already dead. That tells me they got into a mind set of which side they were going to go with and never deliberated another view. :banghead:
It may take time, but I believe someday they are going to think about that "other view."

Sorry, what do you mean? The Defense stated that Caylee died on the 16th but the State's believe was she died on the 16th also and that's what the seemed to go with after opening statements. So I don't know what "mind set" this is meant to show other than they didn't seek to disturb the facts agreed to by the State and Defense. This case, during its 6 week trial, had enough issues of controversy in it without the jury seeking out more.

Maybe, maybe not

Perhaps they too will breed and regard the products of their loins to be mere 'pets' -- to be discarded when the novelty wears off and it all becomes too real and inconvenient

I pray they don't breed, considering they were prepared to devote only ten hours to delivering a verdict, followed by 24 hours deliberation to formulate their excuses in order they could get the public on-side enough to warrant networks paying them tens of thousands of dollars

OK, I don't understand? Are you suggseting that KC and Baez are going to get together and "breed"?

I think there was present with this jury a total lack of critical thinking and Jose Baez was entertaining for them, not to mention KC and her winking and her (ahem) clothing adjustments.
This verdict is the modern day snap judgment based on shallow morals and values, and a blase' attitude about the value of life.

Geez... the jury-haters, after criticizing the jury for seeking to find reasonable doubt, which they conveniently term "speculation", they now, themselves, engage in speculation - quite baseless speculation at that - of this jury's thought process and motives to criticize their verdict.
I think there was present with this jury a total lack of critical thinking and Jose Baez was entertaining for them, not to mention KC and her winking and her (ahem) clothing adjustments.
This verdict is the modern day snap judgment based on shallow morals and values, and a blase' attitude about the value of life.

as someone referenced in another post (yawn, can't find it now) i believe too many of these jurors are of the generation of get it/do it now. sorta like watching that red eye show on Fox. they only take in what they hear in the first x minutes.....that would have been JB's opening statement. not that the SA's argument wasn't good, just not titillating enough.....
I soooo agree. What I've learned from this trial? That a 2 year old missing in Florida is norbodys business but the moms. That $$$$ from the general public can be used by the truck load to search for a toddler, $$ is paid to the "lawyer" from taxes because she is indigent and $$ can be made by 'tot mom' from a book.
So how is it that you can just misplace your daughter with an imaginary nanny, go party for 31 days lying the whole time on where she is and the jury doesn't at LEAST consider child abuse?? Hello, if you don't know where your 2 year old is and haven't contacted the police I think thats child endangerment/abuse. Or is it just OK to lose track of a child because of some alledged sexual abuse your father supposedly did when you were 8? That had NO PROOF!
I do take comfort that Casey will never be able to walk away from this; she has managed to put her face out there and the rest of her life will be labled. Worst part is we still don't know the truth and probably never will.

RIP Caylee
Our society has created a bunch of really ****** people. The jury process HAS to be re-evaluated.. it really does. SIGH,,,
TBH, I am only stating my opinion on matters which I find really wrong: In particular criticizing a jury who took 6 weeks out of their lives in order to do their civic duty and for what? $1200 to $1300, a load of criticism, shunning from their community, hate-filled commentary and indeed, in some instances threats of violence (ref: Judge Perry "fillet comments").

I am not aware of any post threatening violence against any of the jurors on this forum,any such post I am sure would be promptly removed, but the the insults being levelled against the jurors on this forum, especially in the jurors thread, are outrageous and absurd.

This jury did not ask to be on the jury, they were called by summons. They did their civic duty for no to little reward. Publicity? Perhaps, but at least one juror has stated that he doesn't want his name released but just to protect his family. Although, I would not blame the jurors if they accept one of the media deals being offered. In any event, they are entitled to be left alone and get on without baseless criticism.


"Maybe you are JB or one of his cohorts?" - Nope, but I am becoming more inclined to wear pocket squares :)
Our society has created a bunch of really stupid people. The jury process HAS to be re-evaluated.. it really does. SIGH,,,

In all honesty I think its the cummulation of the Dumbing Down of America not the jury process. Children are not taught critical thinking in school; it takes too much time. The process isn't broke its the lack of training from an early age on what it means to sit on a jury and how to arrive at a conclusion based on 12 peoples opinions/beliefs. If there was no experienced juror then the rest were flying blind; obviously.
11 hours on a death penalty trial is so very sad. Guess Baez strung it out long enough for them to just get tired. So the system failed Caylee.

Love the lightening striking the tree next to where she was found.
Someone from Dateline needs to present all the "unheard" evidence to the jury and REAL testimony from the likes of the Grund's, LP, Tracy, Tim Miller, and ICAs grandmother, uncle and Amy.. let them fester on it.. and THEN ask them if she was "a good mother" and Baez was a "good lawyer" PLEASE Datelne!!!
In all honesty I think its the cummulation of the Dumbing Down of America not the jury process. Children are not taught critical thinking in school; it takes too much time. The process isn't broke its the lack of training from an early age on what it means to sit on a jury and how to arrive at a conclusion based on 12 peoples opinions/beliefs. If there was no experienced juror then the rest were flying blind; obviously.
11 hours on a death penalty trial is so very sad. Guess Baez strung it out long enough for them to just get tired. So the system failed Caylee.

Love the lightening striking the tree next to where she was found.

Sadly, one of the jurors had served in a murder trial once before! I am really starting to believe in the concept of "professional" jurors. My peers seem to have NO common sense (or refuse to utilize it) and after this, I definitely would NOT want to be judged by a jury of them!
Someone from Dateline needs to present all the "unheard" evidence to the jury and REAL testimony from the likes of the Grund's, LP, Tracy, Tim Miller, and ICAs grandmother, uncle and Amy.. let them fester on it.. and THEN ask them if she was "a good mother" and Baez was a "good lawyer" PLEASE Datelne!!!

See thats where it gets down the rabbit hole for me. Doesn't matter what a "good" mother you WERE; what happened to your daughter that put her in a shallow grave and hundreds of people looking for her? Did George do the transport/trash slinging? So Casey was still a "good" mother because he took care of the dirty work?

Question here is why was she not held accountable of losing Caylee in the first place and not getting help finding her? Even an accident does not explain the cover up. This is what shakes my head.....:banghead:
Sadly, one of the jurors had served in a murder trial once before! I am really starting to believe in the concept of "professional" jurors. My peers seem to have NO common sense (or refuse to utilize it) and after this, I definitely would NOT want to be judged by a jury of them!

Well, actually I wouldn't mind if I was quilty. All you have to do is look cute, be white and never tell the actual truth to anyone. Casey never even had to get up on the stand and be questioned; don't know how anyone can judge someone not quilty if they don't hear from their own lips they didn't do it.

Scary world we live in......sigh
It would have been a good idea for the prosecution to ask each witness how long they knew Casey.

Most of em would have answered a few weeks to a couple of months. Really not long enough to make a good assessment of whether she's good - or bad.
I kept waiting for that question to be asked! I also wanted them to be asked if they had children of their own.

I watched juror #3's interview, and imo, she would have been the bully. She was full-steam ahead with all her points and didn't need any prompting from the interviewer. Excited utterances all the way. Vehemently.
Juror #3 was the nursing student. Critical thinking skills and discernment are vitally important and necessary to be a good nurse, and sadly, I don't see evidence she has either.
Not sure if any of you watched the 2nd case on dateline, about the girl in north carolina...wow. Now THAT case was full of reasonable doubt. Much, much less evidence and there was still a guilty verdict. Week long trial, 5 hour deliberations. You do the math. If this were casey's jury they would have deliberated about 30 hours.

I think they were just too lazy to do the work that was required to REALLY deliberate. And they were anxious to get back home. So they just acquitted her.
See thats where it gets down the rabbit hole for me. Doesn't matter what a "good" mother you WERE; what happened to your daughter that put her in a shallow grave and hundreds of people looking for her? Did George do the transport/trash slinging? So Casey was still a "good" mother because he took care of the dirty work?

Question here is why was she not held accountable of losing Caylee in the first place and not getting help finding her? Even an accident does not explain the cover up. This is what shakes my head.....:banghead:
That's my take on it. AND if they hid the body or she let him. She should still be held responsible. I dunno- how much mothering CA let her do, she seemed more like the big sissy to me.
I don't get it either. Did she really feel like CA was the Anthony Rule? If CA or GA said don't call. Was she that hoovered?
I still don't get why she was so scared of CA. Ya think it might have been after Caylee died and really CA was with her? Choked her threatened her?
no way to know huh?

My daughter & her friend thought she was a "butter" face. & that she was lying about the boyfriends. She didn't see her when this started.
All the jury needed to know is that the mother never reported her child missing. Partied for 31 days and didn't want to stop but was forced, backed her car into the garage, borrowed a shovel and spilled decomp in the trunk.

Where does reasonable doubt fit into this?

Agree totally!
I'm 30 minutes into it and both the alternate jurors said they couldn't convict ICA because the state did not show how Caylee died and they could not see why ICA would want to kill Caylee (motive). Without those 2 things they could not convict.

Also, the younger alternate juror said that he thought ICAs partying behavior was normal for a 22 year old. Oh, and that he thought she wasn't really into the partying. Also, didn't appear that she was a bad mother. Actually, she was a good mother.

I hope this turns around pretty quickly because I am thinking this juror did not hear the same evidence I heard....


Very scary isn't it that this alt juror and the rest of them thought partying whilst your baby girl is rotting in a swamp is "normal" behaviour.


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