2011.07.08 - Dateline NBC

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Yes. I don't like to criticize the state at all. I was so blown away by LDB and JA.....but they should have focused more on emotion...than science. I know the science was important, but in this "reality tv" world - people want drama. And D.R.A.M.A. that family had. Cindy's mom should have been able to get up on that stand and say "Casey hated Cindy more than she loved Caylee"....A better picture of that relationship should have been brought out. More testimony about Casey being jealous of Cindy with Caylee.
Of course, it is easy to Monday morning quarterback.

I TOTALLY Agree! While watching I was intrigued by the science...but because I live in the area, I KNEW the SA was leaving out so much that would really drive it all home to just how warped and twisted family dynamic of KC, CA and GA really was...I wouldn't call it reality tv world DRAMA but it would have solidified the MOTIVE. After the state rested I felt very uneasy...I thought to myself THAT'S all you have, this is not good. Not one person testified to the love/hate relationship between KC and CA. Everyone testified that KC was a good mom. IMO, leaving out the true nature of the family dynamic was a HUGE mistake on the SA part and I still don't understand why they didn't pursue that more.
I agree with you . I would never say this jury was uneducated... They made a choice that we don't believe in... Thats in part to the amount of evidence we have all read and gone over for the past 3 years.

I think the problem with the jury was more because they were sequestered... not because they were uneducated.


Being sequestered makes me wonder if they didn't become a "collective hive mind". Also wonder if most of them watch CSI and have lost the ability to distinguish between reality and the simulated reality of television.
I believe his testimony was that he thought he saw a skull about 20 feet away but never got close to it. They got side tracked by the rattle snake, his co workers blew off his comment about the skull , then they took off to get back to work and brought the snake with them and have pics of the snake. RK said he wasn't sure if it was real or a prop ( the skull)

Someone correct me if I am wrong.

You are correct. He saw what he believed to be a skull. He did what he should have done each time and reported it to someone.

LE dropped the ball on that one. Caylee could have been found in August.
Being sequestered makes me wonder if they didn't become a "collective hive mind". Also wonder if most of them watch CSI and have lost the ability to distinguish between reality and the simulated reality of television.

I watched some of the testimony one day at my mothers house... She said... why couldn't they figure out how she died. I said... Ma, she was a skeleton by that time. She said... well, on Bones they always figure it out.

She was serious as could be.

Maybe some of the jury felt the same way. I know one of them said that they were waiting for the smoking gun. The ahhh-haaa moment that tied it all together. Just like they do on CSI, or Bones... or Law and Order. :banghead:
I watched some of the testimony one day at my mothers house... She said... why couldn't they figure out how she died. I said... Ma, she was a skeleton by that time. She said... well, on Bones they always figure it out.

She was serious as could be.

Maybe some of the jury felt the same way. I know one of them said that they were waiting for the smoking gun. The ahhh-haaa moment that tied it all together. Just like they do on CSI, or Bones... or Law and Order. :banghead:

Heather, I have not smiled in days but when I read your post I smiled so big.Made me think of my Mom.Hugs to you and thanks.
I TOTALLY Agree! While watching I was intrigued by the science...but because I live in the area, I KNEW the SA was leaving out so much that would really drive it all home to just how warped and twisted family dynamic of KC, CA and GA really was...I wouldn't call it reality tv world DRAMA but it would have solidified the MOTIVE. After the state rested I felt very uneasy...I thought to myself THAT'S all you have, this is not good. Not one person testified to the love/hate relationship between KC and CA. Everyone testified that KC was a good mom. IMO, leaving out the true nature of the family dynamic was a HUGE mistake on the SA part and I still don't understand why they didn't pursue that more.

Their biggest mistake was trusting the Anthonys to tell the truth on the stand. They should've expected Cindy and George would lie for Casey. Remember, they were prosecution witnesses!

I remember posting about it way back when the trial began. They should have never felt sorry for the A's and protected them. Sadly, that is exactly what happened.

OMG are you freakin kidding me? SHE seemed SINCERE?
'Did he even listen to how much of a liar she is? Did he watch those jail tapes?

ITA. IMO, the jail house tapes should have connected alot of dots for this jury.
I watched some of the testimony one day at my mothers house... She said... why couldn't they figure out how she died. I said... Ma, she was a skeleton by that time. She said... well, on Bones they always figure it out.

She was serious as could be.

Maybe some of the jury felt the same way. I know one of them said that they were waiting for the smoking gun. The ahhh-haaa moment that tied it all together. Just like they do on CSI, or Bones... or Law and Order. :banghead:

Your mom is right. People believe shows like CSI are real life. Maybe we'll get to that point in the future but we're not there yet.
Susan Smith was a good mother and Ted Bundy was a swell guy who was a volunteer for the suicide hotline. IOW, a group of college guys describing Casey as a good mother means absolutely nothing. Just because you don't beat or berate your kid doesn't make you a good mother.


Sorry, I just could not pass up the above bolded comment. Suicide hotline? What would he do - take a call and say, "Give me your address; I will come over and take care of that for you."

I agree with your post, sappysoul.

You are correct. He saw what he believed to be a skull. He did what he should have done each time and reported it to someone.

LE dropped the ball on that one. Caylee could have been found in August.

The key to the whole case, right here. What a travesty.
I did not watch this show due to boycotting any media outlet that shows anything to do with ICA and her family. My husband said what is the point - it is over with - she was not convicted.

Thanks for posting highlights.
Please,Please does anyone have the link for dateline?? I'm sitting in a house with no t.v.and I'm swiping wireless from a neighbor. Well,that sounds bad! I'm trying to sell my house and it's staged and I cut everything off except power and water.Hope you guys are feeling better than me.I have never thrown up so much in my life.It's been a long,hard week.Thank You
From what I am seeing from the jurors, they did not conclude that Casey was the one who caused Caylee's death, so the lesser charges would not have applied anyway, in their minds.
There was IIRC several nurses, a government teacher, a PE teacher, a chef...I could look it up the rest...where are the "uneducated"? The jury is meant to be made up of your peers, not attorneys, doctors and phds.

I take back my original Woops! According to your post, you read "uneducated" and I said "undereducated." Are you drinking decaf ?LOL
can you link the DCS reports? TIA

Certainly. It will take some time to find them in the stacks and stacks of discovery. Be sure to check back. Or you could google it. It might take me awhile to locate them.
I take back my original Woops! According to your post, you read "uneducated" and I said "undereducated." Are you drinking decaf ?LOL

Sorry, I took it to mean the same thing. BTW, what does that even mean? You can have an extremely educated person with little variety in life experience render a verdict that is as absurd as this one seems to be to you. I just don't get the purpose of trying to pick apart the jury like this.
Wow. We have taken more than 10 hours on this thread discussing this...
Sorry, I took it to mean the same thing. BTW, what does that even mean? You can have an extremely educated person with little variety in life experience render a verdict that is as absurd as this one seems to be to you. I just don't get the purpose of trying to pick apart the jury like this.

I think In session's point was that typically there is a little more variety in terms of educational background on most juries. They really seemed to make a point of it. Hopefully education though does broaden your horizons, gives way to the practice of critical thinking and I think helps with the scientific part. But I agree with you that it is not the end all. I have know many people, as I'm sure you have, that do not have as education, who are smart and some, in reverse, that I can't figure out how they got that degree. Well, I think the purpose of"picking a part the jury" is becuase those of us who beleived the state proved its case, can't follow thier logic. And if the jury had found her guilty, I assume you would have thought the decision was also absurd.
Certainly. It will take some time to find them in the stacks and stacks of discovery. Be sure to check back. Or you could google it. It might take me awhile to locate them.

I tried google and found nothing. I would like to see the docs. TIA

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