2011.07.11 Greta Van Sustern interview with Jury Foreperson

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Agreed, I don't want those 12 jurors to ever sit on another jury for as long as they all live.

I'm totally shocked at what I've heard come from the jurors so far. Unbelievable. I wish I had been on that jury. I guarantee I could have turned all of them to guilty to a verdict. Clearly no one on the jury grasped or understood the forensics and what they meant. The death band and bug evidence and Tony picking Casey up from Amscot should have sealed Casey's fate. But if a jury doesn't understand what the death band meant and doesn't understand what the bug evidence proves happened to Caylee and when then well you have the not guilty verdict that came down.

A cause of death is absolutely NOT needed. It's nice to have but is not a requirement for a conviction. Laci Peterson's death was ruled undetermined as well but both Caylee and Laci's death were ruled Homicides by undetermined means.

Under the jury's logic a body could be found bound by rope or something else and skeletonized and unless there was injury to the bones then there is no way they could ever convict someone because the tissue isn't there to indicate HOW the person died. So I guess all the victims who are suffocated to death are SOL according to this jury. Unbelievable jury. Simply unbelievable.

Logic, justice, the constitution...none of this played a part in this verdict.
This juror in particular was consumed with the money that could potentially be made by rendering a not guilty verdict. He talked the others into following suit. No doubt in my mind now.
The jury foreman was incensed by JA's "smirk" during JB's closing and his "pig in a blanket" reference!!! GOOD GRIEF---hope 'bout getting incensed about something IMPORTANT---like decomp in the car, death banded hair, 31 days, duct tape, etc. etc. etc!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But "who cut the cheese" by Baez didn't phase him at all I guess cos he never even mentioned it. :maddening:
I noticed that too. He doesn't even know how to speak english. There were several words that were used incorrectly.
People who want to present themselves as "intelligent" when they are not, often use big words incorrectly or "made up" words they think are right.
Wow! This guy really is a legend in his own mind. Apparently he agreed with all of the rest of the jurors....that he should be foreman because he's so much smarter than they are. I guess they were all in "aggreance".

I saw several tweets from different people during trial that said he was setting himself up for foreman. Jean C said on the last day of the trial that he wore a suit and she thought it was because he wanted to be foreman. She had said several times during the trial she thought he wanted foreman.
"When the prosecution was finished, I was stunned. I was expecting more." Foreman

It's like these jurors were watching a different trial. I am so dismayed.

The 10 to 2 doesnt surprise me. I think they were talking about this case everyday after trial and seems he was the dominate voice. Thats why I said having the juror all together all of the time was a bad idea.
Agreed, any defense lawyer that takes on the case of an obviously guilty party to further their career deserves the wrath of the public.

wow, harsh and scarey...I think these people that defended her really believed in her. right or wrong as it may be. not everybody thinks the same way. JB may have been privy to other things that made him believe in her. regardless, everybody has the right to effective counsel. and somebody has to do it. it takes all types to make the world go round and round, even the devils advocate
He didn't specifically say it that way. He said those two were voting guilty on emotion and you can't vote on emotion. (paraphrasing)

Well I guess he would know, wouldn't he? He is, after all, a gym teacher.
They keep talking about how upset they all were and how they knew she was guilty but how did they know that if JA, etc. did such a bad job? And I don't think most of them were upset about this verdict at all. They seem almost hostile towards the State whose job it was to find justice for Caylee. There is just something weird about it. Juror #2 was the only one who came across as feeling distressed. I think he might be the one who wishes he'd hung the jury. The rest are almost beligerent.
CM said that. Juror #11 never said that. The foreman never said anything like that. The WS poster thought that Greta was quoting the foreman, but she was quoting CM. It was the same On the Record show last night. First she interviewed the jury foreman, and then CM.

MASON: What of know of Casey she an incredibly likeable person despite the lynch mob mentality on the street. To talk to her a just few minutes is to like her. She is very bright very articulate. She's got guts. She is as tough as they come.

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/on-air/on-th...hose-who-have-threatened-jurors#ixzz1RwnDC4tA



BFD, Mr. Mason.

He ought to ask Ann Rule sometime about how charming, earnest and intelligent Ted Bundy was when she knew him many years ago. Sociopaths are great manipulators and skilled at creating a facade that will suit their purposes.

I don't care if she's a MENSA member and won Miss Congeniality three years running, I still believe KC is a cold-blooded murderer.
I continue to ask one question. Who released the names of the jurors. We the general public do not have the names. Yet family members of juror number 3 were being called during sequestration.

So I continue to ask, who released the names? How are sequestered jurors lined up on the very next day with media? How can a trip to Disney for an extended family arranged so quickly?

Who got the names of these other jurors that are speaking? Something is wrong here. Why is the judge withholding the names from the general public when in fact these jurors are known to the media?

I'll dust off my old newspaper reporter hat and say, it is not difficult to find who is on a jury.

Reporters spend a lot of time cultivating sources. A realitive of a juror could easily contact a reporter he or she knows with a juror's name or the fact that person is serving on THE jury.

And, on the inside, there is always someone low on the totem pole who wants to feel like a big deal and releases names. And they feel safe doing so.

You just start putting your feelers out and you'd be surprised what you can find out. Some people, for whatever reason, can't keep a secret or love to be an all important snitch. And, we don't reveal our sources and don't even do it with a threat of jail.

For every person who served on the jury, there had to be at least one (maybe two) people who knew that person was going on jury duty. It would not take much to find out what jury either. These folks were all from another county. It can take just a few phone calls or a few meetings over coffee with an enemy or disgruntled family member of a juror, who just can't wait to tell.

Once it took me only a few minutes to find out who stole my hubby's bank card number to use for on-line purchases. I just checked the bank statement to see where the purchases were made, checked with the company where the purchases were made and I got a name and address. Even found out where the guy worked by going over the days where my husband used his card.

People leave traces all over the place. You just have to do a little show biz and keep your ear to the ground. Like putting two and two together.
They keep talking about how upset they all were and how they knew she was guilty but how did they know that if JA, etc. did such a bad job? And I don't think most of them were upset about this verdict at all. They seem almost hostile towards the State whose job it was to find justice for Caylee. There is just something weird about it. Juror #2 was the only one who came across as feeling distressed. I think he might be the one who wishes he'd hung the jury. The rest are almost beligerent.

ITA. None of them still seemed so upset when they began talking except Juror 2. He seemed truly in distress to me. He was the last holdout and I still think from reading his interview he's horribly haunted by it.
I saw several tweets from different people during trial that said he was setting himself up for foreman. Jean C said on the last day of the trial that he wore a suit and she thought it was because he wanted to be foreman. She had said several times during the trial she thought he wanted foreman.

I could see him going in there and saying,my brother is an FBI agent so I know about the law..so I vote myself as foreman-what do you guys think?and they said OK!!
And why were they SO emotional after the verdict was read? Crying, sobbing. If they were so distraught over their decision, then they knew otherwise.

Yes they knew otherwise, but dollar signs and disney trips were more important than Justice for a child who was thrown out into the swamp to be eaten by animals.:banghead:
wow, harsh and scarey...I think these people that defended her really believed in her. right or wrong as it may be. not everybody thinks the same way. JB may have been privy to other things that made him believe in her. regardless, everybody has the right to effective counsel. and somebody has to do it. it takes all types to make the world go round and round, even the devils advocate

I agree that everyone has the right to counsel and I'm actually a big believer in the need for good defense attorneys. I do think the tactics used here while they worked were despicable. There should be a better way.

I disagree however with her DT believing her. A few have slipped up since the case ended by saying they didn't know what happened and JB called it a murder twice. While I'm sure they are thrilled they won I wonder how quick JB would be to have her around his children.
I am not sure if he used the word sincere, but the juror named DEAN, he used it. He said he watched her 'body language' and decided she was SINCERE.

The alternate? Thanks. Do you remember which interview this was stated in? TIA
Wow! This guy really is a legend in his own mind. Apparently he agreed with all of the rest of the jurors....that he should be foreman because he's so much smarter than they are. I guess they were all in "aggreance".

Oh my! I'm not watching but did he really say that??


That tells me all I need to know about how they arrived at their verdict!
AAARGHGG someone shoot me!!! Why cant people understand its not about partying!!!!!!! It was TONY!!!! Just like Susan Smith and I forget the other killer mom;s name who both killed their kids cause they wanted to be with a man. Just like the millions of women who allow their kids to be abused and sometimes killed by boyfriends, all because they dont want to be alone. This is nothing new, and it was obvious in Casey that she was nothing without a man at her side. Luckily Jesse accepted playing daddy, so caylee was fine then. Ricardo let her spend the night with caylee, so caylee was fine then. TONY on the other hand has a job involving the night life, and his girlfriend would need to be able to go out at night too. He also lived in basically a college dorm, and would not be ok with caylee spending the night. CAYLEE BECAME A PROBLEM. it is simple and obvious

Ah but Solange, you have critical thinking abilities and are able to see the forest through the trees. This jury??? Yeah not so much.

Obviously there were a few who wanted to vote guilty but they didn't have enough courage to stand up to those who were pressuring them and I'm sure they all just wanted to go home. Now I hope they have a new neighbor when they go back home, Miss Casey herself.
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