2011.07.11 Greta Van Sustern interview with Jury Foreperson

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Isn't this the same guy that was so appreciative that Greta didn't show his face? I knew he thought way too highly of himself not to come out for more attention. Looks like he is getting comfortable with coming out for more interviews and it appears he has even bought some new hair gel and fluffed and spiked his hair for Banfield interview.....I agree, as long as the interviewers make him comfy and just let him talk ~ There is no telling what he might say next time. I also noticed that he has morphed from a "Gym Teacher" to a "38-year old Pinellas County Football Coach" working on a masters. This tells me that he could just be someone that assists in the weight room for the football players.....We recruit a lot of football players out of Florida, but there are a TON of football schools in Pinellas County. His name will be known very soon.

From everything I have seen from this foreman, I will predict we will soon see a photo of him shirtless. I would predict he is on the phone now, setting it all up to be snapped by some intrepid photog.
I'll be at this place at this time...but I am not giving you permission to photograph me. But if you do, I'll be the one taking my shirt off.
I`m certain that movie watching Casey knew about chloroform and that murderers and kidnappers use it to knock people out. And she searched "how to make chloroform"

Sorry if this has been mentioned but wasn't it used in the One Tree Hill episode she watched the same day (or nearly) the searches were done in March 2008? Did I miss this in trial???
I am not sure how often juries are sequestered in 5 star Florida hotels for 6 weeks, with little special events planned, day trips, special restaurants, the private Dessert Lady. I thought it was great at the time. BUt now I wonder if they all didn't just see it as a big ol vacation. They certainly didn't return the favor to Judge Perry. They probably deliberated a total of 5 or 6 hours if you subtract meals, breaks, small talk and filling out the final paperwork. They couldn't even be bothered to ask any questions or double check any facts. Which is really sad, considering they got a lot of them wrong.

The fact that they were sequestered in the manner they were wasn't there choice and I'm sure being away from their family and not being able to do all the little things that we take for granted and do on a daily basis was far from a vacation for them. IF this played into their decision (which I highly doubt) you can blame the Judge since he was the one who gave it all to them.
Well, I can barely wash my DH's 'underwear' (cuz underwear can be kinda...how shall I say it...sweaty?)...there is no way I would touch the dirty underwear of Juror #11! :sick:

Ewwwwwwww..that's nasty and totally no boundaries.
They think it's good to not take notes and deliberate one day in a murder trial?

They think circumstantial evidence (bad behavior) presented in court as part of the case is not supposed to be considered?

They think if KC had been convicted of manslaughter that she would get the DP?

They think because the foreman can "read people" it's ok to accuse GA and completely ignore everything KC did? Was GA on trial?

They think GA was at home when he was at work?

They think because a couple of LE did not smell the car that means they should discount the tow yard guy, GA, CA, LA, cadaver dogs,Dr Vass, hair banding, coffin fly and CA's "It smells like there's been a dead body in the damn car." Oh yeah and KC, herself, texted Amy about the smell.

Every time JF speaks she changes her story.

I could go on and on.

First, I never said I agreed with them, I said belittling the jury serves absolutely no purpose.

As far as your post, it’s impossible for me to answer your questions as I have no idea what they think. Besides half of your questions are pure speculation. We haven’t heard from all the jurors so you are just assuming they all felt that way.
well, yes. A job can be done well or done poorly. This is part of what performance evaluations are. They are entirely subjective. It is the opinion of many of us that IN THIS CASE, based on the statements they have made to how they arrived at the evidence, it is abundantly clear that they did a poor job and if they had a performance appraisal, it would also be poor. It is a matter of opinion. That is my evaluation of their performance.

A professional evaluation on their performance in the task in which they were assigned is completely different than assassinating their character, their looks, their speech, their jobs, and every single other thing they do or say.
Sorry if this has been mentioned but wasn't it used in the One Tree Hill episode she watched the same day (or nearly) the searches were done in March 2008? Did I miss this in trial???

So THIS IS WHY Linda Drane Burdick, during a police interview, asked Amy Huizenga whether she and Casey watched this show together. I could never understand why LDB asked her that question. I don't recall it coming up during the trial, but I didn't see every minute.
Respectfully snipped by me. This was something I was thinking about the other day. The prosecution entered Cindy's and George's work records/time sheets in to evidence. With the exception of going over Cindy's records for the purpose of impeachment, they didn't go over those records at all -- specifically George's. The prosecution THOUGHT (rightly so) that this jury didn't need to be spoon fed the information -- the jury could just look over the records themselves, during deliberations. As we have learned, this jury did not look over ANYthing. So, I guess the answer to your question would be 'No'. They didn't even bother to check when George was at work that day. *shakes head*

You nailed it, they needed to be handed everything - sadly I don't think more would have been better. These <unusual people> spent more time talking about their needs then they did what they NEEDED TO DO FOR THE VICTIM, according to their own statements!

VAN SUSTEREN: Yes. (the prosecution) How -- did they do a good job?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Well, I thought, you know, for what they -- you know, I -- really, in prosecution, when it was over and done with, when they rested, I wanted more. I wanted more. I really thought the prosecution -- I don't know if there was more for them to give. I wanted more, though, because I thought it really put us at that point in a situation where this is going to be -- this is going to be difficult.
I don't remember the link....but I read somewhere that they were allowed online to ONLY pay bills.

Apparently not. According to Ashley Banfield, the foreman went online every evening after the trial to work on his online Master's Program.
Apparently not. According to Ashley Banfield, the foreman went online every evening after the trial to work on his online Master's Program.

Apparently he wasn't studying "critical thinking" in pursuit of his masters :floorlaugh:
VAN SUSTEREN: ... was there every any discussion about, like, why anybody would do that?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We just -- we -- and again, motive was not something that we have to prove or anything. It's not -- we felt that the motive that the state provided was -- in our eyes was just kind of weak, you know, that a mother would want to do something like that to her child just so that she can go out and party. That's what they presented to us. And -- but aside from that, no, there was no other talk on motive.

Susan Smith - convicted murderer
Diane Downs - convicted murderer
China Arnold - convicted murderer
Patricia Blackmon - convicted murderer
Susan Eubanks - convicted murderer
Stacey Barker - convicted murderer
Casey Anthony - acquitted murderer

The list could go on and on....
Wow, quote from Runaway Jury, which ive never seen but thanks to those who mentioned it I am going to watch it today!:

You think your average juror is King Solomon? No, he's a roofer with a mortgage. He wants to go home and sit in his Barcalounger and let the cable TV wash over him. And this man doesn't give a single, solitary droplet of **** about truth, justice or your American way.
Wow, quote from Runaway Jury, which ive never seen but thanks to those who mentioned it I am going to watch it today!:

runaway jury is an awesome book (and movie). I want juror #11 investigated! I am hoping someone is paying attention to all of his comments.
I apologize; I shouldn’t have commented on your post and should have just posted it in general. I was just surprise that there were several posts about this guy's laundry. It just seemed petty to me. I don't think there is anything wrong with what he said. She asked him about Juror #12 and he said she was like the den mother to all of them and lightheartedly said she even did his laundry. Who knows, he might have said something in addition to that but it wasn't selected to be put into the interview. Either way, I don't see what the big deal is, in fact I saw it as an endearing remark, expressing how they became more of a family instead of 16 strangers stuck together for weeks.

Haha we could spin it like JB. Maybe there was something intimate going on between these two jurors. pillow talk and all. She needed to wash his cothes because maybe her DNA was all over them. Her being married and all. She skipped town immed leaving hubby and all! Maybe she is hiding something. Maybe she was jf assistant so he could surf the web all night, planning his big pay day with by delivering a shocking verdict for ABC!!!
Ok, I have thought about this for a few days, but now I am just gonna say it...I pick up a "vibe" from the jury foreman that makes me feel uneasy. I don't know what it is exactly, I do think it has something to do with his "know it all" attitude. He may be a control freak, but there is something about him, without any proof of anything, that doesn't sit right with me.
Ok, I have thought about this for a few days, but now I am just gonna say it...I pick up a "vibe" from the jury foreman that makes me feel uneasy. I don't know what it is exactly, I do think it has something to do with his "know it all" attitude. He may be a control freak, but there is something about him, without any proof of anything, that doesn't sit right with me.

I've been feeling this to. Something stinks like JB's work. I smell it. nothing he is saying makes any sense. I hope he keeps talking because each time he does he gives himself away more. I'm hoping the state is investigating.
I've been on WS for almost two years and was a lurker for a year before I signed on.

I belonged to another well known but unnamed Caylee website and left because of the immense unkindnesses to fellow posters that was allowed and sometimes even encouraged. I left in complete disgust.

At WS I've always enjoyed the fact that we have open dialogue, even during times when we've obviously had - mmmm- rogue posters who were obviously here to disrupt the conversations. I particularly admire the moderators who keep conversations balanced and within TOS guidelines, especially when we are debating strongly and tempers are raised. :waiting: (mod example)

And I have particularly appreciated the support and positive feedback I've had from my fellow posters even when I've gone out on a limb with comments that were in direct opposition to their own thinking. I was never attacked, ridiculed, asked to accept part truths or mistruths, and was asked open and honest questions so people could attempt to understand my thoughts, and express theirs in return. I was never aggressively confronted or attacked for what I said or thought. :pillowfight2:

And only on one occasion, on the advice of a mod who knew I was walking very close to the line, have I ever used the ignore button. And it helped.:pullhair: ..... :ignore:

But now fellow posters, I have to confess I am about to use it six more times. I refuse to be taunted, baited, or asked to accept partial truths in the face of this "disappointing" verdict. And may I suggest some do also use this feature rather than risk further mind bending? My head and my heart are bruised enough. So I'm taking the high road and only coming to chat about what is currently happening and how I can assist in any change. :therethere:

Why? Cause I saw what I saw, we argued we debated, and I know what I know. All the PR-ing the world won't change what I think about ICA and this trial. It's too late for that. No one will convince me this trial verdict was anything but a miscarriage of justice.

And by the way my friends - have I told you lately how much I love you all?
:skip: :skip: :skip: :loveyou: And let's just share a thwartcake for old times sake and hum a few bars of "Our day will come" :cupcake:

Great post and just have to say, your post made me cry, thinking all over again about the verdict and the day it was announced. How daily we all banded together on WS just knowing this was going to be a guilty verdict of some sort based on the great job the SA did and the poor job JB did. I am still in shock. Now my three yr old is asking "whats wrong mama". So I am going to go spend some time with her and also think of sweet Caylee who may not have received the love on this earth that she deserved but is in a much better place now. IMO.
Oh my god.. shoot me.... Who put the body in the car??? The person who owned it and drove it all the time! How?? Pop open the trunk and throw it in!!!!!!!!!!! What happened before?? Casey killed Caylee!!! What the hell, is this the twilight zone??? I am so happy at least some of the talking heads have the courage to point out the insanity in this (JVM, Nancy Grace)... I am just astounded...

Lets see how logical this is... Instead of deducing that the person who had proof of a dead body in her car, the person who knew the child was dead but didnt report it, the person who lied until the body was found... Instead of deducing that SHE put the body in the swamp... Lets just say its George, the one who had NO proof of a body in his car, the one who didnt lie to cops....

The person who complained of the bad odor in the car to her current BFF - also blamed the odor on dead squirrels that originated from her father using the car!!
Originally Posted by Solange82200
Oh my god.. shoot me.... Who put the body in the car??? The person who owned it and drove it all the time! How?? Pop open the trunk and throw it in!!!!!!!!!!! What happened before?? Casey killed Caylee!!! What the hell, is this the twilight zone??? I am so happy at least some of the talking heads have the courage to point out the insanity in this (JVM, Nancy Grace)... I am just astounded...

Lets see how logical this is... Instead of deducing that the person who had proof of a dead body in her car, the person who knew the child was dead but didnt report it, the person who lied until the body was found... Instead of deducing that SHE put the body in the swamp... Lets just say its George, the one who had NO proof of a body in his car, the one who didnt lie to cops....

The person who complained of the bad odor in the car to her current BFF - also blamed the odor on dead squirrels that originated from her father using the car!!

The person who no longer resided at Hopespring Dr but yet stopped by to steal food and in the process BORROWS A SHOVEL to do yard WORK. Isn't work a four letter word for the lazy *advertiser censored** felon????
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