2011.07.11 HLN & FOX News Coverage - Caylee Anthony

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Wait a minute the DEFENSE TEAM admitted that it was suppose to be an ACCIDENT in THEIR opening statement yet this guy claims that George Anthony could have murdered Casey!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!!!! It's no WONDER why she was found innocent. The prosecution had NO CHANCE! Now I know for sure these 12 really still do believe the world is flat.
this jury really believes GA was involved....for the love of God.....

Evidently they even suspected he could have murdered Caylee. I do like how these people talk about about how they couldn't speculate and how the PT speculated, yet they sure did speculate a way out of convicting Casey.

Honestly, I don't get the impression they spent any time deliberating Casey and her involment in Caylee's death. I think they spent the entire time talking about George and speccing about George and there you go.... they speculated themselves right out of a conviction. So annoying. :/
I hung a jury once. And heck yes I was bullied!

But I stuck to my guns.:angel:

From the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU!

I don't know why that made me so happy, but it did.

I love it when people hold true to their belief and aren't weakened by peer pressure.
CM: there was total failure to find any forensic evidence whatsoever; any DNA excluded Casey
His opinion of ICA? "Likeable, bright, & articulate"..OMG! He got this from her ugly-sounding jail tapes with the As & that 'nice' call home? Just SHOOT me now! Seriously!

Holy crap. Did I miss that? Do you know where it was in the convo and I'll edit my post.
CM..Now we're back to some (wild) conspiracy re: the LE photographer who took the pix of the skull when found..
Do we think this juror was paid to appear on GVS?
I would not watch this show but I do have a comment from someone who appeared on NG earlier... if you go outside in the morning and the ground is soaking wet, your car is soaking wet, water is dripping off leaves on trees it is a reasonable thing to assume it rained. Just because you did not see it rain does not make the rain go away! You have to use common sense.
I can't believe this many idiots were found all in one place..

I heard that too, where did they find these people. Did not follow court orders, based verdict on opening statement of defense, obviously do not understand the concept of reasonable doubt. This gets more upsetting every single day.
The last time I served on jury duty was a year and a half ago. It was a criminal case that was based on circumstantial evidence. Both the judge and the Prosecution said repeatedly "This is a CIRCUMSTANTIAL EVIDENCE case. There is no DNA, no fingerprints, no blood, etc. etc. Your decision will be made on the credibility of testimony." The judge even explained further, in simple terms, "who is the most believable." There were still a couple of hold-outs on the jury who insisted on hard, factual, tangible evidence!!! They also said the prosecution had not met the "burden of proof" because there was no DNA, even AFTER we had been told in advance there was no DNA. It took us over 12 hours and many questions to the judge to get them to understand how to reach a verdict based on CIRCUMSTANTIAL evidence.

We had a similar situation......can't help but wonder how often this very thing happens, even though it's scary to contemplate. Glad you (and others?) persisted in ensuring that your peers were educated. It's a huge responsibility to serve on a jury, criminal case or not. I would hope that every jury contains at least a few people who see it as such and persist as you did.

You know, another aspect of this has nothing to do with knowledge, but rather, personalities of jurors. Those with the strongest personalities can often be very um..."persuasive"....regardless of whether they are 'up to the task' of being on a jury or not.

Clearly, a lot can "go wrong" with a jury, and for many reasons. Makes me sad......as much for those 'guilty, but freed', as for those wrongly convicted.

I'm tellin' ya.....juror education is the way to go. Too bad we don't have some systematic way of ensuring that.

As always, JMO. :)

Thanks for sharing your story. :)
god help us all..does not know if CA lied.-SA proved she did!WOW

This is where Greta HAD to say what about the PROOF she was at work when the search(s) were made!! But she did NOT! Totally useless interviewer.
I'm at a loss for words! How can this guy get away with saying he thinks KC is "likeable, bright and articulate". How would he know? This sounds like something he's heard someone else say.

i think i heard CM say those exact words.. so she is "likeable" the same way she is "a good mother".

I agree... the jury for whatever reason liked and felt sorry for ica .. and looked for ways to acquitt.. or at least some on the jury.

Hmm.. I've never heard any of the jury say anything about the 31 days.. why ica didn't report her daughter missing, if george was involved.. why would ica sit in jail for 3 years to cover for him?????

Its so frustrating listening to these morons..

It was their discoveries that gave the state enough to charge Casey Anthony with murder.

Now they're ready to talk about what they discovered along the way, which put them on the stand during Anthony's trial.

Orange County Sheriff Jerry Demings plans to speak briefly Tuesday afternoon about the investigation before turning it over to some of the key witnesses in this case.
Mr. Bird Flipper is talking about other's behavior....what's that saying about irony?

Mason is so sickening! How dare he say the things he is saying.
I would not watch this show but I do have a comment from someone who appeared on NG earlier... if you go outside in the morning and the ground is soaking wet, your car is soaking wet, water is dripping off leaves on trees it is a reasonable thing to assume it rained. Just because you did not see it rain does not make the rain go away! You have to use common sense.
I can't believe this many idiots were found all in one place..

Or maybe George came by in the night and soaked your property with a garden hose he stole from your neighbor across the street? It's possible. :innocent:
CM: of course, she's in danger---who's gonna not recognize her (like President O)

Epiph: LOL- Oh, Cheney (like the president comparison)!
These IVs stink. No matter asks them the important questions or pushes them on the facts. They say whatever they wants and no one holds them accountable for answers either. Very frustrating. I'm also tired of them talking about the negative attention. If you don't want it get off the tv.
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