2011.07.11 HLN & FOX News Coverage - Caylee Anthony

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The jury foreman on a clip said the first vote on the murder charge was 10-2...10 "innocent" and 2 guilty. Innocent? He can't even get the terms right. I thought they were all so sick to their stomachs because they thought KC was involved but the state didn't prove the case, but then they voted "innocent". OMG. I live in bizarro world and the inmates are running the asylum.
The jury foreman on a clip said the first vote on the murder charge was 10-2...10 "innocent" and 2 guilty. Innocent? He can't even get the terms right. I thought they were all so sick to their stomachs because they thought KC was involved but the state didn't prove the case, but then they voted "innocent". OMG. I live in bizarro world and the inmates are running the asylum.

Sick to their stomachs but stayed long enough to have that nice (read: probably expensive) lunch before coming back into the trial to hand their signed verdict to the judge.
Maybe too sick to their stomachs that they didn't touch a single bite of that lunch?
Lemme get this straight.....

Part of Jury Instruction:

Jurors are NOT supposed to take OS into any consideration nor is OS considered evidence.

PT doesn't have to prove motive.

PT doesn't have to prove how the death occured, only that it was a homicide/murder.

Yet, after listening to all three jurors that have spoken, I feel these are precisely the three things the jurors spoke of most while they deliberated their verdict.

Did I get it wrong?
Maybe the jury missed the memo.
:grouphug: :blowkiss: We do it because we love Caylee.

Thank you LoveJac, for bringing me back down to earth. (hugs) :hug:

<mod snip>

Manatee, and big thanks to you for putting a smile on my face. :)
GVS: “[was the jury] suspicious that [George Anthony] was involved in covering up the death, suspicious involved with the — accident (ph) of death or a suspicions [George Anthony] was a murderer?

JUROR #11: “All three. We don’t — we don’t know. We don’t know. The suspicions were raised.”

Thanks for post. They obviously didn't understand that George was not on trial or that opening statements were not evidence. There was NO evidence of any accident. The state did not have to prove cause of death or motive.
I'm forcing myself to watch this. Will NOT watch when CM gets on. I know I stopped and stared at the tv during this but here's what I typed from part 1 of Greta with jury foreman:

PT opening - it was very shocking
With what they presented thought it was pretty standard.
Showed pictures that would stay with you for life realized how seriour it was

When DT got up they started throwing out things that we did not know.
We had to sit back and let it soak in and see where it went from there.

Had to look at the pictures - had to take notes

Duct tape - skull was a major focus at times
As far as on the skull, there was one area where it was connected and that was with the hair -
Over the mouth and nose was one interpretation.

PT thought that was showing the purpose was for suffocation.
Explained the vicinity of the duct tape
Tape was aged - Didn&#8217;t believe it was placed later

Could tell you where the tape was placed in vicinity to hair -
The tape was more attached to the side, as it got up to the top it was more detached

With decomp and time passing, knew the vicinity of where it was, but didn&#8217;t know exactly where
Knew where in relation from the skull

Tape came from wherever they store tape at the A home
Very distinctive tape - made in ohio
In video of caylee search
On posters
On gas can

How did body get there?
We know obviously it was dumped there
a lot of gray area that goes from june 15th to when the body discovered
a lot of speculation as to how it got there who took it there a lot of questions in that regard
Don&#8217;t know how she got there or who but ultimately the body ended up there

Never convinced how she died

All speculation - there&#8217;s a number of ways she could&#8217;ve died
Possibility of chloroform
Pool a couple feet away from the doors - picture of her opening
Ladders she could&#8217;ve climbed up herself
a lot of children in florida die that way
But we don&#8217;t know the cause of death.

Chloroform search - myspace or face book win her over with chloroform and google search was the next day on desktop
You can speculate - here it is - boyfriend posted it - the next day I want to know what chloro is

Nothing about making chloroform - was internet search Something in greater amounts - we were limited

Chloro is detectable in other products
Wasn&#8217;t enough for us to bring chloroform into it
Smaller levels in the trunk
Google searches
Wasn&#8217;t on steering wheel, door handle of the car
Even if it was, nothing on who or where

With cindy - the lying wasn&#8217;t as obvious to me
On medication and she&#8217;s been questioned a number of different times
As far as her lying - that wasn&#8217;t something we considered much going into deliberation

Cindy said Car smelled of death - did you credit what she said - believe decomposed in trunk?
Smell some police noticed and some not
Problem he had was the day everything went down in july, the car was there
People were going in and out of the garage and the car was there
If it was something that obvious, George said he smelled it before -
Some smelled it some didn&#8217;t
There&#8217;s evidence that there could be decomp in there
But we were looking at the cause the ehow and the who
And other people had access to the car - more than one key
Don&#8217;t know who put there

Didn&#8217;t understand at the tow yard - George&#8217;s rationale - here it is you haven&#8217;t seen 2 family members - make comment there&#8217;s the smell of decomp - you&#8217;re a police officer you know what causes smell - but you get in the car aand drive it home - him not calling casey at that time if she&#8217;s alright or what&#8217;s going on here, it raises a lot of questions, it really does.

my heart just sunk right into my feet on reading this....I am boycotting all juror interviews (and attorney, and anthony... etc) so I have to depend on yall....I only look at pics if any to see what the face of such sheer **** looks like....since this one is clearly too cowardly to show his....

my heaven...this guy is a teacher....this is why I homeschool.
His opinion of ICA? "Likeable, bright, & articulate"..OMG! He got this from her ugly-sounding jail tapes with the As & that 'nice' call home? Just SHOOT me now! Seriously!

I despair. for the first time in my life I truly, and completely am in despair for this world.

juror 11, you are a <modsnip> and frankly the idea of walking the earth with someone of your "caliber" terrifies and nauseates me.
Jim Hammer: if u can hide t body long enough, u might get away w/murder

Female Panelist: his take on t chloroform, was exact take i was saying; was never impressed w/t chloroform evidence; can't say this jury did not examine from every perspective

Ted Wms: (Well, Ted is freaking out; nearly screaming-Yikes!)---the juror was very impressive, must respect that decision...

The female Panelist is Diana Tennis, former attorney for Dominic Casey. Tennis is a defense attorney on Orange County. She has been seriously back-pedaling on her opinion ever since the verdict was handed down. Guess her own survival in the courtrooms of Orange County is more important to her than Justice for Caylee. :loser:
And then he gets all furious at the TH's that get on tv talking about the case when they know nothing about the facts. Go read the transcripts, CM.

Just jumping off your post...I finally realized who CM reminds me of...other than a rather large rooster, I say, I say....do ya'll remember the Clutch Cargo cartoons of years past, where the only thing moving were their lips? That is what CM made me think of tonight.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6MHg1-mpcUY"]YouTube - &#x202a;Syncro Vox (Clutch Cargo)&#x202c;&rlm;[/ame]
I wish the media would STOP giving any of these jurors airtime. We know what they did and we know why they did it. Don't pay the one cent and don't give them any more opportunity to open their mouths and let stupidity have another day!
I despair. for the first time in my life I truly, and completely an in despair for this world.

juror 11, you are a <modsnip> and frankly the idea of walking the earth with someone of your "caliber" terrifies and nauseates me.

You have joined an elite group....Glad to have you!:innocent:
In the first part of the interview the Foreman is asked about the opening statements, and he replies "IT was shocking." (singular)

Foreman then elaborates (about the opening statements), that State presentation was "pretty standard." When Defense got up they started throwing out things that they (the jury) did not know, "and it really hit us, we had to let it soak in," had to sit back to see what would come from there.

Bold mine.

I know! Did it ever occur to this, this <#$%^&^*>, that the "things that the jury didn't know" could possibly be LIES?????

OMG! This guy is unbelievable! Jeff Ashton, even if you had Jesus come down as a witness for the prosecution, I'm afraid you still would not have scored any points with this jury! *my eyes are now rolling around loose in my head*
I imagine when school starts back, he will not have very many kids in his gym class. Just as soon as the schedules come out for the school year, parents will rush to school to have this gym teacher removed from their kids schedules.
And I don't blame them one bit!

And exactly what about being a 'gym teacher' makes him able to 'read people'? Honestly, I'm slapping myself here!
In the first part of the interview the Foreman is asked about the opening statements, and he replies "IT was shocking." (singular)

Foreman then elaborates (about the opening statements), that State presentation was "pretty standard." When Defense got up they started throwing out things that they (the jury) did not know, "and it really hit us, we had to let it soak in," had to sit back to see what would come from there.

This doesn't even make sense to me. The prosecution gives their opening statement and there are no surprises (huh? thought they didn't know much about the case). The DT gives their OS and threw out things they did not know? Hello??? This is the beginning of the trial. Everything that was said that day by both sides should have been what you didn't know and you should have paid close attention to it all from that point on, not just what the DT said.
Maybe I'll buy the book from the juror who titles their book:

"He Had Us At *advertiser censored*"

Jose read these jurors like a book.


I think we have forgotten the infamous Richard Gabriel, jury consultant extraordinaire! I wonder if he had a hand in picking this particular jury.
It's been difficult enough to cope with the "not guilty" verdict but to have to listen to these jurors is excruciatingly painful! I can't get past the "ICA seemed likeable, bright, & articulate" comment. :banghead: WHAT????????? Were they at the same trial as the rest of us, because I do not understand this jurors reasoning.

:eek:fftobed: Just shoot me now or wake me up when it's well and truly over.
Me thinks #11 considers himself a real brain trust. and he is very satisfied with his reasoning power. But, I do hope GVS takes off the gloves for round 2.

That is EXACTLY what I think of him. "You might have more questions for me"....
Yep. He's something alright.
Was it just me? or did juror#11 seem to know more than was actually presented at trial? He seemed very knowledgeable about all things Cindy. Loved how he called Krystal Holloway "river cruz"...like he knew her.
And it was quite obvious who led the others to this verdict. "I know it all, so just do what I tell you to do."
That's just my take on it. I'm sure most will not agree.
Was it just me? or did juror#11 seem to know more than was actually presented at trial? He seemed very knowledgeable about all things Cindy. Loved how he called Krystal Holloway "river cruz"...like he knew her.
And it was quite obvious who led the others to this verdict. "I know it all, so just do what I tell you to do."
That's just my take on it. I'm sure most will not agree.

That's exactly what I think. He took 400 pages of notes, so no need to clarify anything. He wrote down his version and that was it.
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