2011.07.11 HLN & FOX News Coverage - Caylee Anthony

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Why on earth was it impossible for this jury reach the conclusion that ICA murdered her child? THEN they could have their suspicions about GA but reach the conclusion that they were not sure what GA might have done but there was no evidence presented and GA was NOT ON TRIAL. Why Why Why Why was this so difficult for this jury? I will NEVER understand. Why didn't someone remember they COULD NOT base their decisions on opening/closing theories?
Oh, and, did anybody move to Iran overnight? That's where CM thinks all of us "haters" belong.
Somebody needs to put duct tape over........nevermind.
I wouldn't count on it. She used to do that. She went after Jooran when she used to cover Natalie Holloway. But she seems vaguely comfortable with this verdict, imo.

After covering Natalie for so long, and having Beth on her show repeatedly, Greta interviewed Joran. Her comment afterwards, "I'm inclined to believe him." Really Greta, what do you believe now?

She's a defense attorney and is not going to dispute anything the foreman says. I did think the comments about the look on her face were funny. One post I read said Greta looked like she was watching the inmates take over the asylum during her interview. :floorlaugh:
Oh, and, did anybody move to Iran overnight? That's where CM thinks all of us "haters" belong.
Somebody needs to put duct tape over........nevermind.

Since I've been refusing to watch the jurors live, I checked some other sites to see what their opinion was. All the posts I saw had the same impression of the juror and it wasn't flattering.

The thing that surprised me is,while they were making fun of the juror, they were really angry with CM. They were saying he was dictatorial and insulting. I won't repeat the names he was being called, but if it was his intent to incite and make people hate him, well he hit a run. I haven't watched that interview yet and I'm not sure I want to.
Since I've been refusing to watch the jurors live, I checked some other sites to see what their opinion was. All the posts I saw had the same impression of the juror and it wasn't flattering.

The thing that surprised me is,while they were making fun of the juror, they were really angry with CM. They were saying he was dictatorial and insulting. I won't repeat the names he was being called, but if it was his intent to incite and make people hate him, well he hit a run. I haven't watched that interview yet and I'm not sure I want to.

Take my advice...don't watch it. A waste, a huge waste.
Bugs me that right after the verdict CM went before the media to trash the media and he's been appearing before the media ever since.

I won't watch this interview.
I turned it down and watched the Jaycee Dugard video from last night interview. If you didn't watch it, check out the thread and watch. Very good. Her story of being a true Mom and protecting her children. Unlike this evil B here.

OT but---

I about lost it when she gave Diane Sawyer that pinecone necklace. :anguish:
I haven't read this entire thread so I appologize if this has already been mentioned.

I think it was on NG last night. There was a jury consultant on there and she said that in the first jury poll amongst themselves for guilty of first degree murder, the vote was 10-2 for not guilty.

Now...what does this tell us? It tells us that TWO of the jurors thought beyond a reasonable doubt KC was guilty of PREMEDITATED MURDER.

The second poll amongst themselves for guilty of aggravated manslaughter, the vote was 6-6. 6 guilty and 6 not guilty.

What does this tell us? It tells us that SIX of the jurors thought beyond a reasonable doubt the KC was guilty of AGGRAVATED MANSLAUGHTER.

I don't get it. In only 11 hours, how do they get from having TWO jurors saying she's guilty of first degree murder and SIX saying she's guilty of aggravated manslaughter, to a NOT GUILTY verdict on all of the three major charges?

Something is wrong here. This is only my opinion, but I think they were worried about all of their vaccation plans, etc. and wanted to get out of there.

And for juror # 11 to get on tv saying he's just sick that he had to sign his name on a not guilty verdict. I don't want to hear it. It was your decision...now live with it. They have set a murderer free.
I am just not sure that I can watch another one of these juror interviews. What in the world has happened to these people? It's like they sat in those chairs and watched film clips from the 30's. 1930's that is. You know the silent ones?
why to up the anty, as they all seem to be trying to do.
That twitter from Fox News that Dr. Fessel quoted...made me so darn angry. A viewer gave them a piece of her mind and they tweeted back the quote about let's get something straight, blah blah blah...and then said this is how rumors get started.
What arrogant nerve. And I used to watch Fox.
Have no clue what happened to GVS. When she started interviewing Paris Hilton, I knew my love affair with her show was over.

bbm, she became BFF's with Sarah Palin! :crazy:
Lemme get this straight.....

Part of Jury Instruction:

Jurors are NOT supposed to take OS into any consideration nor is OS considered evidence.

PT doesn't have to prove motive.

PT doesn't have to prove how the death occured, only that it was a homicide/murder.

Yet, after listening to all three jurors that have spoken, I feel these are precisely the three things the jurors spoke of most while they deliberated their verdict.

Did I get it wrong?
Maybe the jury missed the memo.

Exactly!! I think thats what gets me the most! Every single thing they were told NOT to take into consideration they seemed to use in reaching their verdict. WTH???
If it wasn't so sad, I'd be laughing.

He use the word "snowballing" when he told Greta that she may have questions that will snowball into other questions. I guess that's a new word in his vocabulary after Baez used it.

Reading the transcript, listening to him made me very very suspicious of this dude. He blew off Cindy's lying but yet George was the bad guy and a liar and even the possible murderer? Say what?

That is exactly what Baez (Casey) wanted these jurors to believe and ironically that's exactly what this juror believed.

Something stinks.

Oh and he told Greta that it was "An honor" to be there on her show. Really?

2+2 = Geraldo/Baez

That is all.
Will someone explain the law to these jurors and make them realize that their decision was not based on evidence, facts and the law but solely on suspicion?
OT but---

I about lost it when she gave Diane Sawyer that pinecone necklace. :anguish:

BTW, could there be a better demonstration of polar opposites than Jaycee and Casey? The one who has the right to be bitter, rageful, and damaged beyond repair is the one who is beautiful, sweet, and focused on redemption of her tortured life. The other--who had every advantage of health, youth, and a bright future if she wanted it--turned out a vengeful, spiteful, empty pariah.
Exactly!! I think thats what gets me the most! Every single thing they were told NOT to take into consideration they seemed to use in reaching their verdict. WTH???

Why won't the people interviewing these jurors point this out and ask them about it???
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